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Prof. Dr. Christophe Boesch

Director Emeritus

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Primatology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig, Germany

E-mail: boesch@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de

Curriculum Vitae


A complete understanding to what makes us humans will emerge only from a better knowledge of the full range of the understanding, competence and capability of our closest living relative, the chimpanzee. Too often claims of human uniqueness have been based on incomplete knowledge of what chimpanzees are or were based on chimpanzees living in unnatural captive conditions. To allow for a sound comparison of humans and chimpanzees, I have concentrated in my research on chimpanzees and humans living in their natural environment and solving natural challenges in their daily life. Recently, we have worked to deepen our comparative analysis of chimpanzee and bonobo differences, and implemented an ambitious project throughout Africa to increase our scant knowledge of behavioral, technical and biological differences in chimpanzees. (more)


Western African chimpanzees are badly threatened across their natural range and declared as critically endangered

The work of the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation that I founded in 2000 is becoming more important and we have concentrated our effort recently in promoting new protected areas to protect some of the few remaining but essential chimpanzee populations in Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia and Guinea. All scientific studies show convincingly that protected areas are the best strategy towards effective protection of great ape populations throughout their range.

Please click on www.wildchimps.org to learn more about the conservation activities the WCF is implementing to help wild chimpanzees and to find out how you can help protect them too!


In recent years, I have developed an extensive approach to some of the questions I have been working on for decades to broaden our understanding of the breadth of the cultural diversity in wild chimpanzees, and in deepening our understanding of the technical intelligence skills in humans and chimpanzees. To be able to move forward on these important questions, I have been specifically working on the following areas:

1 – Cultural diversity in chimpanzees

The large “PanAfrican Chimpanzee Program” focuses on studying chimpanzee culture from all four Pan troglodytes subspecies from over 38 temporary research sites across Africa (http://panafrican.eva.mpg.de) . The program takes a holistic approach to studying chimpanzee culture and combines modern approaches like video camera traps and samples for genetic, pathogen and isotope analysis with traditional field approaches such as transects, phenology and habitat structure. The data generated by the project will have broad implications for the conservation of African primates and other sympatric species, as well as understanding the population history of chimpanzees and the factors currently affecting their distribution and survival.

Thanks to the extended video library we accumulated in the PanAfrican chimpanzee program, I have been able to analyze in detail different technical solutions adopted by different chimpanzee populations when fishing for termites from underground or aboveground nests. The technical constraints of termite fishing is limited so that individuals have the possibility to select different materials, body position and grips to fish for termites according to different nest structures. This opens the way to distinguish alternative strategies and see how much they are either due to ecological factors, or culturally based. We uncovered an impressively large number of different solutions in the populations, which emphasizes that we are still greatly underestimating behavioral and cultural diversity in chimpanzees.

2 – Technical intelligence in humans and chimpanzees

Many studies comparing humans with chimpanzees are weakened by important differences in the way the two species are compared, mainly because the chimpanzees are too often living in captivity under unnatural conditions. Since it often very difficult to ascertain which of the many differences are responsible for any differences observed, we are too often left wondering what one can conclude from such studies. In an attempt to overcome such biases I initiated several comparative studies.

In a first study on technology use, I followed the Mbendjele and Aka forest hunter-gatherers in the forest of the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo, as they cracked open nuts of the same or very similar species as I studied in the Taï chimpanzees. This allowed us for the first time to directly compare humans and chimpanzees naturally performing a very similar technique, avoiding thereby the artificiality and arbitrariness of many comparative studies. In the first analysis, I compared the adult female techniques of the three groups (Boesch et al. in press) and could see that women, thanks to their human specific tools, could gain access to nuts that the chimpanzees cannot exploit. On the other hand, for the same type of nuts, chimpanzees proved surprisingly efficient and were by some measures more efficient that humans. This shows clearly that chimpanzee possess some high level of technical intelligence and can solve technical problems in ways similar and complementary to those of humans.

In a second study, we will be looking at the acquisition of the nut-cracking skills in youngsters by comparing the Mbendjele people with the Taï chimpanzees and compare maternal interventions in the learning process of the youngster and if they contribute to make the learning more efficient and more rapid. In both species, it takes many years to reach adult proficiency and this lengthy learning process should allow us to uncover more of the development of this technique.

In collaboration with Karline Janmaat and Haneul Jang we are evaluating the spatial skills of the Mbendjele people as they forage for fruits, tubers, nuts and honey in the forest and will compare with very similar methods to our studies of the spatial skills in Taï chimpanzees. Thus in two different cognitive domains, are we going to be able to compare the two species in a natural context.

3 – Tool use in wild chimpanzees

Tool use has been a key benchmark for humanity and therefore study of tool use in animals is of special relevance. In recent years, my efforts have been encompassed three different directions:

  1. Document new tool use types: Using the important video material we collected on 38 different and new chimpanzee populations in the context of the “Pan African Chimpanzee Program”, we have come upon totally unknown tool use behavior that we were able to describe in some details. The first was stone throwing and accumulation that we discovered in some West African chimpanzee populations (Kühl et al. 2016), whereby they throw stones at tree trunks during their pant-hoot display and in some cases this results in the accumulation of stones within the tree trunk. The second was algae fishing with long sticks from deep in the water of small rivers that we discovered in chimpanzees from Guinea (Boesch et al. 2016).
  2. Follow the learning skills: With two projects are we going to address the question of maternal interventions in the learning of tool use in chimpanzees. First, Katie Corogenes is focusing on nut cracking by detailing all the interactions between mothers and infants from video recordings done over three seasons. Second, Vittoria Estienne is analysing data collected with video-traps from the unhabituated chimpanzees of Loango National Park in Gabon to see how much mothers actively or passively influence the learning by offspring. Both projects will provide insights into the interaction between teaching and learning in chimpanzees.
  3. Documenting tool-use complexity: Nut-cracking has been proposed to be one of the most complex forms of tool use in animals, and with Giulia Sirianni, we have been documenting very precisely how chimpanzees select and use their tools in the forest. Although potential hammers are over-abundant in the forest, chimpanzees optimally select their hammers by responding conditionally to the situation by considering five different physical properties (Sirianni et al. 2015). Such complex tool selection was not found in capuchin monkeys (Visalberghi et al. 2016). The extraction of honey from underground hives in Loango chimpanzees in Gabon also revealed a surprising flexibility and complexity that seemed unsurpassed when comparing with all other tool use known in chimpanzees (Estienne et al. 2016, in revision).

4 – Conservation and Conservation Biology

When working in Taï national park, I realized directly how the forest has become an island within a large cocoa and coffee plantation and that the forest would disappear without actions to promote its protection. Because of the need to have an NGO active in West Africa and specifically aimed at helping the chimpanzees, I created the wild chimpanzee foundation. Please visit www.wildchimps.org to see in detail what we are doing to help.

At the same time, too often conservation is done without the knowledge of animal population abundance and the impact of conservation measures. Presently, we are trying to develop a new method based on camera-traps to follow more precisely population trends in large mammals, including chimpanzees, My student, Noémie Cappelle, is for one year collecting very precise data in the Taï National Park to provide the necessary information for a robust and precise method that will allow then to guide our conservation activities.

Large populations are becoming rarer to find and so we are faced with the challenge of assessing the feasibility of conservation projects targeting fragmented populations. In Guinea, chimpanzees are still quite frequent but often in very fragmented populations. Is it possible to protect them? When yes, what type of fragments and actions should we perform. My student, Marie-Lyne Despres-Einspenner, is going to look into these questions.


Boesch C., Bombjakova D., Boyette A. and Meier A. In press. Technical Intelligence and Culture: Nut cracking in humans and chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

Curriculum Vitae


Date of Birth: 11-08-51 in St Gallen, Switzerland
Nationality: French and Swiss
Marital status: Married, two children (1983, 1988)
Languages: French, English, German


Secondary school1965-68: Lycée François Villon, Paris
1968-70: Collège Calvin, Genève 
degree: Maturité scientifique.
University of Geneva, Switzerland1970-75: Faculty of Biology, Diplôme de biologiste,
1975: supervisor: Prof. Hans Huggel
University of Zürich, Switzerland1979-1984: Department of Ethology and Wildlife Research
Ph.D. degree, 1984: Title: "Nut-cracking behaviour of wild chimpanzees", supervisor: Prof. Hans Kummer.
University of Basel, SwitzerlandHabilitation degree (Privat Dozent): 1994. supervisor: Prof. Stephen Stearns.

Professional experience

19733 months of census work on the Mountain Gorilla in the Virunga National Park, Rwanda. Supervised by Dr. Dian Fossey. This work was the basis of my diplom master thesis.
1975 and 1977Teaching biology at a secondary school, Collège Moderne, in Geneva.
19768 months in the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, for a preliminary study of the nut-cracking behaviour of wild chimpanzees and an evaluation of the feasibility of a long-term study.
19784 months assistant at the Department of Ethology and Wildlife Research (Prof. Hans Kummer) at the University of Zürich.
1979-ongoing Long-term study of the wild chimpanzees in the Taï National Park in the Ivory Coast. Principal themes under study; ecology, social organisation, tool-use, hunting, cooperation, food-sharing, inter-community relationships, cognitive capacities.
1984-1990Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Ethology (Prof. Hans Kummer) at the University of Zurich.
1987-19894 months visit at the Department of Population Biology (Prof. Stephen Stearns), University of Basel.
1990 and 1992
(April to July)
Comparative field study on the chimpanzees of Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania.
January 1991-
September 1997
Assistant professor at the department of Population Biology (Prof. Stephen C. Stearns), University of Basel (Switzerland).
1995 SpringVisiting Professor, University of Rennes, France.
1996 SpringVisiting Professor, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
1997- ongoingDirector, Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.
1999 (August to October)Comparative field study on the chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania.
1999- ongoingHonorary Professor, Dept. of Zoology, University of Leipzig, Germany.
2000- ongoingFounder and President of the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation.

Teaching experience

Directing field work of students:Diplom thesis: 16 students of different European universities. Ph. D. thesis: 24 students from European and American universities. Post-doctoral work: 8 students from European universities.
Teaching at the University
of Basel:
Spring 1991: Behavioural Ecology of Primates (2 hours per week).

Winter semester (1991- 1997):
Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour (4 hours per week).
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology (2 hours per week).
Seminar on Population Biology (1 hour per week).

Summer semester (1992-1997):
Field course in Population Biology (2 weeks).
Field course in Evolutionary Biology (1 week)
Teaching at the University
of Leipzig:
Summer semester (1999-ongoing):
Behavioural Ecology (2 hours per week)

Offices and advisory work

  • Fyssen Foundation, Paris, scientific board member (1985-1989)
  • World Wide Fund for Nature International (WWF Int.): Consultant to negotiate with the Ivorian government a conservation project for the Taï National Park (1987-1988).
  • World Wide Fund for Nature International: Coordinator project in the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast (1988-1992).
  • Committee for the Care and Conservation of Chimpanzee (CCCC), executive council (1988-1992)
  • Society for the study of Animal Behaviour, Member (1993-1998)
  • IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (1986-ongoing)
  • International Primatological Society (1986-ongoing)
  • International Primate Protection League (1986-ongoing).
  • International Journal of Primatology, Editorial Board (1990-2004).
  • Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Associates (1991-ongoing)
  • Pan Africa News, Editorial Board (1997-ongoing)
  • Steering Committee of the World Heritage Species Status Taskforce, Member (2002-ongoing)
  • IUCN/SSC/ Section of the Great Apes (SGA), Excecutive Committee Member (2003-ongoing)
  • Co-chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Great Apes Survival project (GRASP) of the UNEP/UNESCO (2003-ongoing)

Grant reviewer: NIH, National Science Foundation (USA), Swiss National Science Foudation, Leakey Foundation, National Geographic Society, Fulbright Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Animal Behaviour, Nature, Behaviour, Ethology, Primates, International Journal of Primatology, American Journal of Primatology, Folia Primatologica, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Current Anthropology, Behavioural Ecology, Proceedings of the National Academy Science, Serie B, Quaterly Review of Biology, American Naturalists, Journal of Human Evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

Awards and other honours

1985Prix Cortaillod for talented Swiss scientists under 35 years old, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
1987Great Apes Fellowship of the Leakey Foundation, Pasadena.
1989Great Apes Fellowship of the Leakey Foundation, Pasadena.
1999Phillip Morris Research Price, München.
2013Medal "Officier de l'Ordre National" by the president of Côte d’Ivoire Alassane Ouattara 2013
2015Prof. Boesch and the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation received the St. Andrews Prize for the Environment.



Boesch, C., & Wittig, R. M. (2019). The chimpanzees of the Taï forest: 40 years of research. Cambridge University Press.
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Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (Eds.). (2013). Menschenaffen: Begegnung mit unseren nächsten Verwandten. Stuttgart: Hirzel.
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Sanz, C. M., Call, J., & Boesch, C. (Eds.). (2013). Tool use in animals: Cognition and ecology. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.
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Boesch, C. (2012). Wild cultures: A comparison between chimpanzee and human cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.
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Boesch, C., & O'Connell, S. (2012). Chimpanzee: the making of the film. New York: Disney Editions.
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Boesch, C., Grundmann, E., & Mulhauser, B. (2011). Manifeste pour les grands singes. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.
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Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (Eds.). (2011). Among African apes: Stories and photos from the field. Berkeley: Univ. of California Pr.
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Boesch, C. (2009). The real chimpanzee: Sex strategies in the forest. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.
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Hohmann, G., Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (Eds.). (2006). Feeding ecology in apes and other primates. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr.
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Tutin, C., Stokes, E., Boesch, C., Morgan, D., Sanz, C., Reed, T., Blom, A., Walsh, P., Blake, S., & Kormos, R. (2005). Regional action plan for chimpanzees and gorillas in west equatorial Africa. Washington, DC: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group Conservation International.
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Kormos, R., & Boesch, C. (Eds.). (2003). Regional action plan for the conservation of chimpanzees in West Africa. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Biodiversity Science.
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Kormos, R., Boesch, C., Bakarr, M. I., & Butynski, T. M. (Eds.). (2003). West African chimpanzees: Status survey and conservation action plan. Gland [et al]: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
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Kormos, R., Boesch, C., Bakarr, M. I., & Butynski, T. M. (Eds.). (2003). West African chimpanzees: status survey and conservation action plan. Gland: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
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Reichard, U. H., & Boesch, C. (Eds.). (2003). Monogamy: Mating Strategies and Partnerships in Birds, Humans and Other Mammals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Boesch, C., Hohmann, G., & Marchant, L. F. (Eds.). (2002). Behavioural diversity in chimpanzees and bonobos. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr.
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Boesch, C., & Boesch-Achermann, H. (2000). The chimpanzees of the Taï Forest: Behavioural ecology and evolution. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr.
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Arandjelovic, M., Stephens, C. R., Dieguez, P., Maldonado, N., Bocksberger, G., Després‐Einspenner, M., Debetencourt, B., Estienne, V. L., Kalan, A. K., McCarthy, M., Granjon, A.-C., Städele, V., Harder, B., Hacker, L., Landsmann, A., Lynn, L. K., Pfund, H., Ročkaiová, Z., Sigler, K., Widness, J., Wilken, H., Buzharevski, A., Goffe, A. S., Havercamp, K., Luncz, L. V., Sirianni, G., Wessling, E. G., Wittig, R. M., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2024). Highly precise community science annotations of video camera‐trapped fauna in challenging environments (advance online). Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
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Benjamin, D., Barry, M. M., Arandjelovic, M., Stephens, C. R., Maldonado, N., & Boesch, C. (2024). Camera traps unveil demography, social structure, and home range of six unhabituated Western chimpanzee groups in the Moyen Bafing National Park, Guinea. American Journal of Primatology, 86(2): e23578.
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Brookes, O., Mirmehdi, M., Stephens, C., Angedakin, S., Corogenes, K., Dowd, D., Dieguez, P., Hicks, T. C., Jones, S., Lee, K., Leinert, V., Lapuente, J., McCarthy, M., Meier, A., Murai, M., Normand, E., Vergnes, V., Wessling, E. G., Wittig, R. M., Langergraber, K., Maldonado, N., Yang, X., Zuberbühler, K., Boesch, C., Arandjelovic, M., Kühl, H. S., & Burghardt, T. (2024). PanAf20K: A large video dataset for wild ape detection and behaviour recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision, 132(8), 3086-3102.
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Eppley, T. M., Reuter, K. E., Sefczek, T. M., Tinsman, J., Santini, L., Hoeks, S., Andriantsaralaza, S., Shanee, S., Fiore, A. D., Setchell, J. M., Strier, K. B., Abanyam, P. A., Mutalib, A. H. A., Abwe, E., Ahmed, T., Ancrenaz, M., Andriantsimanarilafy, R. R., Ang, A., Aureli, F., Barrett, L., Beehner, J. C., Benítez, M. E., Bezerra, B. M., Bicca-Marques, J. C., Bikaba, D., Bitariho, R., Boesch, C., Bolt, L. M., Boonratana, R., Butynski, T. M., Canale, G. R., Carvalho, S., Chapman, C. A., Chetry, D., Cheyne, S. M., Cords, M., Cornejo, F. M., Cortés-Ortiz, L., Coudrat, C. N. Z., Crofoot, M. C., Cronin, D. T., Dadjo, A., Dakpogan, S. C., Danquah, E., Davenport, T. R. B., de Jong, A., Y., de la Torre, S., Dempsey, A., Dimalibot, J. C., Dolch, R., Donati, G., Estrada, A., Farassi, R. A., Fashing, P. J., Fernandez-Duque, E., da Silva, Ferreira, M. J., Fischer, J., Flores-Negrón, C. F., Fruth, B., Neba, T. F., Gamalo, L. E., Ganzhorn, J. U., Garber, P. A., Gnanaolivu, S. D., Gonder, M. K., Bi, S. E. G., Goossens, B., Gordo, M., Guayasamin, J. M., Guzmán-Caro, D. C., Halloran, A. R., Hartel, J. A., Heymann, E. W., Hill, R. A., Hockings, K. J., Hohmann, G., Hon, N., Houngbédji, M. G., Huffman, M. A., Ikemeh, R. A., Imong, I., Irwin, M. T., Izar, P., Jerusalinsky, L., Kalema-Zikusoka, G., Kaplin, B. A., Kappeler, P. M., Kivai, S. M., Knott, C. D., Kolasartsanee, I., Koops, K., Kowalewski, M. M., Kujirakwinja, D., Kumar, A., Le, Q. K., Lewis, R. J., Lin, A. K., Link, A., Loría, L. I., Lormie, M. M., Jr., L., E., E., Lwin, N., Maisels, F., Malaivijitnond, S., Marisa, L., McCabe, G. M., McGraw, W. S., Mekonnen, A., Méndez-Carvajal, P. G., Minhós, T., Montgomery, D. M., Morelos-Juárez, C., Morgan, B. J., Morgan, D., Etingüe, A. M., Ndiaye, P. I., Nekaris, K.-A.-I., Nguyen, N., Nijman, V., Nishuli, R., Norconk, M. A., Oklander, L. I., Oktaviani, R., Ostner, J., Otali, E., Perry, S. E., Ramos, E. J. P., Porter, L. M., Pruetz, J. D., Pusey, A. E., Queiroz, H. L., Ramírez, M. A., Randriatahina, G. H., Rasoanaivo, H., Ratsimbazafy, J., Ratsirarson, J., Razafindramanana, J., Razafindratsima, O. H., Reynolds, V., Rizaldi, R., Robbins, M. M., Rodríguez, M. E., Rosales-Meda, M., Sanz, C. M., Sarkar, D., Savage, A., Schreier, A. L., Schülke, O., Segniagbeto, G. H., Serio-Silva, J. C., Setiawan, A., Seyjagat, J., Silva, F. E., Sinclair, E. M., Smith, R. L., Spaan, D., Stewart, F. A., Strum, S. C., Surbeck, M., Svensson, M. S., Talebi, M., Tédonzong, L. R., Urbani, B., Valsecchi, J., Vasey, N., Vogel, E. R., Wallace, R. B., Wallis, J., Waters, S., Wittig, R. M., Wrangham, R. W., Wright, P. C., & Mittermeier, R. A. (2024). Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment. Conservation Letters, 17(2): e13007.
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Danabalan, R., Merkel, K., Bærholm Schnell, I., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Brazzola, G., Dieguez, P., Dupain, J., Kambale‐Vyalengerera, M., Kühl, H. S., Hoffmann, C., Lapuente, J., Ngoc Thinh, V., Zimmermann, F., Leendertz, F. H., Gilbert, M. T. P., Roos, C., Mazzoni, C., Gogarten, J. F., & Calvignac‐Spencer, S. (2023). Mammal mitogenomics from invertebrate‐derived DNA. Environmental DNA, 5(5), 1004-1015.
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Suessle, V., Arandjelovic, M., Kalan, A. K., Agbor, A., Boesch, C., Brazzola, G., Deschner, T., Dieguez, P., Granjon, A.-C., Kühl, H. S., Landsmann, A., Lapuente, J., Maldonado, N., Meier, A., Rockaiova, Z., Wessling, E. G., Wittig, R. M., Downs, C. T., Weinmann, A., & Hergenroether, E. (2023). Automatic individual identification of patterned solitary species based on unlabeled video data. Journal of WSCG, 31, 1-10.
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Boesch, C. (2022). Christophe Boesch: a chance encounter in a bookshop. In S. Ross, & L. Hopper (Eds.), Chimpanzee Memoirs (pp. 80-90). New York: Columbia University Press.
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Boucher, R. D., Jaouen, K., Riedel, J., Boesch, C., Wittig, R. M., & Oelze, V. M. (2022). Evidence for delta Zn-66 values as indicators of meat consumption in the Tai chimpanzees. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 177(S73), 19-19.
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Bründl, A. C., Tkaczynski, P. J., Kohou, G. N., Boesch, C., Wittig, R. M., & Crockford, C. (2022). Response to the commentary ‘Becoming uniquely human? Comparing chimpanzee to human infancy’. Developmental Science, 25(1): e13143.
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Carvalho, S., Wessling, E. G., Abwe, E. E., Almeida‐Warren, K., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Danquah, E., Diallo, M. S., Hobaiter, C., Hockings, K., Humle, T., Ikemeh, R. A., Kalan, A. K., Luncz, L. V., Ohashi, G., Pascual‐Garrido, A., Piel, A., Samuni, L., Soiret, S., Sanz, C., & Koops, K. (2022). Using nonhuman culture in conservation requires careful and concerted action. Conservation Letters, 15(2): e12860.
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Fontsere, C., Kuhlwilm, M., Morcillo-Suarez, C., Alvarez-Estape, M., Lester, J. D., Gratton, P., Schmidt, J. M., Dieguez, P., Aebischer, T., Álvarez-Varona, P., Agbor, A., Angedakin, S., Assumang, A. K., Ayimisin, A. E., Bailey, E., Barubiyo, D., Bessone, M., Carretero-Alonso, A., Chancellor, R., Cohen, H., Danquah, E., Deschner, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Egbe, V. E., Feliu, O., Goedmakers, A., Granjon, A.-C., Head, J. S., Hedwig, D., Hermans, V., Hernandez-Aguilar, R. A., Imong, I., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kadam, P., Kaiser, M., Kambere, M., Vyalengerera, M. K., Kalan, A. K., Kienast, I., Kujirakwinja, D., Langergraber, K., Lapuente, J., Larson, B., Laudisoit, A., Lee, K., Llana, M., Llorente, M., Marrocoli, S., Morgan, D., Mulindahabi, F., Murai, M., Neil, E., Nicholl, S., Nixon, S., Normand, E., Orbell, C., Ormsby, L. J., Pacheco, L., Piel, A., Riera, L., Robbins, M. M., Rundus, A., Sanz, C., Sciaky, L., Sommer, V., Stewart, F. A., Tagg, N., Tédonzong, L. R., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Vergnes, V., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., Yuh, Y. G., Yurkiw, K., Zuberbuehler, K., Hecht, J., Vigilant, L., Boesch, C., Andrés, A. M., Hughes, D. A., Kühl, H. S., Lizano, E., Arandjelovic, M., & Marques-Bonet, T. (2022). Population dynamics and genetic connectivity in recent chimpanzee history. Cell Genomics, 2(6): 100133.
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Houa, N. A., Cappelle, N., Bitty, E. A., Normand, E., Kablan, Y. A., & Boesch, C. (2022). Animal reactivity to camera traps and its effects on abundance estimate using distance sampling in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. PeerJ, 10: e13510.
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Barratt, C. D., Lester, J. D., Gratton, P., Onstein, R. E., Kalan, A. K., McCarthy, M., Bocksberger, G., White, L. C., Vigilant, L., Dieguez, P., Abdulai, B., Aebischer, T., Agbor, A., Assumang, A. K., Bailey, E., Bessone, M., Buys, B., Carvalho, J. S., Chancellor, R., Cohen, H., Danquah, E., Deschner, T., Dongmo, Z. N., Doumbé, O. A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C. S., Eno‐Nku, M., Etoga, G., Galat‐Luong, A., Garriga, R., Gatti, S., Ghiurghi, A., Goedmakers, A., Granjon, A.-C., Hakizimana, D., Head, J. S., Hedwig, D., Herbinger, I., Hermans, V., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kadam, P., Kambi, M., Kienast, I., Kouakou, C. Y., N′Goran, K. P., Langergraber, K. E., Lapuente, J., Laudisoit, A., Lee, K., Maisels, F., Mirghani, N., Moore, D., Morgan, B., Morgan, D., Neil, E., Nicholl, S., Nkembi, L., Ntongho, A., Orbell, C., Ormsby, L. J., Pacheco, L., Piel, A. K., Pintea, L., Plumptre, A. J., Rundus, A., Sanz, C., Sommer, V., Sop, T., Stewart, F. A., Sunderland‐Groves, J., Tagg, N., Todd, A., Ton, E., Schijndel, J., VanLeeuwe, H., Vendras, E., Welsh, A., Wenceslau, J. F. C., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., Yoshihiro, N., Yuh, Y. G., Yurkiw, K., Boesch, C., Arandjelovic, M., & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP). American Journal of Primatology, 83(10): e23320.
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Boesch, C. (2021). Identifying animal complex cognition requires natural complexity. iScience, 24(3): 102195.
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Boesch, C., Gotanegre, A., Hillers, A., Kouassi, J., Boesch, H., Kizila, P., & Normand, E. (2021). Lessons learned while protecting wild chimpanzees in West Africa. American Journal of Primatology, 83: e23209.
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Bründl, A. C., Tkaczynski, P. J., Kohou, G., Boesch, C., Wittig, R. M., & Crockford, C. (2021). Systematic mapping of developmental milestones in wild chimpanzees. Developmental Science, 24(1): e12988.
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Bueno de Mesquita, C. P., Nichols, L. M., Gebert, M. J., Vanderburgh, C., Bocksberger, G., Lester, J. D., Kalan, A. K., Dieguez, P., McCarthy, M., Agbor, A., Álvarez Varona, P., Ayimisin, A. E., Bessone, M., Chancellor, R., Cohen, H., Coupland, C., Deschner, T., Egbe, V. E., Goedmakers, A., Granjon, A.-C., Grueter, C. C., Head, J. S., Hernandez-Aguilar, R. A., Jeffery, K. J., Jones, S., Kadam, P., Kaiser, M., Lapuente, J., Larson, B., Marrocoli, S., Morgan, D., Mugerwa, B., Mulindahabi, F., Neil, E., Niyigaba, P., Pacheco, L., Piel, A. K., Robbins, M. M., Rundus, A., Sanz, C. M., Sciaky, L., Sheil, D., Sommer, V., Stewart, F. A., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Vergnes, V., Wessling, E. G., Wittig, R. M., Yuh, Y. G., Yurkiw, K., Zuberbühler, K., Gogarten, J. F., Heintz-Buschart, A., Muellner-Riehl, A. N., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., Fierer, N., Arandjelovic, M., & Dunn, R. R. (2021). Structure of chimpanzee gut microbiomes across tropical Africa. mSystems, 6(3): e01269-20.
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Cappelle, N., Howe, E. J., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Estimating animal abundance and effort–precision relationship with camera trap distance sampling. Ecosphere, 12(1): e03299.
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Carvalho, J. S., Graham, B., Bocksberger, G., Maisels, F., Williamson, E. A., Wich, S., Sop, T., Amarasekaran, B., Bergl, R. A., Boesch, C., Boesch, H., Brncic, T. M., Buys, B., Chancellor, R., Danquah, E., Doumbé, O. A., Galat-Luong, A., Ganas, J., Gatti, S., Ghiurghi, A., Goedmakers, A., Granier, N., Hakizimana, D., Haurez, B., Head, J. S., Herbinger, I., Hillers, A., Jones, S., Manasseh, E.-N., McCarthy, M., Morgan, B. J., Nixon, S., Nkembi, L., Normand, E., Olson, S. H., Payne, L., Petre, C.-A., Piel, A. K., Pintea, L., Plumptre, A. J., Rundus, A., Serckx, A., Stewart, F. A., Sunderland-Groves, J., Tagg, N., Todd, A., Vosper, A., Wenceslau, J. F. C., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Predicting range shifts of African apes under global change scenarios. Diversity and Distributions, 27(9), 1663-1679.
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Colchero, F., Aburto, J., Archie, E., Boesch, C., Breuer, T., Campos, F., Collins, A., Conde, D., Cords, M., Crockford, C., Thompson, M. E., Fedigan, L., Fichtel, C., Groenenberg, M., Hobaiter, C., Kappeler, P., Lawler, R., Lewis, R., Machanda, Z., Manguette, M., Muller, M., Packer, C., Parnell, R., Perry, S., Pusey, A., Robbins, M. M., Seyfarth, R., Silk, J., Staerk, J., Stoinski, T., Stokes, E., Strier, K., Strum, S., Tung, J., Villavicencio, F., Wittig, R. M., Wrangham, R., Zuberbühler, K., Vaupel, J., & Alberts, S. (2021). The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis. Nature Communications, 12: 3666.
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Lester, J. D., Vigilant, L., Gratton, P., McCarthy, M. S., Barratt, C. D., Dieguez, P., Agbor, A., Álvarez-Varona, P., Angedakin, S., Ayimisin, A. E., Bailey, E., Bessone, M., Brazzola, G., Chancellor, R., Cohen, H., Danquah, E., Deschner, T., Egbe, V. E., Eno-Nku, M., Goedmakers, A., Granjon, A.-C., Head, J., Hedwig, D., Hernandez-Aguilar, R. A., Jeffery, K. J., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kadam, P., Kaiser, M., Kalan, A. K., Kehoe, L., Kienast, I., Langergraber, K. E., Lapuente, J., Laudisoit, A., Lee, K., Marrocoli, S., Mihindou, V., Morgan, D., Muhanguzi, G., Neil, E., Nicholl, S., Orbell, C., Ormsby, L. J., Pacheco, L., Piel, A., Robbins, M. M., Rundus, A., Sanz, C., Sciaky, L., Siaka, A. M., Städele, V., Stewart, F., Tagg, N., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Vyalengerera, M. K., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., Yuh, Y. G., Yurkiw, K., Zuberbuehler, K., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., & Arandjelovic, M. (2021). Recent genetic connectivity and clinal variation in chimpanzees. Communications Biology, 4: 283.
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McCarthy, M. S., Stephens, C. R., Dieguez, P., Samuni, L., Després-Einspenner, M.-L., Harder, B., Landsmann, A., Lynn, L. K., Maldonado, N., Ročkaiová, Z., Widness, J., Wittig, R. M., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., & Arandjelovic, M. (2021). Chimpanzee identification and social network construction through an online citizen science platform. Ecology and Evolution, 11(4), 1598-1608.
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Ordaz-Németh, I., Sop, T., Amarasekaran, B., Bachmann, M., Boesch, C., Brncic, T., Caillaud, D., Campbell, G., Carvalho, J., Chancellor, R., Davenport, T. R. B., Dowd, D., Eno-Nku, M., Ganas-Swaray, J., Granier, N., Greengrass, E., Heinicke, S., Herbinger, I., Inkamba-Nkulu, C., Iyenguet, F., Junker, J., Bobo, K. S., Lushimba, A., Maisels, F., Malanda, G. A. F., McCarthy, M. S., Motsaba, P., Moustgaard, J., Murai, M., Ndokoue, B., Nixon, S., Nseme, R. A., Nzooh, Z., Pintea, L., Plumptre, A. J., Roy, J., Rundus, A., Sanderson, J., Serckx, A., Strindberg, S., Tweh, C., Vanleeuwe, H., Vosper, A., Waltert, M., Williamson, E. A., Wilson, M., Mundry, R., & Kühl, H. S. (2021). Range-wide indicators of African great ape density distribution. American Journal of Primatology, 83(12): e23338.
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Phillips, S., Scheffrahn, R., Piel, A. K., Stewart, F., Agbor, A., Tickle, A., Sommer, V., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., & Oelze, V. M. (2021). Limited evidence of C4 plant consumption in mound building Macrotermes termites from savanna woodland chimpanzee sites. PLoS One, 16(2): e0244685.
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Surbeck, M., Girard-Buttoz, C., Samuni, L., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Crockford, C., Wittig, R. M., & Hohmann, G. (2021). Attractiveness of female sexual signaling predicts differences in female grouping patterns between bonobos and chimpanzees. Communications Biology, 4: 1119.
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Boesch, C., Kalan, A. K., Mundry, R., Arandjelovic, M., Pika, S., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A. E., Barciela, A., Coupland, C., Egbe, V. E., Eno-Nku, M., Michael Fay, J., Fine, D., Adriana Hernandez-Aguilar, R., Hermans, V., Kadam, P., Kambi, M., Llana, M., Maretti, G., Morgan, D., Murai, M., Neil, E., Nicholl, S., Ormsby, L. J., Orume, R., Pacheco, L., Piel, A., Sanz, C., Sciaky, L., Stewart, F. A., Tagg, N., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., & Kühl, H. S. (2020). Chimpanzee ethnography reveals unexpected cultural diversity. Nature Human Behaviour.
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Girard-Buttoz, C., Surbeck, M., Samuni, L., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Crockford, C., Hohmann, G., & Wittig, R. M. (2020). Variable use of polyadic grooming and its effect on access to social partners in wild chimpanzees and bonobos. Animal Behavior, 168, 211-224.
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Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Roessingh, P., Ewango, C., & Mundry, R. (2020). The relationship between tool use and prey availability in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Primatology, 41, 936-959.
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Jang, H., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., Ban, S. D., & Janmaat, K. R. L. (2020). Comparison of large-scale spatial performances of human foragers and chimpanzees in tropical rainforests. Folia Primatologica, 91(3), 320.
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Lapuente, J., Arandjelovic, M., Kühl, H., Dieguez, P., Boesch, C., & Linsenmair, K. E. (2020). Sustainable peeling of Kapok Tree (Ceiba pentandra) bark by the chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast. International Journal of Primatology, 41, 962-988.
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Heinicke, S., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., Amarasekaran, B., Barrie, A., Brncic, T., Brugière, D., Campbell, G., Carvalho, J., Danquah, E., Dowd, D., Eshuis, H., Fleury-Brugière, M.-C., Gamys, J., Ganas, J., Gatti, S., Ginn, L., Goedmakers, A., Granier, N., Herbinger, I., Hillers, A., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kouakou, C., Lapeyre, V., Leinert, V., Maisels, F., Marrocoli, S., Molokwu-Odozi, M., N'Goran, P. K., Pacheco, L., Regnaut, S., Sop, T., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Vergnes, V., Voigt, M., Welsh, A., Wessling, E. G., Williamson, E. A., & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Advancing conservation planning for western chimpanzees using IUCN SSC A.P.E.S.—the case of a taxon-specific database. Environmental Research Letters, 14(6): 064001.
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Heinicke, S., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., Hockings, K. J., Kormos, R., Ndiaye, P. I., Tweh, C. G., Williamson, E. A., & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Towards systematic and evidence-based conservation planning for western chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology, 81(9): e23042.
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Hicks, C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A. E., Fernandez, R. M., Zungawa, D. B., Kambere, M., Swinkels, J., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Mundry, R., & Roessingh, P. (2019). Bili-Uéré: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. Folia Primatologica, 90(1), 3-64.
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Jang, H., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., Ban, S. D., & Janmaat, K. R. L. (2019). Travel linearity and speed of human foragers and chimpanzees during their daily search for food in tropical rainforests. Scientific Reports, 9: 11066.
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Kablan, Y. A., Diarrassouba, A., Mundry, R., Campbell, G., Normand, E., Kühl, H. S., Koné, I., & Boesch, C. (2019). Effects of anti-poaching patrols on the distribution of large mammals in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Oryx, 53(3), 469-478.
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Kalan, A. K., Hohmann, G., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., McCarthy, M., Agbor, A., Angedakin, S., Bailey, E., Wilungula Balongelwa, C., Bessone, M., Bocksberger, G., Coxe, S. J., Deschner, T., Despres-Einspenner, M.-L., Dieguez, P., Fruth, B., Herbinger, I., Granjon, A.-C., Head, J. S., Kablan, Y. A., Langergraber, K. E., Lotana Lokasola, A., Maretti, G., Marrocoli, S., Mbende, M., Moustgaard, J., N’Goran, P. K., Robbins, M. M., van Schijndel, J., Sommer, V., Surbeck, M., Tagg, N., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Novelty response of wild African apes to camera traps. Current Biology, 29(7), 1211-1217.
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Kouassi, J. A. K., Normand, E., Koné, I., & Boesch, C. (2019). Bushmeat consumption and environmental awareness in rural households: A case study around Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Oryx, 53(2), 293-299.
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Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Kulik, L., Haas, F., Arandjelovic, M., Dieguez, P., Bocksberger, G., McElreath, M. B., Agbor, A., Angedakin, S., Ayimisin, A. E., Bailey, E., Barubiyo, D., Bessone, M., Brazzola, G., Chancellor, R., Cohen, H., Coupland, C., Danquah, E., Deschner, T., Dowd, D., Dunn, A., Egbe, V. E., Eshuis, H., Goedmakers, A., Granjon, A.-C., Head, J. S., Hedwig, D., Hermans, V., Imong, I., Jeffery, K. J., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kadam, P., Kambere, M., Kambi, M., Kienast, I., Kujirakwinja, D., Langergraber, K., Lapuente, J., Larson, B., Lee, K., Leinert, V., Llana, M., Maretti, G., Marrocoli, S., Martin, R., Mbi, T. J., Meier, A., Morgan, B., Morgan, D., Mulindahabi, F., Murai, M., Neil, E., Niyigaba, P., Ormsby, L. J., Orume, R., Pacheco, L., Piel, A., Preece, J., Regnaut, S., Rundus, A., Sanz, C., van Schijndel, J., Sommer, V., Stewart, F., Tagg, N., Vendras, E., Vergnes, V., Welsh, A., Wessling, E. G., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., Yuh, Y. G., Yurkiw, K., Zuberbuehler, K., & Kalan, A. K. (2019). Human impact erodes chimpanzee behavioral diversity. Science, 363(6434), 1453-1455.
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Luncz, L. V., Mundry, R., Soiret, S., & Boesch, C. (2019). Cultural diversity of nut-cracking behaviour between two populations of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Côte d'Ivoire. In C. Boesch, & R. M. Wittig (Eds.), The chimpanzees of the Taï forest: 40 years of research (pp. 194-220). Cambridge University Press.
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McCarthy, M., Despres-Einspenner, M.-L., Farine, D. R., Samuni, L., Angedakin, S., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Havercamp, K., Knight, A., Langergraber, K. E., Wittig, R. M., & Kühl, H. S. (2019). Camera traps provide a robust alternative to direct observations for constructing social networks of wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 157, 227-238.
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McCarthy, M., Despres-Einspenner, M.-L., Samuni, L., Mundry, R., Lemoine, S., Preis, A., Wittig, R. M., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2018). An assessment of the efficacy of camera traps for studying demographic composition and variation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). American Journal of Primatology, 80(9): e22904.
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Seiler, N., Boesch, C., Stephens, C. R., Ortmann, S., Mundry, R., & Robbins, M. M. (2018). Social and ecological correlates of space use patterns in Bwindi mountain gorillas. American Journal of Primatology, 80(4): e22754.
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Sirianni, G., Wittig, R. M., Gratton, P., Mundry, R., Schüler, A., & Boesch, C. (2018). Do chimpanzees anticipate an object's weight? A field experiment on the kinematics of hammer-lifting movements in the nut-cracking Tai chimpanzees. Animal Cognition, 21(1), 109-118.
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van Casteren, A., Oelze, V. M., Angedakin, S., Kalan, A. K., Kambi, M., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., Langergraber, K. E., Piel, A. K., Stewart, F. A., & Kupczik, K. (2018). Food mechanical properties and isotopic signatures in forest versus savannah dwelling eastern chimpanzees. Communications Biology, 1(1): 109.
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Boesch, C., Kalan, A. K., Agbor, A., Arandjelovic, M., Dieguez, P., Lapeyre, V., & Kühl, H. S. (2017). Chimpanzees routinely fish for algae with tools during the dry season in Bakoun, Guinea. American Journal of Primatology, 79(3): e22613.
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Do wild chimpanzee populations develop diverse cultures? [Latest Thinking]
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Estienne, V., Stephens, C. R., & Boesch, C. (2017). Extraction of honey from underground bee nests by central African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in Loango National Park, Gabon: Techniques and individual differences. American Journal of Primatology, 79(8): e22672.
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Kühl, H. S., Sop, T., Williamson, E. A., Mundry, R., Brugière, D., Campbell, G., Cohen, H., Danquah, E., Ginn, L., Herbinger, I., Jones, S., Junker, J., Kormos, R., Kouakou, C. Y., N'Goran, P. K., Normand, E., Shutt-Phillips, K., Tickle, A., Vendras, E., Welsh, A., Wessling, E. G., & Boesch, C. (2017). The critically endangered western chimpanzee declines by 80%. American Journal of Primatology, 79(9): e22681.
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Seiler, N., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., Stephens, C. R., & Robbins, M. M. (2017). Space partitioning in wild, non-territorial mountain gorillas: The impact of food and neighbours. Royal Society Open Science, 4(11), 1-13.
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Surbeck, M., Boesch, C., Girard-Buttoz, C., Crockford, C., Hohmann, G., & Wittig, R. M. (2017). Comparison of male conflict behavior in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), with specific regard to coalition and post-conflict behavior. American Journal of Primatology, 79(6): e22641.
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Surbeck, M., Girard-Buttoz, C., Boesch, C., Crockford, C., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., Langergraber, K., Zuberbühler, K., Wittig, R. M., & Mundry, R. (2017). Sex-specific association patterns in bonobos and chimpanzees reflect species differences in cooperation. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 161081.
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Ban, S. D., Boesch, C., N'Guessan, A., N'Goran, E. K., Tako, A., & Janmaat, K. R. L. (2016). Taï chimpanzees change their travel direction for rare feeding trees providing fatty fruits. Animal Behaviour, 118, 135-147.
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Behringer, V., Stevens, J. M. G., Kivell, T. L., Neufuss, J., Boesch, C., & Hohmann, G. (2016). Within arm's reach: Measuring forearm length to assess growth patterns in captive bonobos and chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 161(1), 37-43.
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Behringer, V., Wudy, S. A., Blum, W. F., Stevens, J. M. G., Rehmer, T., Boesch, C., & Hohmann, G. (2016). Sex differences in age-related decline of urinary insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 levels in adult bonobos and chimpanzees. Frontiers in endocrinology, 7: 118.
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Cissewski, J., & Boesch, C. (2016). Communication without language: How great apes may cover crucial advantages of language without creating a system of symbolic communication. Gesture, 15(2), 224-249.
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Gogarten, J. F., Düx, A., Schuenemann, V. J., Nowak, K., Boesch, C., Wittig, R. M., Krause, J., Calvignac-Spencer, S., & Leendertz, F. H. (2016). Tools for opening new chapters in the book of Treponema pallidum evolutionary history. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 22(11), 916-921.
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Janmaat, K., Boesch, C., Byrne, R., Chapman, C., Goné Bi, Z. B., Head, J. S., Robbins, M. M., Wrangham, R., & Polansky, L. (2016). The spatio-temporal complexity of chimpanzee food: How cognitive adaptations can counteract the ephemeral nature of ripe fruit. American Journal of Primatology, 78(6), 626-645.
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Kalan, A., Piel, A. K., Mundry, R., Wittig, R. M., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2016). Passive acoustic monitoring reveals group ranging and territory use: A case study of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Frontiers in Zoology, 13: 34.
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Kühl, H. S., Kalan, A. K., Arandjelovic, M., Aubert, F., D'Auvergne, L., Goedmakers, A., Jones, S., Kehoe, L., Regnaut, S., Tickle, A., Ton, E., van Schijndel, J., Abwe, E. E., Angedakin, S., Agbor, A., Ayimisin, E. A., Bailey, E., Bessone, M., Bonnet, M., Brazolla, G., Ebua Buh, V., Chancellor, R., Cipoletta, C., Cohen, H., Corogenes, K., Coupland, C., Curran, B., Deschner, T., Dierks, K., Dieguez, P., Dilambaka, E., Diotoh, O., Dowd, D., Dunn, A., Eshuis, H., Fernandez, R., Ginath, Y., Hart, J., Hedwig, D., Ter Heegde, M., Hicks, T. C., Imong, I. S., Jeffery, K. J., Junker, J., Kadam, P., Kambi, M., Kienast, I., Kujirakwinja, D., Langergraber, K. E., Lapeyre, V., Lapuente, J., Lee, K., Leinert, V., Meier, A., Maretti, G., Marrocoli, S., Mbi, T. J., Mihindou, V., Möbius, Y. B., Morgan, D., Morgan, B., Mulindahabi, F., Murai, M., Niyigabae, P., Normand, E., Ntare, N., Orsmby, L. J., Piel, A., Pruetz, J., Rundus, A., Sanz, C., Sommer, V., Stewart, F., Tagg, N., Vanleeuwe, H., Vergnes, V., Willie, J., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbuehler, K., & Boesch, C. (2016). Chimpanzee accumulative stone throwing. Scientific Reports, 6: 22219.
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Madinda, N. F., Ehlers, B., Wertheim, J. O., Akoua-Koffi, C., Bergl, R. A., Boesch, C., Akonkwa, D. B. M., Eckardt, W., Fruth, B., Gillespie, T. R., Gray, M., Hohmann, G., Karhemere, S., Kujirakwinja, D., Langergraber, K. E., Muyembe, J.-J., Nishuli, R., Pauly, M., Petrzelkova, K. J., Robbins, M. M., Todd, A., Schubert, G., Stoinski, T. S., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbühler, K., Peeters, M., Leendertz, F. H., & Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2016). Assessing host-virus codivergence for close relatives of merkel cell polyomavirus infecting african great apes. Journal of Virology, 90(19), 8531-8541.
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Oelze, V. M., Fahy, G. E., Hohmann, G., Robbins, M. M., Leinert, V., Lee, K., Eshuis, H., Seiler, N., Wessling, E. G., Head, J. S., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2016). Comparative isotope ecology of African great apes. Journal of Human Evolution, 101, 1-16.
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Boesch, C. (2015). Similarities between chimpanzee and human culture. In M. J. Gelfand, C.-Y. Chiu, & Y.-Y. Hong (Eds.), Handbook of advances in culture and psychology (Volume 5) (pp. 1-37). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr.
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Cissewski, J., & Boesch, C. (2015). How great apes can do without language. Poster presented at Fourteenth Conference of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie (GfP), Leipzig.
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Cissewski, J., & Boesch, C. (2015). The role of 'natural meaning' in great ape communication. Poster presented at Spring Meeting of the Primate Society of Great Britain (PSGB), Roehampton, London.
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D’arc, M., Ayouba, A., Esteban, A., Learn, G. H., Boué, V., Liegeois, F., Etienne, L., Tagg, N., Leendertz, F. H., Boesch, C., Madinda, N. F., Robbins, M. M., Gray, M., Cournil, A., Ooms, M., Letko, M., Simon, V. A., Sharp, P. M., Hahn, B. H., Delaporte, E., Ngole, E. M., & Peeters, M. (2015). Origin of the HIV-1 group O epidemic in western lowland gorillas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(11), E1343-E1352.
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De Nys, H. M., Madinda, N. F., Merkel, K., Robbins, M. M., Boesch, C., Leendertz, F. H., & Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2015). A cautionary note on fecal sampling and molecular epidemiology in predatory wild great apes. American Journal of Primatology, 77(8), 833-840.
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Eckhardt, N., Polansky, L., & Boesch, C. (2015). Spatial cohesion of adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. American Journal of Primatology, 77(2), 125-134.
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Estienne, V., & Boesch, C. (2015). Underground honey extraction by chimpanzees, honey badgers and forest elephants in Loango National Park, Gabon. Folia primatologica, 86(4), 276-277.
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Fahy, G. E., Boesch, C., Hublin, J.-J., & Richards, M. P. (2015). The effectiveness of using carbonate isotope measurements of body tissues to infer diet in human evolution: Evidence from wild western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Journal of Human Evolution, 88, 70-78.
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Hedwig, D., Mundry, R., Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (2015). Audience effects, but not environmental influences, explain variation in gorilla close distance vocalizations. A test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. American Journal of Primatology, 77(12), 1239-1252.
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Hedwig, D., Mundry, R., Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (2015). Contextual correlates of syntactic variation in mountain and western gorilla close-distance vocalizations: Indications for lexical or phonological syntax? Animal Cognition, 18(2), 423-435.
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Hicks, T. C., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. (2015). Chimpanzee tool use in northern DR Congo is not tied to abundance of insect prey. Folia primatologica, 86(4), 296.
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Hoppe, E., Pauly, M., Gillespie, T. R., Akoua-Koffi, C., Hohmann, G., Fruth, B., Karhemere, S., Madinda, N. F., Mugisha, L., Muyembe, J.-J., Todd, A., Petrzelkova, K. J., Gray, M., Robbins, M. M., Bergl, R. A., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbühler, K., Boesch, C., Schubert, G., Leendertz, F. H., Ehlers, B., & Calvignac-Spencer, S. (2015). Multiple cross-species transmission events of human adenoviruses (HAdV) during hominine evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32(8), 2072-2084.
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Jirků, M., Votýpka, J., Petrželková, K. J., Jirků-Pomajbíková, K., Kriegová, E., Vodička, R., Lankester, F., Leendertz, S. A. J., Wittig, R. M., Boesch, C., Modrý, D., Ayala, F. J., Leendertz, F. H., & Lukeš, J. (2015). Wild chimpanzees are infected by Trypanosoma brucei. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 4(3), 277-282.
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Junker, J., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., & Kühl, H. S. (2015). Integrating wildlife conservation with conflicting economic land-use goals in a West African biodiversity hotspot. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16(8), 690-702.
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Junker, J., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., Stephens, C. R., Lormie, M., Tweh, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2015). Education and access to fish but not economic development predict chimpanzee and mammal occurrence in West Africa. Biological Conservation, 182, 27-35.
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Kalan, A. K., & Boesch, C. (2015). Audience effects in chimpanzee food calls and their potential for recruiting others. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(10), 1701-1712.
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Kalan, A. K., Mundry, R., & Boesch, C. (2015). Wild chimpanzees modify food call structure with respect to tree size for a particular fruit species. Animal Behaviour, 101, 1-9.
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Kalan, A. K., Mundry, R., Wagner, O. J. J., Heinicke, S., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2015). Towards the automated detection and occupancy estimation of primates using passive acoustic monitoring. Ecological Indicators, 54, 217-226.
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Luncz, L. V., & Boesch, C. (2015). The extent of cultural variation between adjacent chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) communities: A microecological approach. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156(1), 67-75.
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Luncz, L. V., Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2015). Primate archaeology reveals cultural transmission in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 370(1682): 0140348.
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Neufuss, J., Humle, T., Deschner, T., Robbins, M. M., Sirianni, G., Boesch, C., & Kivell, T. L. (2015). Diversity of hand grips and laterality in wild African apes. Folia primatologica, 86(4), 329.
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Saéz, A. M., Weiss, S., Nowak, K., Lapeyre, V., Zimmermann, F., Düx, A., Kühl, H. S., Kaba, M., Regnaut, S., Merkel, K., Sachse, A., Thiesen, U., Villányi, L., Boesch, C., Dabrowski, P. W., Radonić, A., Nitsche, A., Leendertz, S. A. J., Petterson, S., Becker, S., Krähling, V., Couacy-Hymann, E., Akoua-Koffi, C., Weber, N., Schaade, L., Fahr, J., Borchert, M., Gogarten, J. F., Calvignac-Spencer, S., & Leendertz, F. H. (2015). Investigating the zoonotic origin of the West African Ebola epidemic. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 7(1), 17-23.
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Sanford, S. R., Boesch, C., & Stumpf, R. M. (2015). The effect of reproductive state on female-female associations in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156(S60), 275-276.
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Sirianni, G., Mundry, R., & Boesch, C. (2015). When to choose which tool: Multidimensional and conditional selection of nut-cracking hammers in wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 100, 152-165.
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Sirianni, G., Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2015). Do chimpanzees anticipate an object's weight? A field experiment on the kinematics of hammer-lifting movements in the nut-cracking Tai chimpanzees. Folia primatologica, 86(4), 360-361.
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Smith, T. M., & Boesch, C. (2015). Developmental defects in the teeth of three wild chimpanzees from the Taï forest. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 157(4), 556-570.
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van Andel, A. C., Wich, S. A., Boesch, C., Koh, L. P., Robbins, M. M., Kelly, J., & Kühl, H. S. (2015). Locating chimpanzee nests and identifying fruiting trees with an unmanned aerial vehicle. American Journal of Primatology, 77(10), 1122-1134.
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Visalberghi, E., Sirianni, G., Fragaszy, D., & Boesch, C. (2015). Percussive tool use by Taï Western chimpanzees and Fazenda Boa Vista bearded capuchin monkeys: A comparison. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, 370(1682): 20140351.
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Arandjelovic, M., Head, J. S., Boesch, C., Robbins, M. M., & Vigilant, L. (2014). Genetic inference of group dynamics and female kin structure in a western lowland gorilla population (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Primate Biology, 1(1), 29-38.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Ban, S. D., Boesch, C., & Janmaat, K. (2014). Taï chimpanzees anticipate revisiting high-valued fruit trees from further distances. Animal Cognition, 17(6), 1353-1364.
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Borchers, C., Boesch, C., Riedel, J., Guilahoux, H., Ouattara, D., & Randler, C. (2014). Environmental education in Côte d'Ivoire/West Africa: Extra-curricular primary school teaching shows positive impact on environmental knowledge and attitudes. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 4(3), 240-259.
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De Nys, H. M., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Boesch, C., Dorny, P., Wittig, R. M., Mundry, R., & Leendertz, F. H. (2014). Malaria parasite detection increases during pregnancy in wild chimpanzees. Malaria Journal, 13: 413.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Fahy, G. E., Boesch, C., Hublin, J.-J., & Richards, M. P. (2014). Dietary ecology of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodyes verus) inferred from a comparison of behavioural and bone carbonate (d13C and d18O) and collagen (d13C and d15N) isotopic analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153(S58), 115.
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Fahy, G. E., Richards, M. P., Fuller, B. T., Deschner, T., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2014). Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of dentine serial sections elucidate sex differences in weaning patterns of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153(4), 635-642.
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Gogarten, J. F., Akoua-Koffi, C., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Leendertz, S. A. J., Weiss, S., Couacy-Hymann, E., Koné, I., Peeters, M., Wittig, R. M., Boesch, C., Hahn, B. H., & Leendertz, F. H. (2014). The ecology of primate retroviruses – An assessment of 12 years of retroviral studies in the Taï national park area, Côte d'Ivoire. Virology, 460-461, 147-153.
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Hedwig, D., Hammerschmidt, K., Mundry, R., Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (2014). Acoustic structure and variation in mountain and western gorilla close calls: a syntactic approach. Behaviour, 151(8), 1091-1120.
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Hicks, T. C., Tranquilli, S., Kühl, H. S., Campbell, G., Swinkels, J., Darby, L., Boesch, C., Hart, J., & Menken, S. B. (2014). Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Discovery of a large, continuous population of Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii in the Central Uele region of northern DRC. Biological Conservation, 171, 107-113.
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Janmaat, K., Polansky, L., Ban, S. D., & Boesch, C. (2014). Wild chimpanzees plan their breakfast time, type, and location. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(46), 16343-16348.
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Luncz, L. V., & Boesch, C. (2014). Tradition over trend: Neighboring chimpanzee communities maintain differences in cultural behavior despite frequent immigration of adult females. American Journal of Primatology, 76(7), 649-657.
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Oelze, V. M., Head, J. S., Robbins, M. M., Richards, M. P., & Boesch, C. (2014). Niche differentiation and dietary seasonality among sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees in Loango National Park (Gabon) revealed by stable isotope analysis. Journal of Human Evolution, 66(1), 95-106.
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Oelze, V. M., Head, J. S., Robbins, M. M., Richards, M., & Boesch, C. (2014). Seasonality and niche partitioning among sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees in Loango National Park (Gabon) revealed by stable isotope analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153(S58), 200.
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Radonić, A., Metzger, S., Dabrowski, P. W., Couacy-Hymann, E., Schuenadel, L., Kurth, A., Mätz-Rensing, K., Boesch, C., Leendertz, F. H., & Nitsche, A. (2014). Fatal monkeypox in wild-living sooty mangabey, Côte d’Ivoire, 2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20(6), 1009-1011.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Wilson, M. L., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Furuichi, T., Gilby, I. C., Hashimoto, C., Hobaiter, C. L., Hohmann, G., Itoh, N., Koops, K., Lloyd, J. N., Matsuzawa, T., Mitani, J. C., Mjungu, D. C., Morgan, D., Muller, M. N., Mundry, R., Nakamura, M., Pruetz, J., Pusey, A. E., Riedel, J., Sanz, C., Schel, A. M., Simmons, N., Waller, M., Watts, D. P., White, F., Wittig, R. M., Zuberbühler, K., & Wrangham, R. W. (2014). Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts. Nature, 513(7518), 414-417.
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Blasse, A., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Merkel, K., Goffe, A. S., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., & Leendertz, F. H. (2013). Mother-offspring transmission and age-dependent accumulation of Simian foamy virus in wild chimpanzees. Journal of Virology, 87(9), 5193-5204.
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Boesch, C. (2013). Ecology and cognition of tool use in chimpanzees. In C. M. Sanz, J. Call, & C. Boesch (Eds.), Tool use in animals: cognition and ecology (pp. 21-47). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
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Boesch, C., & Deschner, T. (2013). Schimpansen - der Film: Forschung hinter den Kulissen [Website].
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Calvignac-Spencer, S., Merkel, K., Kutzner, N., Kühl, H., Boesch, C., Kappeler, P. M., Metzger, S., Schubert, G., & Leendertz, F. H. (2013). Carrion fly-derived DNA as a tool for comprehensive and cost-effective assessment of mammalian biodiversity. Molecular Ecology, 22(4), 915-924.
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Coscolla, M., Lewin, A., Metzger, S., Maetz-Rennsing, K., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Nitsche, A., Dabrowski, P. W., Radonic, A., Niemann, S., Parkhill, J., Couacy-Hymann, E., Feldman, J., Comas, I., Boesch, C., Gagneux, S., & Leendertz, F. H. (2013). Novel mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolate from a wild chimpanzee. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19(6), 969-976.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

De Nys, H. M., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Thiesen, U., Boesch, C., Wittig, R. M., Mundry, R., & Leendertz, F. H. (2013). Age-related effects on malaria parasite infection in wild chimpanzees. Biology Letters, 9(4): 20121160.
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Fahy, G. E., Richards, M. P., Riedel, J., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2013). Stable isotope evidence of meat eating and hunting specialization in adult male chimpanzees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(15), 5829-5833.
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Fahy, G. E., Richards, M. P., Riedel, J., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2013). The role of the hunter: Stable isotope evidence of hunting in adult male chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150(Suppl. 56), 121.
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Head, J. S., Boesch, C., Robbins, M. M., Rabanal, L. I., Makaga, L., & Kühl, H. S. (2013). Effective sociodemographic population assessment of elusive species in ecology and conservation management. Ecology and Evolution, 3(9), 2903-2916.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Hicks, T. C., Tranquilli, S., Kühl, H., Campbell, G., Swinkels, J., Darby, L., Boesch, C., Hart, J., & Menken, S. B. J. (2013). A large, continuous, and stable population of Eastern Chimpanzees inhabits the forest of Northern DR Congo. Folia primatologica, 84, 286-287.
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Janmaat, K. R. L., Ban, S. D., & Boesch, C. (2013). Taï chimpanzees use botanical skills to discover fruit: What we can learn from their mistakes. Animal Cognition, 16(6), 851-860.
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Janmaat, K., Ban, S. D., & Boesch, C. (2013). Chimpanzees use long-term spatial memory to monitor large fruit trees and remember feeding experiences across seasons. Animal Behaviour, 86(6), 1183-1205.
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Kalan, A., & Boesch, C. (2013). Do wild Chimpanzees have functionally referential food calls? Folia primatologica, 84(3-5), 290.
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Luncz, L. V., & Boesch, C. (2013). Conformity to group specific tool use behaviour among three neighbouring chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) communities in Cote d'Ivoire. Folia primatologica, 84(3-5), 298.
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Murthy, S., Couacy-Hymann, E., Metzger, S., Nowak, K., De Nys, H. M., Boesch, C., Wittig, R. M., Jarvis, M. A., Leendertz, F. H., & Ehlers, B. (2013). Absence of frequent herpesvirus transmission in a nonhuman primate predator-prey system in the wild. Journal of Virology, 87(19), 10651-10659.
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N’Goran, P. K., Kouakou, C. Y., N’goran, E. K., Konaté, S., Herbinger, I., Yapi, F. A., Kühl, H. S., & Boesch, C. (2013). Chimpanzee conservation status in the World Heritage Site Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 3(1), 326-336.
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Polansky, L., & Boesch, C. (2013). Long-term changes in fruit phenology in a West African lowland tropical rain forest are not explained by rainfall. Biotropica, 45(4), 434-440.
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Schaumburg, F., Mugisha, L., Kappeler, P., Fichtel, C., Köck, R., Köndgen, S., Becker, K., Boesch, C., Peters, G., & Leendertz, F. (2013). Evaluation of non-invasive biological samples to monitor Staphylococcus aureus colonization in great apes and lemurs. PLoS One, 8(10): e78046.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Schubert, G., Vigilant, L., Boesch, C., Klenke, R., Langergraber, K. E., Mundry, R., Surbeck, M., & Hohmann, G. (2013). Co–residence between males and their mothers and grandmothers is more frequent in bonobos than chimpanzees. PLoS One, 8(12): e83870.
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Scuda, N., Madinda, N. F., Akoua-Koffi, C., Adjogoua, E. V., Wevers, D., Hofmann, J., Cameron, K. N., Leendertz, S. A. J., Couacy-Hymann, E., Robbins, M., Boesch, C., Jarvis, M. A., Moens, U., Mugisha, L., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Leendertz, F. H., & Ehlers, B. (2013). Novel polyomaviruses of nonhuman primates: Genetic and serological predictors for the existence of multiple unknown polyomaviruses within the human population. PLoS Pathogens, 9(6): e1003429.
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Wittiger, L., & Boesch, C. (2013). Female gregariousness in Western Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) is influenced by resource aggregation and the number of females in estrus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67(7), 1097-1111.
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Adlhoch, C., Kaiser, M., Loewa, A., Ulrich, M., Forbrig, C., Adjogoua, E. V., Akoua-Koffi, C., Couacy-Hymann, E., Leendertz, S. A., Rietschel, W., Boesch, C., Ellerbrok, H., Schneider, B. S., & Leendertz, F. H. (2012). Diversity of parvovirus 4–like viruses in humans, chimpanzees, and monkeys in hunter–prey relationships. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 18(5), 589-862.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Campbell, G., Head, J., Hohmann, G., Junker, J., Kouakou, C. Y., Kuehl, H., Leendertz, F., Leinert, V., Moebius, Y., Murai, M., Oelze, V., Rabanal, L., Robbins, M., Vergnes, V., & Wagner, O. J. J.(2012). Pan African Programme. The cultured chimpanzee. Guidelines for research and data collection. Max Planck Gesellschaft. Wild Chimpanzee Foundation.
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Boesch, C. (2012). Christophe Boesch [Q&A]. Current Biology, 22(22), R936-R937.
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Boesch, C. (2012). From material to symbolic cultures: Culture in primates. In J. Valsiner (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology (pp. 677-692). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
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Boesch, C. (2012). The ecology and evolution of social behavior and cognition in primates. In J. Vonk (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 486-503). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
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Breuer, T., Robbins, A. M., Boesch, C., & Robbins, M. M. (2012). Phenotypic correlates of male reproductive success in western gorillas. Journal of Human Evolution, 62(4), 466-472.
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Campbell, G., Junker, J., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H.(2012). Global A.P.E.S. status report. A report with information from the A.P.E.S. project.
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Deschner, T., Fuller, B. T., Oelze, V. M., Boesch, C., Hublin, J.-J., Mundry, R., Richards, M. P., Ortmann, S., & Hohmann, G. (2012). Identification of energy consumption and nutritional stress by isotopic and elemental analysis of urine in bonobos (Pan paniscus). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 26(1), 69-77.
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Head, J. S., Robbins, M. M., Mundry, R., Makaga, L., & Boesch, C. (2012). Remote video-camera traps measure habitat use and competitive exclusion among sympatric chimpanzee, gorilla and elephant in Loango National Park, Gabon. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 28(6), 571-583.
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Janmaat, K., Ban, S., & Boesch, C. (2012). Do Tai chimpanzees use botanical knowledge in their search for fruit in large scale space. Cognitive Processing, 13(Suppl. 1), S17.
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Junker, J., Blake, S., Boesch, C., Campbell, G., du Toit, L., Duvall, C., Ekobo, A., Etoga, G., Galat-Luong, A., Gamys, J., Ganas-Swaray, J., Gatti, S., Ghiurghi, A., Granier, N., Hart, J., Head, J. S., Herbinger, I., Hicks, T. C., Huijbregts, B., Imong, I. S., Kuempel, N., Lahm, S., Lindsell, J., Maisels, F., McLennan, M., Martinez, L., Morgan, B., Morgan, D., Mulindahabi, F., Mundry, R., N'Goran, P. K., Normand, E., Ntongho, A., Okon, D. T., Petre, C.-A., Plumptre, A., Rainey, H., Regnaut, S., Sanz, C., Stokes, E., Tondossama, A., Tranquilli, S., Sunderland-Groves, J., Walsh, P., Warren, Y., Williamson, E. A., & Kuehl, H. S. (2012). Recent decline in suitable environmental conditions for African great apes. Diversity and Distributions, 18(11), 1077-1091.
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Langergraber, K., Pruefer, K., Rowney, C., Boesch, C., Crockford, C., Fawcett, K., Inoue, E., Inoue-Muruyama, M., Mitani, J. C., Muller, M. N., Robbins, M. M., Schubert, G., Stoinski, T. S., Viola, B., Watts, D., Wittig, R., Wrangham, R. W., Zuberbühler, K., Pääbo, S., & Vigilant, L. (2012). Generation times in wild chimpanzees and gorillas suggest earlier divergence times in great ape and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(39), 15716-15721.
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Luncz, L. V., Mundry, R., & Boesch, C. (2012). Evidence for cultural differences between neighboring chimpanzee communities. Current Biology, 22(10), 922-926.
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N'Goran, P. K., Boesch, C., Mundry, R., N'Goran, E. K., Herbinger, I., Yapi, F. A., & Kühl, H. (2012). Hunting, law enforcement, and African primate conservation. Conservation Biology, 26(3), 565-571.
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Neubauer, S., Gunz, P., Uta, S., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2012). Endocranial volumes in an ontogenetic sample of chimpanzees from the Taï Forest National Park, Ivory Coast. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147(2), 319-325.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Schaumburg, F., Alabi, A. S., Köck, R., Mellmann, A., Kremsner, P. G., Boesch, C., Becker, K., Leendertz, F. H., & Peters, G. (2012). Highly divergent Staphylococcus aureus isolates from African non-human primates. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 4(1), 141-146.
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Singh, N., Harvati, K., & Boesch, C. (2012). Cranio-facial variation in sub-species of Pan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147(Suppl. 54), 270.
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Skinner, M. F., Skinner, M. M., & Boesch, C. (2012). Developmental defects of the dental crown in chimpanzees from the Taï National Park, Côte D'ivoire: Coronal waisting. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 149(2), 272-282.
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Tranquilli, S., Abedi-Lartey, M., Amsini, F., Arranz, L., Asamoah, A., Babafemi, O., Barakabuye, N., Campbell, G., Chancellor, R., Davenport, T. R., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Ellis, C., Etoga, G., Furuichi, T., Gatti, S., Ghiurghi, A., Greengrass, E., Hashimoto, C., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, T. C., Holbech, L. H., Huijbregts, B., Imong, I., Kumpel, N., Maisels, F., Marshall, P., Nixon, S., Normand, E., Nziguyimpa, L., Nzooh-Dogmo, Z., Okon, D. T., Plumptre, A., Rundus, A., Sunderland-Groves, J., Todd, A., Warren, Y., Mundry, R., Boesch, C., & Kühl, H. S. (2012). Lack of conservation effort rapidly increases African great ape extinction risk. Conservation Letters, 5(1), 48-55.
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Vallo, P., Petrželková, K. J., Profousová, I., Petrášová, J., Pomajbíková, K., Leendertz, F., Hashimoto, C., Simmons, N., Babweteera, F., Machanda, Z., Piel, A., Robbins, A. M., Boesch, C., Sanz, C., Morgan, D., Sommer, V., Furuichi, T., Fujita, S., Matsuzawa, T., Kaur, T., Huffman, M. A., & Modrý, D. (2012). Molecular diversity of entodiniomorphid ciliate Troglodytella abrassarti and its coevolution with chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 148(4), 525-533.
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Arandjelovic, M., Head, J., Rabanal, L. I., Schubert, G., Mettke, E., Boesch, C., Robbins, M. M., & Vigilant, L. (2011). Non-Invasive genetic monitoring of wild central chimpanzees. PLoS ONE, 6(3): e14761.
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Boesch, C. (2011). Life and death in the forest. In M. M. Robbins, & C. Boesch (Eds.), Among African apes: stories and photos from the field (pp. 30-42). Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
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Boesch, C. (2011). Our cousins in the forest - or bushmeat? In M. M. Robbins, & C. Boesch (Eds.), Among African apes: stories and photos from the field (pp. 77-87). Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
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Boesch, C. (2011). The diversity of the apes: What is the future? In M. M. Robbins, & C. Boesch (Eds.), Among African apes: stories and photos from the field (pp. 155-172). Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
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Campbell, G., Kuehl, H., Diarrassouba, A., N'Goran, P. K., & Boesch, C. (2011). Long-term research sites as refugia for threatened and over-harvested species. Biology Letters, 7(5), 723-726.
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Gomes, C. M., & Boesch, C. (2011). Reciprocity and trades in wild West African chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(11), 2183-2196.
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Head, J. S., Boesch, C., Makaga, L., & Robbins, M. M. (2011). Sympatric chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Loango National Park, Gabon: Dietary composition, seasonality, and intersite comparisons. International Journal of Primatology, 32(3), 755-775.
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Kouakou, C. Y., Boesch, C., & Kuehl, H. S. (2011). Identifying hotspots of chimpanzee group activity from transect surveys in Tai National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 27(6), 621-630.
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Langergraber, K. E., Boesch, C., Inoue, E., Inoue-Murayama, M., Mitani, J. C., Nishida, T., Pusey, A., Reynolds, V., Schubert, G., Wrangham, R. W., Wroblewski, E., & Vigilant, L. (2011). Genetic and 'cultural' similarity in wild chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, 278(1704), 408-416.
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Lazenby, R. A., Skinner, M. M., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2011). Metacarpal trabecular architecture variation in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes): Evidence for locomotion and tool-use? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144(2), 215-225.
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Lazenby, R. L., Skinner, M. M., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2011). Left, right, neither: Trabecular bone and the question of laterality in Pan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144(S52), 195-195.
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Leendertz, F. H., Scuda, N., Cameron, K. N., Kidega, T., Zuberbühler, K., Leendertz, S. A. J., Couacy-Hymann, E., Boesch, C., Calvignac, S., & Ehlers, B. (2011). African Great Apes Are Naturally Infected with Polyomaviruses Closely Related to Merkel Cell Polyomavirus. Journal of Virology, 85(2), 916-924.
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Leendertz, S. A. J., Locatelli, S., Boesch, C., Kücherer, C., Formenty, P., Liegeois, F., Ayouba, A., Peeters, M., & Leendertz, F. H. (2011). No evidence for transmission of SIVwrc from western red colobus monkeys (piliocolobus badius badius) to wild west african chimpanzees (pan troglodytes verus) despite high exposure through hunting. BMC Microbiology, 11: 24.
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Nunn, C. L., Thrall, P. H., Leendertz, F. H., & Boesch, C. (2011). The spread of fecally transmitted parasites in socially-structured populations. PLoS One, 6(6): e21677.
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Riedel, J., Franz, M., & Boesch, C. (2011). How feeding competition determines female chimpanzee gregariousness and ranging in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. American Journal of Primatology, 73(4), 305-313.
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Schubert, G., Stoneking, C. J., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Eckhardt, N., Hohmann, G., Langergraber, K., Lukas, D., & Vigilant, L. (2011). Male-mediated gene flow in patrilocal primates. PLoS One, 6(7): e21514.
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Smith, B. H., & Boesch, C. (2011). Mortality and the magnitude of the "wild effect" in chimpanzee tooth emergence. Journal of Human Evolution, 60(1), 34-46.
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Wevers, D., Metzger, S., Babweteera, F., Bieberbach, M., Boesch, C., Cameron, K., Couacy-Hymann, E., Cranfield, M., Gray, M., Harris, L. A., Head, J., Jeffery, K., Knauf, S., Lankester, F., Leendertz, S. A. J., Lonsdorf, E., Mugisha, L., Nitsche, A., Reed, P., Robbins, M., Travis, D. A., Zommers, Z., Leendertz, F. H., & Ehlers, B. (2011). Novel adenoviruses in wild primates: A high level of genetic diversity and evidence of zoonotic transmissions. Journal of Virology, 85(20), 10774-10784.
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Arandjelovic, M., Head, J., Kuehl, H., Boesch, C., Robbins, M. M., Maisels, F., & Vigilant, L. (2010). Effective non-invasive genetic monitoring of multiple wild western gorilla groups. Biological Conservation, 143(7), 1780-1791.
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Boesch, C. (2010). Away from ethnocentrism and anthropocentrism: Towards a scientific understanding of “what makes us human”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33(2-3), 86-87.
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Boesch, C., Bolé, C., Eckhardt, N., & Boesch, H. (2010). Altruism in forest chimpanzees: The case of adoption. PLoS One, 5(1): e8901.
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Carlson, K., Wrangham, R., Muller, M., Sumner, R., Morbeck, M. E., Nishida, T., Yamanaka, A., & Boesch, C. (2010). The locomotor repertoire of early Homo: Insights from chimpanzee variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 141(S50), 76.
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Ehlers, B., Spiess, K., Leendertz, F. H., Peeters, M., Boesch, C., Gatherer, D., & McGeoch, D. J. (2010). Lymphocryptovirus phylogeny and the origins of Epstein–Barr virus. Journal of General Virology, 91(3), 630-642.
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Junglen, S., Hedemann, C., Ellerbrok, H., Pauli, G., Boesch, C., & Leendertz, F. H. (2010). Diversity of STLV-1 strains in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) from Côte d'Ivoire. Virus Research, 150(1-2), 143-147.
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Kaiser, M., Löwa, A., Ulrich, M., Ellerbrok, H., Goffe, A. S., Blasse, A., Zommers, Z., Couacy-Hymann, E., Babweteera, F., Zuberbühler, K., Metzger, S., Geidel, S., Boesch, C., Gillespie, T. R., & Leendertz, F. H. (2010). Wild Chimpanzees Infected with 5 Plasmodium Species. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 16(12), 1956-1959.
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Klee, S. R., Brzuszkiewicz, E. B., Nattermann, H., Brüggemann, H., Dupke, S., Wollherr, A., Franz, T., Pauli, G., Appel, B., Liebl, W., Couacy-Hymann, E., Boesch, C., Meyer, F.-D., Leendertz, F. H., Ellerbrok, H., Gottschalk, G., Grunow, R., & Liesegang, H. (2010). The genome of a bacillus isolate causing anthrax in chimpanzees combines chromosomal properties of B. cereus with B. anthracis virulence plasmids. PLoS One, 5(7): e10986.
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Köndgen, S., Schenk, S., Pauli, G., Boesch, C., & Leendertz, F. H. (2010). Noninvasive monitoring of respiratory viruses in wild chimpanzees. EcoHealth, 7(3), 332-341.
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Lazenby, R. L., Skinner, M. M., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2010). Tool use and inter-population variation in metacarpal trabecular microarchitecture in Pan troglodytes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 141(S50), 152-152.
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Leendertz, S. A. J., Junglen, S., Hedemann, C., Goffe, A., Calvignac, S., Boesch, C., & Leendertz, F. H. (2010). High Prevalence, Coinfection Rate, and Genetic Diversity of Retroviruses in Wild Red Colobus Monkeys (Piliocolobus badius badius) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Virology, 84(15), 7427-7436.
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Leendertz, S. A. J., Metzger, S., Skjerve, E., Deschner, T., Boesch, C., Riedel, J., & Leendertz, F. H. (2010). A longitudinal study of urinary dipstick parameters in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Côte d'Ivoire. American Journal of Primatology, 72(8), 689-698.
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Néel, C., Etienne, L., Li, Y., Takehisa, J., Rudicell, R. S., Ndong, I., Moudindo, J., Mebenga, A., Esteban, A., Van Heuverswyn, F., Liegeois, F., Kranzusch, P. J., Walsh, P. D., Sanz, C. M., Morgan, D., Ndjango, J.-B.-N., Plantier, J.-C., Locatelli, S., Gonder, M. K., Leendertz, F. H., Boesch, C., Todd, A. F., Delaporte, E., Mpoudi-Ngole, E., Hahn, B. H., & Peeters, M. (2010). Molecular epidemiology of simian immunodeficiency virus infection in wild-living gorillas. Journal of Virology, 84(3), 1464-1476.
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Newton-Fisher, N. E., Thompson, M. E., Reynolds, V., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2010). Paternity and social rank in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) from the Budongo Forest, Uganda. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 142(3), 417-428.
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Rabanal, L. I., Kuehl, H., Mundry, R., Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (2010). Oil prospecting and its impact on large rainforest mammals in Loango National Park, Gabon. Biological Conservation, 143(4), 1017-1024.
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Smith, B. H., & Boesch, C. (2010). Magnitude of the "wild effect" in tooth emergence in chimpanzees of the Tai and Gombe forests. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 141(S50), 219.
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Smith, T. M., Smith, B. H., Reid, D. J., Siedel, H., Vigilant, L., Hublin, J.-J., & Boesch, C. (2010). Dental development of the Taï Forest chimpanzees revisited. Journal of Human Evolution, 58(5), 363-373.
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Stumpf, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2010). Male aggression and sexual coercion in wild West African chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus. Animal Behaviour, 79(2), 333-342.
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Wevers, D., Leendertz, F. H., Scuda, N., Boesch, C., Robbins, M. M., Head, J., Ludwig, C., Kühn, J., & Ehlers, B. (2010). A novel adenovirus of Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Virology Journal, 7(303): 7:303, pp. 1-8.
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Whiten, A. W., McGrew, W. C., Aiello, L. C., Boesch, C., Boyd, R., Byrne, R. W., Dunbar, R. I. M., Matsuzawa, T., Silk, J. B., Tomasello, M., Schaik, C. P. v., & Wrangham, R. (2010). Studying Extant Species to Model Our Past [Letter to the Editor]. Science, 327(5964), 410-410.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2010). Receiving post-conflict affiliation from the enemy's friend reconciles former opponents. PLoS One, 5(11): e13995.
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Boesch, C., Head, J., & Robbins, M. M. (2009). Complex tool sets for honey extraction among chimpanzees in Loango National Park, Gabon. Journal of Human Evolution, 56(6), 560-569.
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Borchers, C., Riedel, J., Boesch, C., & Breuer, T. (2009). Deux programmes d'éducation environnementale pour la conservation des grands singes africains: Club Ebobo et Club P.A.N. La Revue de Primatologie, 1.
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Gomes, C. M., & Boesch, C. (2009). Wild chimpanzees exchange meat for sex on a long-term basis. PLoS One, 4(4): e5116.
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Gomes, C. M., Mundry, R., & Boesch, C. (2009). Long-term reciprocation of grooming in wild West African chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B: Biological Sciences, 276(1657), 699-706.
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Herbinger, I., Papworth, S., Boesch, C., & Zuberbühler, K. (2009). Vocal, gestural and locomotor responses of wild chimpanzees to familiar and unfamiliar intruders: A playback study. Animal Behaviour, 78(6), 1389-1396.
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Jensen, S. A., Mundry, R., Nunn, C. L., Boesch, C., & Leendertz, F. H. (2009). Non-invasive body temperature measurement of wild chimpanzees using fecal temperature decline. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45(2), 542-546.
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Kouakou, C. Y., Boesch, C., & Kuehl, H. (2009). Estimating chimpanzee population size with nest counts: Validating methods in Taï National Park. American Journal of Primatology, 71(6), 71-6.
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Kuehl, H., Nzeingui, C., Le Duc Yeno, S., Huijbregts, B., Boesch, C., & Walsh, P. D. (2009). Discriminating between village and commercial hunting of apes. Biological Conservation, 142(7), 1500-1506.
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Leendertz, F. H., Deckers, M., Schempp, W., Lankester, F., Boesch, C., Mugisha, L., Dolan, A., Gatherer, D., McGeoch, D. J., & Ehlers, B. (2009). Novel cytomegaloviruses in free-ranging and captive great apes: Phylogenetic evidence for bidirectional horizontal transmission. Journal of General Virology, 90(10), 2386-2394.
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Lehmann, J., & Boesch, C. (2009). Sociality of the dispersing sex: The nature of social bonds in West African female chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. Animal Behaviour, 77(2), 377-387.
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Morozov, V. A., Leendertz, F. H., Junglen, S., Boesch, C., Pauli, G., & Ellerbrok, H. (2009). Frequent foamy virus infection in free-living chimpanzees of the Taï National Park (Côte d'Ivoire). Journal of General Virology, 90, 500-506.
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N'Guessan, A. K., Ortmann, S., & Boesch, C. (2009). Daily energy balance and protein gain among Pan troglodytes verus in the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Primatology, 30(3), 481-496.
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Normand, E., & Boesch, C. (2009). Sophisticated Euclidean maps in forest chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 77(5), 1195-1201.
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Normand, E., Ban, S. D., & Boesch, C. (2009). Forest chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) remember the location of numerous fruit trees. Animal Cognition, 12(6), 797-807.
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Nunn, C. L., Thrall, P. H., Bartz, K., Dasgupta, T., & Boesch, C. (2009). Do transmission mechanisms or social systems drive cultural dynamics in socially structured populations? Animal Behaviour, 77(6), 1515-1524.
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Rich, S. M., Leendertz, F. H., Xu, G., LeBreton, M., Djoko, C. F., Aminake, M. N., Takang, E. E., Diffo, J. L. D., Pike, B. L., Rosenthal, B. R., Formenty, P., Boesch, C., Ayala, F. J., & Wolfe, N. D. (2009). The origin of malignant malaria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(35), 14902-14907.
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Savini, T., Boesch, C., & Reichard, U. H. (2009). Varying Ecological Quality Influences the Probability of Polyandry in White-handed Gibbons (Hylobates lar) in Thailand. Biotropica, 41(4), 503-513.
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Skinner, M. M., Gunz, P., Wood, B. A., Boesch, C., & Hublin, J.-J. (2009). Discrimination of extant Pan species and subspecies using the enamel-dentine junction morphology of lower molars. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 140(2), 234-243.
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Aureli, F., Schaffner, C. M., Boesch, C., Bearder, S. K., Call, J., Chapman, C. A., Connor, R., Di Fiore, A., Dunbar, R. I. M., Henzi, S. P., Holekamp, K., Korstjens, A. H., Layton, R., Lee, P., Lehmann, J., Manson, J. H., Ramos-Fernandez, G., Strier, K. B., & van Schaik, C. P. (2008). Fission-Fusion Dynamics: New Research Frameworks. Current Anthroplogy, 49(4), 627-654.
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Barelli, C., Boesch, C., Heistermann, M., & Reichard, U. H. (2008). Female white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) lead group movements and have priority of access to food resources. Behaviour, 145(7), 965-981.
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Barelli, C., Heistermann, M., Boesch, C., & Reichard, U. H. (2008). Mating patterns and sexual swellings in pair-living and multimale groups of wild white-handed gibbons, Hylobates lar. Animal Behaviour, 75(3), 991-1001.
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Barelli, C., Heistermann, M., Boesch, C., & Reichard, U. H. (2008). New Perspectives on Mating Patterns and Sexual Swellings in Wild White-Handed Gibbons (Hylobates lar). Folia Primatologica, 79(3), 133-134.
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Boesch, C. (2008). Culture in evolution: Towards an integration of chimpanzee and human culture. In Melissa J. Brown (Ed.), Explaining Culture Scientifically (pp. 37-54). Seattle: University of Washington Press.
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Boesch, C. (2008). Taking development and ecology seriously when comparing cognition: Reply to Tomasello and Call (2008). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 122(4), 453-455.
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Boesch, C. (2008). Why do chimpanzees die in the forest? The challenges of understanding and controlling for wild ape health. American Journal of Primatology, 70(8), 722-726.
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Boesch, C., Crockford, C. *., Herbinger, I., Wittig, R. M., Möbius, Y., & Normand, E. (2008). Intergroup conflicts among chimpanzees in Taï National Park: Lethal violence and the female perspective. American Journal of Primatology, 70(6), 519-532.
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Boesch, C., Gnakouri, C., Marques, L., Nohon, G., Herbinger, I., Lauginie, F., Boesch, H., Kouamé, S., Traoré, M., & Akindes, F. (2008). Chimpanzee conservation and theatre: A case study of an awareness project around the Tai National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. In T. S. Stoinski, H. D. Steklis, & P. T. Mehlman (Eds.), Conservation in the 21st Century: Gorillas as a Case Study (pp. 128-135). New York: Springer.
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Boesch, C., Herbinger, I., & Boesch, H. (2008). The contribution of long-term research by the Taï Chimpanzee Project to conservation. In R. Wrangham, & E. Ross (Eds.), Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Longterm Research (pp. 184-200). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
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Campbell, G., Kuehl, H., N'Goran, P. K., & Boesch, C. (2008). Alarming decline of West African chimpanzees in Côte d'Ivoire. Current Biology, 18(19), R903-R904.
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Carlson, K., Summer, D., Morbeck, M., Nishida, T., Yamanaka, A., & Boesch, C. (2008). Role of nonbehavioral factors in adjusting long bone diaphyseal structure in free-ranging Pan troglodytes. International Journal of Primatology, 29(6), 1401-1420.
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Hauser, B., Deschner, T., & Boesch, C. (2008). Development of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of endogenous steroids in primate urine. Folia Primatologica, 79(5), 336-337.
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Hauser, B., Deschner, T., & Boesch, C. (2008). Development of a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of 23 endogenous steroids in small quantities of primate urine. Journal of Chromatography B, 862(1-2), 100-112.
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Hauser, B., Schulz, D., Boesch, C., & Deschner, T. (2008). Measuring urinary testosterone levels of the great apes—Problems with enzymatic hydrolysis using Helix pomatia juice. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 158(1), 77-86.
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Köndgen, S., Kuehl, H., Kouamé N'Goran, P., Walsh, P. D., Schenk, S., Ernst, N., Biek, R., Formenty, P., Mätz-Rensing, K., Schweiger, B., Junglen, S., Ellerbrok, H., Nitsche, A., Briese, T., Lipkin, W. I., Pauli, G., Boesch, C., & Leendertz, F. H. (2008). Pandemic human viruses cause decline of endangered great apes. Current Biology, 18(4), 260-264.
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Kuehl, H., Elzner, C., Möbius, Y., Boesch, C., & Walsh, P. D. (2008). The price of play: Self-organized infant mortality cycles in chimpanzees. PLoS One, 3(6): e2440.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Leendertz, F. H., Zirkel, F., Couacy-Hymann, E., Ellerbrok, H., Morozov, V. A., Pauli, G., Hedemann, C., Formenty, P., Jensen, S. A., Boesch, C., & Junglen, S. (2008). Interspecies transmission of simian foamy virus in a natural predator-prey system. Journal of Virology, 82(15), 7741-7744.
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Lehmann, J., & Boesch, C. (2008). Sexual differences in chimpanzee sociality. International Journal of Primatology, 29(1), 65-81.
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Liu, W., Worobey, M., Li, Y., Keele, B. F., Bibollet-Ruche, F., Guo, Y., Goepfert, P. A., Santiago, M. L., Ndjando, J.-B.-N., Néel, C., Clifford, S. L., Sanz, C. M., Kamenya, S., Wilson, M. L., Pusey, A. E., Gross-Camp, N., Boesch, C., Smith, V., Zamma, K., Huffman, M. A., Mitani, J. C., Watts, D. P., Peeters, M., Shaw, G. M., Switzer, W. M., Sharp, P. M., & Hahn, B. H. (2008). Molecular ecology and natural history of Simian foamy virus infection in wild-living chimpanzees. PLoS Pathogens, 4(7): e1000097.
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Möbius, Y., Boesch, C., Koops, K., Matsuzawa, T., & Humle, T. (2008). Cultural differences in army ant predation by West African chimpanzees? A comparative study of microecological variables. Animal Behaviour, 76(1), 37-45.
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Nsubuga, A. M., Robbins, M. M., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2008). Patterns of paternity and group fission in wild multimale mountain gorilla groups. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 135(3), 263-274.
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Savini, T., Boesch, C., & Reichard, U. H. (2008). Home-range characteristics and the influence of seasonality on female reproduction in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 135(1), 1-12.
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Skinner, M. M., Wood, B. A., Boesch, C., Olejniczak, A. J., Rosas, A., Smith, T. M., & Hublin, J.-J. (2008). Dental trait expression at the enamel-dentine junction of lower molars in extant and fossil hominoids. Journal of Human Evolution, 54(2), 173-186.
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Zihlman, A. L., Stahl, D., & Boesch, C. (2008). Morphological variation in adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of the Tai National Park, Côte D’Ivoire. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 135(1), 34-41.
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Barelli, C., Heistermann, M., Boesch, C., & Reichard, U. H. (2007). Sexual swellings in wild white-handed gibbon females (Hylobates lar) indicate the probability of ovulation. Hormones and Behavior, 51(2), 221-230.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Bertolani, P., & Boesch, C. (2007). Habituation of Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of the South Group at Taï Forest, Côte d'Ivoire: Empirical Measure of Progress. Folia Primatologica, 79(3), 162-171.
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Boesch, C. (2007). What makes us human (Homo Sapiens)? The challenge of cognitive cross-species comparison. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 121(3), 227-240.
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Boesch, C., Head, J., Tagg, N., Arandjelovic, M., Vigilant, L., & Robbins, M. M. (2007). Fatal chimpanzee attack in Loango National Park, Gabon. International Journal of Primatology, 28(5), 1025-1034.
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Breuer, T., Robbins, M. M., & Boesch, C. (2007). Using photogrammetry and color scoring to assess sexual dimorphism in wild western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla). American Journal of Physical Anthroplogy, 134(3), 369-382.
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Chi, F., Leider, M., Leendertz, F. H., Bergmann, C., Boesch, C., Schenk, S., Pauli, G., Ellerbrok, H., & Hakenbeck, R. (2007). New streptococcus pneumoniae clones in deceased wild chimpanzees. Journal of Bacteriology, 189(16), 6085-6088.
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Deschner, T., & Boesch, C. (2007). Can the patterns of sexual swelling cycles in female Taï chimpanzees be explained by the cost-of-sexual-attraction hypothesis? International Journal of Primatology, 28(2), 389-406.
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Gonedelé Bi, S., Sangáre, A., Cissé, G., Koné, I., Boesch, C., & Zinner, D. (2007). White-naped mangabey, a critically endangered species in jeopardy in Abidjan zoo, Côte d’Ivoire. International Zoo News, 54(6), 337-343.
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Kuehl, H., Todd, A. F., Boesch, C., & Walsh, P. D. (2007). Manipulating decay time for efficient large-mammal density estimation: Gorillas and dung height. Ecological Applications, 17(8), 2403-2414.
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Kuehl, H., Williamson, L., Sanz, C. M., Morgan, D., & Boesch, C. (2007). Launch of A.P.E.S. Database. Gorilla Journal, 34, 20-21.
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Mercader, J., Barton, H., Gillespie, J., Harris, J., Kuhn, S., Tyler, R., & Boesch, C. (2007). 4,300-Year-old chimpanzee sites and the origins of percussive stone technology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(9), 3043-3048.
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Zihlman, A. L., Bolter, D. R., & Boesch, C. (2007). Skeletal and dental growth and development in chimpanzees of the Taï National Park, Côte D'Ivoire. Journal of Zoology, 273(1), 63-73.
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Anderson, D. P., Nordheim, E. V., & Boesch, C. (2006). Environmental factors influencing the seasonality of estrus in chimpanzees. Primates, 47, 43-50.
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Boesch, C., Boesch, H., & Vigilant, L. (2006). Cooperative hunting in chimpanzees: Kinship or mutualism? In P. M. Kappeler, & C. P. van Schaik (Eds.), Cooperation in primates and humans: Mechanisms and evolution (pp. 139-150). Berlin: Springer.
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Boesch, C., Goné Bi, Z. B., Anderson, D. P., & Stahl, D. (2006). Food choice in Taï chimpanzees: Are cultural differences present? In Hohmann, Gottfried; Robbins, Martha; Boesch, Christophe (Ed.), Feeding Ecology in Apes and Other Primates (pp. 365-399). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Boesch, C., Kohou, G., Néné, H., & Vigilant, L. (2006). Male competition and paternity in wild chimpanzees of the Taï forest. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 130(1), 103-115.
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Carlson, K., Doran-Sheehy, D. M., Hunt, K. D., Nishida, T., Yamanaka, A., & Boesch, C. (2006). Locomotor behavior and long bone morphology in individual free-ranging chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution, 50(4), 394-404.
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Eriksson, J., Siedel, H., Lukas, D., Kayser, M., Erler, A., Hashimoto, C., Hohmann, G., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2006). Y-chromosome analysis confirms highly sex-biased dispersal and suggests a low male effective population size in bonobos (Pan paniscus). Molecular Ecology, 15(4), 939-949.
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Herbinger, I., & Boesch, C. (2006). Interactive theatre plays as an effective sensitization tool for the conservation of chimpanzees in West Africa. International Journal of Primatology, 27(Suppl. 1), 453-454.
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Klee, S., Ozel, M., Appel, B., Boesch, C., Ellerbrok, H., Jacob, D., Holland, G., Leendertz, F. H., Pauli, G., Grunow, R., & Nattermann, H. (2006). Characterization of bacillus anthracis-like bacteria isolated from wild great apes from Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon. Journal of Bacteriology, 188(15), 5333-5344.
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Leendertz, F. H., Lankester, F., Guislain, P., Néel, C., Drori, O., Dupain, J., Speede, S., Reed, P., Wolfe, N. D., Loul, S., Mpoudi-Ngole, E., Peeters, M., Boesch, C., Pauli, G., Ellerbrok, H., & Leroy, E. M. (2006). Anthrax in Western and Central African great apes. American Journal of Primatology, 68(9), 928-933.
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Leendertz, F. H., Pauli, G., Mätz-Rensing, K., Boardman, W., Nunn, C. L., Ellerbrok, H., Jensen, S. A., Junglen, S., & Boesch, C. (2006). Pathogens as drivers of population declines: The importance of systematic monitoring in great apes and other threatened mammals. Biological Conservation, 131(2), 325-337.
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Leendertz, F. H., Yumlu, S., Pauli, G., Boesch, C., Couacy-Hymann, E., Vigilant, L., Junglen, S., Schenk, S., & Ellerbrok, H. (2006). A new bacillus anthracis found in wild chimpanzees and a gorilla from West and Central Africa. PLoS Pathogens, 2(1): e8.
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Lehmann, J., Fickenscher, G., & Boesch, C. (2006). Kin biased investment in wild chimpanzees. Behaviour, 143(8), 931-955.
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Stumpf, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2006). The efficacy of female choice in chimpanzees of the Taï Forest, Côte d’Ivoire. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 60(6), 749-765.
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Anderson, D. P., Nordheim, E. V., Moermond, T. C., Bi, Z. B. G., & Boesch, C. (2005). Factors influencing tree phenology in Tai National Park, Cote d'Ivoire. Biotropica, 37(4), 631-640.
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Boesch, C. (2005). Joint cooperative hunting among wild chimpanzees: Taking natural observations seriously [Commentary on Tomasello, M. et al. (2005): Understanding and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, p. 675-735]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(5), 692-693.
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Bradley, B. J., Robbins, M. M., Williamson, E. A., Steklis, H. D., Gerald-Steklis, N., Eckhardt, N., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2005). Mountain gorilla tug-of-war: Silverbacks have limited control over reproduction in multimale groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(26), 9418-9423.
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Crockford, C., & Boesch, C. (2005). Call combinations in wild chimpanzees. Behaviour, 142(4), 397-421.
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Lehmann, J., & Boesch, C. (2005). Bisexually bonded ranging in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 57(6), 525-535.
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Lukas, D., Reynolds, V., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2005). To what extent does living in a group mean living with kin? Molecular Ecology, 14(7), 2181-2196.
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Stumpf, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2005). Does promiscuous mating preclude female choice? Female sexual strategies in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of the Tai National Park, Cote d'Ivoire. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 57(5), 511-524.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2005). How to repair relationships - reconciliation in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Ethology, 111(8), 736-763.
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Zihlman, A. L., & Boesch, C. (2005). Skeletal pathologies in wild chimpanzees from Tai National Forest, Cote d'Ivoire. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 126(S40), 230.
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Boesch, C. (2004). Evolution des Werkzeuggebrauchs und der Kooperation bei Schimpansen. In D. Geulen, & H. Veith (Eds.), Sozialisationstheorie interdisziplinär: aktuelle Perspektiven (pp. 25-33). Stuttgart: Lucius u. Lucius.
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Bradley, B. J., Doran-Sheehy, D. M., Lukas, D., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2004). Dispersed male networks in western gorillas. Current Biology, 14, 510-513.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Crockford, C., Herbinger, I., Vigilant, L., & Boesch, C. (2004). Wild chimpanzees produce group-specific calls: A case for vocal learning? Ethology, 110(3), 221-243.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Deschner, T., Heistermann, M., Hodges, J. K., & Boesch, C. (2004). Female sexual swelling size, timing of ovulation and male behavior in wild West African chimpanzees. Hormones and Behavior, 46(2), 204-215.
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Doran-Sheehy, D. M., & Boesch, C. (2004). Behavioral ecology of western gorillas: New insights from the field. American Journal of Primatology, 64(2), 139-143.
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Eriksson, J., Hohmann, G., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2004). Rivers influence the population genetic structure of bonobos (Pan paniscus). Molecular Ecology, 13(11), 3425-3435.
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Leendertz, F. H., Boesch, C., Ellerbrok, H., Rietschel, W., Couacy-Hymann, E., & Pauli, G. (2004). Non-invasive testing reveals a high prevalence of simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 antibodies in wild adult chimpanzees of the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of General Virology, 85, 3305-3312.
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Leendertz, F. H., Ellerbrok, H., Boesch, C., Couacy-Hymann, E., Mätz-Rensing, K., Hakenbeck, V., Abaza, P., Bergmann, C., Möbius, Y., Vigilant, L., Formenty, P., & Pauli, G. (2004). Anthrax kills wild chimpanzees in a tropical rainforest. Nature, 430, 451-452.
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Leendertz, F. H., Junglen, S., Boesch, C., Formenty, P., Couacy-Hymann, E., Courgnaud, V., Pauli, G., & Ellerbrok, H. (2004). High variety of different simian T-cell leukemia virus type 1 strains in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Virology, 78(8), 4352-4356.
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Lehmann, J., & Boesch, C. (2004). To fission or to fusion: Effects of community size on wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) social organisation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 56(3), 207-216.
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Nsubuga, A. M., Robbins, M. M., Roeder, A. D., Morin, P. A., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2004). Factors affecting the amount of genomic DNA extracted from ape faeces and the identification of an improved sample storage method. Molecular Ecology, 13(7), 2089-2094.
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Zihlman, A. L., Bolter, D. R., & Boesch, C. (2004). Wild chimpanzee dentition and its implications for assessing life history in immature hominin fossils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(29), 10541-10543.
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Boesch, C. (2003). Complex Cooperation among Taï Chimpanzees. In F. B. M. d. Waal, & P. L. Tyack (Eds.), Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture, and Individualized Societies (pp. 93-110). Harvard: Harvard University Press.
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Boesch, C. (2003). Is culture a golden barrier between human and chimpanzee? Evolutionary Anthropology, 12(2), 82-91.
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Courgnaud, V., Formenty, P., Akoua-Koffi, C., Noe, R., Boesch, C., Delaporte, E., & Peeters, M. (2003). Partial molecular characterization of two simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV) from African colobids: SIVwrc from western red colobus (Piliocolobus badius) and SIVolc from olive colobus (Procolobus verus). Journal of Virology, 77(1), 744-748.
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Crockford, C., & Boesch, C. (2003). Context-specific calls in wild chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus: Analysis of barks. Animal Behaviour, 66(1), 115-125.
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Deschner, T., Heistermann, M., Hodges, J. K., & Boesch, C. (2003). Sex skin swellings in wild west African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus): A reliable indicator of ovulation? Folia Primatologica, 74(4), 189-190.
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Deschner, T., Heistermann, M., Hodges, J. K., & Boesch, C. (2003). Timing and probability of ovulation in relation to sex skin swelling in wild West African chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus. Animal Behaviour, 66(3), 551-560.
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Ehlers, B., Ochs, A., Leendertz, F. H., Goltz, M., Boesch, C., & Matz-Rensing, K. (2003). Novel simian homologues of Epstein-Barr virus. Journal of Virology, 77(19), 10695-10699.
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Herbinger, I., Boesch, C., & Tondossama, A. (2003). Côte d'Ivoire. In R. Kormos, C. Boesch, M. I. Bakarr, T. M. Butynski, & IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group (Eds.), West African Chimpanzee: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan (pp. 99-109). Gland: IUCN.
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Leendertz, F. H., Boesch, C., Junglen, S., Pauli, G., & Ellerbrok, H. (2003). Characterization of a new simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (STLV-1) in a wild living chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) from Ivory Coast: Evidence of a new STLV-1 group? AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 19(3), 255-258.
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Lehmann, J., & Boesch, C. (2003). Social influences on ranging patterns among chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Tai National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Behavioral Ecology, 14(5), 642-649.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2003). "Decision-making" in conflicts of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): An extension of the Relational Model. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54(5), 491-504.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2003). Erratum to: "Decision-making" in conflicts of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): An extension of the relational model. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 55(2), 209.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2003). Food competition and linear dominance hierarchy among female chimpanzees of the Tai National Park. International Journal of Primatology, 24(4), 847-867.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2003). Linear dominance hierarchy due to contest competition among female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Folia Primatologica, 74(4), 229-230.
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Wittig, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2003). The choice of post-conflict interactions in wild chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes). Behaviour, 140(11-12), 1527-1559.
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Anderson, D. P., Nordheim, E. V., Boesch, C., & Moermond, T. C. (2002). Factors influencing fission-fusion grouping in chimpanzees in the Tai National Park, Cote d'Ivoire. In Boesch, Christophe; Hohmann, Gottfried; Marchant, Linda F. (Ed.), Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos (pp. 90-101). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Boesch, C. (2002). Behavioural diversity in Pan. In Boesch, Christophe; Hohmann, Gottfried; Marchant, Linda F. (Ed.), Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos (pp. 1-8). Cambridge: Cambridge Univertity Press.
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Boesch, C. (2002). Cooperative hunting roles among Tai chimpanzees. Human Nature, 13(1), 27-46.
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Boesch, C., Uehara, S., & Ihobe, H. (2002). Variations in chimpanzee-red colobus interactions. In Boesch, Christophe; Hohmann, Gottfried; Marchant, Linda F. (Ed.), Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos (pp. 221-230). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Bradley, B. J., Doran, D., Robbins, M. M., Williamson, E., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2002). Comparative analyses of genetic social structure in wild gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) using DNA from feces and hair. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 117(Suppl. 34), 47-48.
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Chambers, K. E., Vigilant, L., Boesch, C., & Reichard, U. H. (2002). Within group relatedness and genetic mating systems in white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 117(S34), 52-53.
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Eriksson, J., Hohmann, G., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2002). Phylogeography and genetic diversity of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 117(Suppl. 34), 68-68.
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Lehmann, J., & Boesch, C. (2002). Do chimpanzees in the Tai forest (Cote d'Ivoire) exhibit sex-specific ranging patterns? Advances in Ethology, 37, 51.
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Mercader, J., Panger, M. A., & Boesch, C. (2002). Chimpanzee-produced stone assemblages from the tropical forests of Tai, Cote d'Ivoire. Journal of Human Evolution, 42(3), A23-A24.
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Mercader, J., Panger, M. A., & Boesch, C. (2002). Excavation of a chimpanzee stone tool site in the African rainforest. Science, 296(5572), 1452-1455.
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Reichert, K. E., Heistermann, M., Hodges, J. K., Boesch, C., & Hohmann, G. (2002). What females tell males about their reproductive status: Are morphological and behavioural cues reliable signals of ovulation in bonobos (Pan paniscus)? Ethology, 108(7), 583-600.
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Stumpf, R. M., & Boesch, C. (2002). Female reproductive strategies in chimpanzees of the Tai Forest, Cote d'Ivoire: Do females exhibit preferences for particular males? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 117(Suppl. 34), 151-151.
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Boesch, C. (2001). Chimpanzee hunters: Chaos or cooperation in the forest? In L. A. Dugatkin (Ed.), Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology (pp. 453-465). Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Pr.
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Boesch, C. (2001). Le propre de l'Homme est-il humain? In Y. Coppens, & P. Picq (Eds.), Les Origines de l'Homme (pp. 170-199). Paris: Fayard.
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Boesch, C. (2001). Sacrileges are welcome in science! Opening a discussion about culture in animals. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(2), 327-328.
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Herbinger, I., Boesch, C., & Rothe, H. (2001). Territory Characteristics among Three Neighboring Chimpanzee Communities in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. International Journal of Primatology, 22(2), 143-167.
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Hill, K., Boesch, C., Goodall, J., Pusey, A. E., Williams, J., & Wrangham, R. W. (2001). Mortality rates among wild chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution, 40(5), 437-450.
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Morin, P. A., Chambers, K. E., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2001). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA from noninvasive samples for accurate microsatellite genotyping of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). Molecular Ecology, 10(7), 1835-1844.
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Vigilant, L., Hofreiter, M., Siedel, H., & Boesch, C. (2001). Paternity and relatedness in wild chimpanzee communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 98(23), 12890-12895.
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Whiten, A., & Boesch, C. (2001). The cultures of chimpanzees. Scientific American, 284(1), 60-67.
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Whiten, A., Goodall, J., McGrew, W. C., Nishida, T., Reynolds, V., Sugiyama, Y., Tutin, C., Wrangham, R. W., & Boesch, C. (2001). Charting cultural variation in chimpanzees. Behaviour, 138(11), 1481-1516.
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Bradley, B. J., Boesch, C., & Vigilant, L. (2000). Identification and redesign of human microsatellite markers for genotyping wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) and gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) DNA from faeces. Conservation Genetics, 1(3), 289-292.
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Formenty, P., Boesch, C., Dind, F., Donati, F., Steiner, C., Wyers, M., & Le Guenno, B. (1999). Ebola virus outbreak among wild chimpanzees living in a rain forest of Cote d'Ivoire. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 179(Suppl 1), 120-126.
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Gagneux, P., Boesch, C., & Woodruff, D. (1999). Female reproductive strategies, paternity, and community structure in wild West African chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 57(1), 19-32.
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Gagneux, P., Wills, C., Gerloff, U., Tautz, D., Morin, P. A., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., Ryder, O. A., & Woodruff, D. (1999). Mitochondrial sequences show diverse evolutionary histories of African hominids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 96(9), 5077-5082.
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Whiten, A., Goodall, J., McGrew, W. C., Nishida, T., Reynolds, V., Yugiyama, Y., Tutin, C., Wrangham, R. W., & Boesch, C. (1999). Cultures in chimpanzees. Nature, 399, 682-685.
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Wyers, M., Formenty, P., Cherel, Y., Guigand, L., Boesch, C., & Le Guenno, B. (1999). Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of lesions associated with Ebola virus in a naturally infected chimpanzee. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 179 (Supplement 1), S54-S59.
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Arcadi, A. C., Robert, D., & Boesch, C. (1998). Buttress drumming by wild chimpanzees: Temporal patterning, phrase integration into loud calls, and preliminary evidence for individual distinctiveness. Primates, 39(4), 505-518.
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Boesch, C. (1998). Adoption, Social signals, Dominance. In P. Calow (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management. Oxford: Blackwell.
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Boesch, C., & Tomasello, M. (1998). Chimpanzee and human cultures. Current Anthropology, 39(5), 591-614.
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Le Guenno, B., Formenty, P., & Boesch, C. (1998). Ebola virus outbreaks in the Ivory Coast and Liberia, 1994 - 1995. In H.-D. Klenk (Ed.), Marburg and Ebola viruses (pp. 77-84). Berlin: Springer.
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Boesch, C. (1997). Evidence for dominant wild female chimpanzees investing more in sons. Animal Behaviour, 54(4), 811-815.
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Braga, J., & Boesch, C. (1997). Further data about venous channels in South African Plio-Pleistocene hominids. Journal of Human Evolution, 33(4), 423-447.
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Gagneux, P., Boesch, C., & Woodruff, D. S. (1997). Microsatellite scoring errors associated with noninvasive genotyping based on nuclear DNA amplified from shed hair. Molecular Ecology, 6(9), 861-868.
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Gagneux, P., Woodruff, D. S., & Boesch, C. (1997). Furtive mating in female chimpanzees. Nature, 387(6631), 358-359.
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Boesch, C. 1996. Social grouping in Taï chimpanzees. In Great Apes Societies (Eds. W. McGrew., L. Marchant and T. Nishida), pp. 101-113. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boesch, C. 1996. Three approaches for assessing chimpanzee culture. In Reaching into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes (Eds. Russon, A. E., Bard, K. and Parker, S.T.). pp. 404-429. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boesch, C. 1996. The emergence of cultures among wild chimpanzees. In Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man (Eds. Runciman W. G., Maynard-Smith, J. and R. I. M. Dunbar). pp. 251-268. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy.

Boesch, C. 1996. The question of culture. News and Views. Nature 379: 207-208. pdf

Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1996. Rain forest chimpanzees: the human connection. Nature and Resources, 32(1): 26-32.

Boesch-Achermann, H. and Boesch, C. 1996. Kulturwesen, Panda Magazin 2/96, 26-31.


Boesch, C. 1995. Innovation in wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 16(1): 1-16. pdf

Le Guenno, B., Formenty, P., M. Wyers, and Boesch, C. 1995. Isolation and partial characterization of a new Ebola strain. The Lancet 345: 1271-1274. pdf

Marchesi, P. Marchesi, N., Fruth, B. and Boesch, C. 1995. Census and distribution of chimpanzees in Côte d'Ivoire. Primates 36(4): 591-607. pdf


Boesch, C. 1994. Hunting strategies of Gombe and Taï chimpanzees. In: Chimpanzee Cultures (R. Wrangham, W. McGrew, F. de Waal and P. Heltne, Eds), pp. 77-91. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Boesch, C. 1994. Chimpanzees - red colobus: A predator-prey system. Animal Behaviour 47(5): 1135-1148. pdf

Boesch, C. 1994. Cooperative hunting in wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour 48(3): 653-667. pdf

Boesch, C. and Boesch-Achermann, H. 1994. Technique et culture chez les chimpanzés sauvages. Technique et Cultures 23-24: 1-27.

Boesch, C., Esser, J., Allefort, P., Couturier, G. and Merz, G. 1994. La Faune. In Le Parc National de Taï, Côte d'Ivoire. Tropenbos Series 8, 72-93.

Boesch-Acherman, H. and Boesch, C. 1994. The Taï chimpanzee project in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. Pan Africa News 1(1): 5-7. pdf

Boesch, C. Marchesi, P., Marchesi, N., Fruth, B., Joulian, F. 1994. Is nut cracking in wild chimpanzees a cultural behaviour? Journal of Human Evolution 26: 325-338. pdf

Boesch-Acherman, H. and Boesch, C. 1994. Hominisation in the rainforest: The chimpanzee's piece to the puzzle. Evolutionary Anthropology 3(1): 9-16. pdf


Boesch, C. 1993. Towards a new image of culture in wild chimpanzees? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16(3): 514-515.

Boesch, C. 1993. Aspects of transmission of tool use in wild chimpanzees. In Tools, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution, (Eds. K. Gibson and T. Imgold), pp. 171-183. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1993. Different hand postures for pounding nuts with natural hammers by wild chimpanzees. In: Hands of the Primates (Eds. H. Preuschoft and D. Chivers), pp. 31-43. Wien: Springer-Verlag.

Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1993. Diversity of tool use and tool making in wild chimpanzees. In Use of Tools in Human and Non-Human Primates (Eds. A. Berthelet and J. Chavaillon), pp. 158-168. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Boesch-Acherman, H. and Boesch, C. 1993. Tool use in wild chimpanzees: New light from Dark forests. Current Directions in Psychological Science 18-21. pdf

Günther, M. and Boesch, C. 1993. Energetic cost of nut-cracking behavior in wild chimpanzees. In: Hands of the Primates (Eds. H. Preuschoft and D. Chivers), pp. 109-129. Wien: Springer-Verlag.


Boesch, C. 1992. New elements about a theory of mind in wild chimpanzees. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15(1): 149. pdf

Boesch-Achermann, H. and Boesch, C. 1992. Forest close-ups. BBC Wildlife Magazine 10(1): 14-20.

Boesch-Achermann, H. and Boesch, C. 1992. Verblüffend menschlich: Westafrikas Schimpansen. Das Tier 5: 8-17.


Boesch, C. 1991. Handedness in wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 12(6): 541-558. pdf

Boesch, C. 1991. Symbolic communication in wild chimpanzees? Human Evolution 6 (1): 81-90. pdf

Boesch, C. 1991. Teaching in wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 41(3): 530-532. pdf

Boesch, C. 1991. The effects of leopard predation on grouping patterns in forest chimpanzees. Behaviour, 117 (3-4): 220-242. pdf

Boesch, C. and Boesch-Achermann, H. 1991. Dim forest, bright chimps. Natural History 9/91 (50-57).

Boesch, C. and Boesch-Achermann, H. 1991. Les chimpanzés et l'outil. La Recherche, 233: 724-731.


Boesch, C. 1990. First hunters of the forest. New Scientist, 19 May, 38-41. pdf

Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1990. Adventures in Eating. BBC Wildlife Magazine 8(10): 668-672.

Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1990. Tool use and tool making in wild chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica 54: 86-99. pdf


Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1989. Hunting behavior of wild chimpanzees in the Taï National Park. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78: 547-573. pdf


Boesch, C. 1988. West African Oasis. WWF Report 8/9/88.


Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1984. Mental map in wild chimpanzees: An analysis of hammer transports for nut cracking. Primates 25: 160-170. pdf

Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1984. Possible causes of sex differences in the use of natural hammers by wild chimpanzees. Journal of Human Evolution 13: 415-440. pdf

Guillaum et, J.L. and Boesch, C. 1984. Le parc national et la protection de la nature. In: Recherches et aménagement en milieu forestier tropical humide: Le Projet Tai de Côte d'Ivoire. Notes techniques du MAB 15, UNESCO: Paris.


Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1983. Optimisation of nut-cracking with natural hammers by wild chimpanzees. Behaviour 83: 256-286. pdf


Boesch, C. and Boesch, H. 1981. Sex differences in the use of natural hammers by wild chimpanzees: A preliminary report. Journal of Human Evolution. 10: 585-593. pdf


Boesch, C. 1978. Nouvelles observations sur les chimpanzés de la forêt de Taï ( Côte d'Ivoire). Terre et Vie 32: 195-201.


Oktober 2019

Deutschlandfunk "Ein Leben mit und für Schimpansen"

March 2017:


February 2017: 

LATEST THINKING with Christophe Boesch

Interview TAGESANZEIGER ZÜRICH "Der Schimpansenmann" [pdf]

January 2016: Current Biology Magazine Feature published
April 23, 2015: 2015 Winner Announced - Chimpanzee Conservation

A multi-level conservation project, which aims to protect the largest remaining population of wild chimpanzees on the Foutah Djallon-Bafing River (FDBR) region in Guinea, West Africa has won this year’s St Andrews Prize for the Environment.

Download press release (pdf)

The St Andrews Prize

The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation

May 2013

Christophe Boesch has met the president of Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, in February 2013 and was honoured with the medal "Officier de l'Ordre National" for his long-year investment for the conservation and research of the natural heritage in Côte d'Ivoire.

2013: Disneynature film "CHIMPANZEE"

The new Disneynature film "CHIMPANZEE" has been filmed mostly with the Tai chimpanzees we study since 33 years:

20-2-2013: The release of the film in France

03-5-2013: The release of the film in the UK

09-5-2013: The release of the film in Germany

Disney filmed the chimpanzees of the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, for three years between 2008 and 2010, under my scientific supervision and the daily help of our team in the forest. Oscar, Freddy, and Isha are all members of our chimpanzee research groups and we are all pleased that they have become stars to the public at large!

  • If you want to learn more about the remarkable behavior of the Taï National Park chimpanzees, please click on www.wildchimps.org, for information on this chimpanzee population, the research and the forest where Oscar, Freddy and Isha live.
  • If you want to learn more about the research we have been doing over the last 30 years on the chimpanzee of the Taï National Park, please click on my research section below or click on www.eva.mpg.de/primat/ or http://www.schimpansen.mpg.de, for information about our research and all our publications.
  • If you want to contribute to the conservation of Oscar and his friends, please click on www.wildchimps.org, where you can see all the ways that your donations will directly protect wild chimpanzees.
January 27, 2010: Altruism in Forest Chimpanzees: The Case of Adoption

Max Planck researchers report 18 cases of adoption of orphaned youngsters by group members in Taï forest chimpanzees. Half of the orphans were adopted by males.
These observations reveal that, under the appropriate socio-ecologic conditions, chimpanzees care for unrelated group members and that altruism is more extensive in wild populations than was suggested by captive studies.

Download press release (pdf)

For professional press use (high resolution photos and videoclips) please contact:
Claudia Nebel (E-Mail: nebel@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de, phone: +49 (0) 341-3550 200)

Original work:

Christophe Boesch, Camille Bolé, Nadin Eckhardt, Hedwige Boesch
Altruism in Forest Chimpanzees: The case of Adoption.
PLOSone, January 2010

Photos: Chimpanzees of the Taï National Park in Côte d`Ivoire
Videoclips: Chimpanzees of the Taï National Park in Côte d`Ivoire

For professional press use (high resolution photos and videoclips) please contact:
Claudia Nebel (E-Mail: nebel@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de, phone: +49 (0) 341-3550 200)

February 13, 2007: The Chimpanzee Stone Age

Researchers have found evidence that chimpanzees from West Africa were cracking nuts with stone tools before the advent of agriculture, thousands of years ago. The result suggests chimpanzees developed this behaviour on their own, or even that stone tool use was a trait inherited from our common ancestor. Julio Mercader, Christophe Boesch and colleagues found the stones at the Noulo site in Côte d’Ivoire, the only known prehistoric chimpanzee settlement.

Download press release (pdf)

For professional press use (high resolution photos and videoclips) please contact:
Claudia Nebel (E-Mail: nebel@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de, phone: +49 (0) 341-3550 200)

Original work:

Mercader, Julio, Huw Barton, Jason Gillespie, Jack Harris, Steven Kuhn, Robert Tyler, and Christophe Boesch
4300-year-old chimpanzee sites and the origins of percussive stone technology.
PNAS, February 2007

Photos: Chimpanzees of the Taï National Park in Côte d`Ivoire
Videoclips: Nutcracking behaviour of Chimpanzees of the Taï National Park in Côte d`Ivoire

For professional press use (high resolution photos and videoclips) please contact:
Claudia Nebel (E-Mail: nebel@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de, phone: +49 (0) 341-3550 200)


Christophe Boesch explains on this video how leaf clipping contributes to our understanding of chimpanzee culture: 

Click here to watch the video on Exploratiorium TV.

Doctstation: Short documentary on the PanAf Programme


The Pan African Programme (PanAf)

The Pan African Programme (PanAf) ‘The Cultured Chimpanzee’ aims to overcome some of these limitations by studying a large number of populations with a cross-sectional sampling approach. It will quantify a broad spectrum of the ecological parameters that possibly contribute to generating behavioural diversity in chimpanzees and will thus also evaluate potential evolutionary scenarios to decipher central questions of human cultural evolution.



Chimp&See is a web-based platform where enthusiastic amateur researchers can watch and document the contents of the PanAf remote camera trap videos. We have collected nearly 7,000 hours of footage, reflecting various chimpanzee habitats, from camera traps in 15 countries across Africa. By scanning the videos from these traps and identifying the types of species and activity that you see, you’ll help us to understand the lives of these apes – their behaviors, relationships, and environments – and to extrapolate new ideas about human origins.


Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF)

The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation is working to save between 20,000 and 25, 000 of the remaining wild chimpanzees. Current estimates suggest that there may be fewer than 100,000 chimpanzees living in seventeen different countries in Africa.

http://www.wcf-germany.com (Wild Chimpanzee Foundation - Germany)

Max Planck Institute, Department of Primatology

The Department of Primatology observes apes in their natural habitats, and investigates issues related to the evolution of social systems and social behavior, cultural differences and reproductive strategies in apes. The scientists are interested in fundamental cognitive processes like communication, cooperation, conflict solving strategies, social learning in apes and humans.
