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Dr. Jonathan Reeves

Technological Primates Research Group
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig

Email: Jonathan_Reeves@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de
Office: B 2.34

I am a field archaeologist who specializes in lithic analysis, computational modeling and spatial analysis. I am broadly interested in integrating these approaches to identify the mechanisms that contribute to the spatial and temporal variation observed in the Early Pleistocene archaeological record. My doctoral work focused on understanding how landscape structure produces time-averaged patterns of hominin land-use in the Koobi Fora Formation of Northern Kenya. I have been involved in several field projects in Eastern and Southern Africa. I am currently a part of the Koobi Fora research and training program in Kenya and the Ledi Geraru Research project in Ethiopia. I am currently using these methods to understand how modern primate behaviors may have produced material signatures in the earliest archaeological record.



Finestone, E. M., Plummer, T. W., Vincent, T. H., Blumenthal, S. A., Ditchfield, P. W., Bishop, L. C., Oliver, J. S., Herries, A. I., Palfery, C. V., Lane, T. P., McGuire, E., Reeves, J. S., Rodés, A., Whitfield, E., Braun, D. R., Bartilol, S. K., Rotich, N. K., Parkinson, J. A., Lemorini, C., Caricola, I., Kinyanjui, R. N., & Potts, R. (2024). New Oldowan locality Sare-Abururu (ca. 1.7 Ma) provides evidence of diverse hominin behaviors on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution, 190: 103498.
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Li, L., Reeves, J. S., Lin, S. C., Braun, D. R., & McPherron, S. P. (2023). Did Early Pleistocene hominins control hammer strike angles when making stone tools? Journal of Human Evolution, 183: 103427.
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Reeves, J. S., Proffitt, T., Malaivijitnond, S., & Luncz, L. V. (2023). Emergent technological variation in archaeological landscapes: a primate perspective. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 20(203): 20230118.
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Finestone, E. M., Plummer, T. W., Vincent, T. H., Blumenthal, S. A., Ditchfield, P. W., Bishop, L. C., Herries, A. I., Palfery, C. V., Lane, T. P., Mcguire, E., Reeves, J. S., Braun, D. R., Bartilol, S. K., Rotich, N. K., Parkinson, J. A., Lemorini, C., Caricola, I., Kinyanjui, R. N., & Potts, R. (2023). New Oldowan locality Sare River (ca. 1.7 Ma) provides evidence of diverse hominin behaviors on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 180(S75), 53.
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Proffitt, T., Reeves, J. S., Braun, D. R., Malaivijitnond, S., & Luncz, L. V. (2023). Wild macaques challenge the origin of intentional tool production. Science Advances, 9(10): eade8159.
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Plummer, T. W., Oliver, J. S., Finestone, E. M., Ditchfield, P. W., Bishop, L. C., Blumenthal, S. A., Lemorini, C., Caricola, I., Bailey, S. E., Herries, A. I. R., Parkinson, J. A., Whitfield, E., Hertel, F., Kinyanjui, R. N., Vincent, T. H., Li, Y., Louys, J., Frost, S. R., Braun, D. R., Reeves, J. S., Early, E. D. G., Onyango, B., Lamela-Lopez, R., Forrest, F. L., He, H., Lane, T. P., Frouin, M., Nomade, S., Wilson, E. P., Bartilol, S. K., Rotich, N. K., & Potts, R. (2023). Expanded geographic distribution and dietary strategies of the earliest Oldowan hominins and Paranthropus. Science, 379(6632), 561-566.
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Proffitt, T., Reeves, J. S., Falótico, T., Arroyo, A., Torre, I. d. l., Ottoni, E. B., & Luncz, L. V. (2023). Identifying intentional flake production at the dawn of technology: a technological and 3D geometric morphometric study. Journal of Archaeological Science, 152: 105740.
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Reeves, J. S., Proffitt, T., Almeida-Warren, K., & Luncz, L. V. (2023). Modeling Oldowan tool transport from a primate perspective. Journal of Human Evolution, 181: 103399.
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Reeves, J. S., Tan, A., Malaivijitnond, S., & Luncz, L. V. (2023). Simulation and social network analysis provide insight into the acquisition of tool behaviour in hybrid macaques. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(1995): 2022276.
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Proffitt, T., Reeves, J. S., Pacome, S. S., & Luncz, L. V. (2022). Identifying functional and regional differences in chimpanzee stone tool technology. Royal Society Open Science, 9(9): 220826.
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Li, L., Reeves, J. S., Lin, S. C., Tennie, C., & McPherron, S. P. (2022). Quantifying knapping actions: A method for measuring the angle of blow on flakes. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 14(8): 156.
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Snyder, W. D., Reeves, J. S., & Tennie, C. (2022). Early knapping techniques do not necessitate cultural transmission. Science Advances, 8: eabo2894.
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Reeves, J. S., Proffitt, T., & Luncz, L. V. (2021). Modeling a primate technological niche. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 23139.
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Proffitt, T., Reeves, J. S., Benito-Calvo, A., Sánchez-Romero, L., Arroyo, A., Malaijivitnond, S., & Luncz, L. V. (2021). Three-dimensional surface morphometry differentiates behaviour on primate percussive stone tools. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 18(184): 20210576.
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Reeves, J. S., Braun, D. R., Finestone, E. M., & Plummer, T. W. (2021). Ecological perspectives on technological diversity at Kanjera South. Journal of Human Evolution, 158: 103029.
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Douglass, M., Davies, B., Braun, D. R., Tyler Faith, J., Power, M., & Reeves, J. S. (2021). Deriving original nodule size of lithic reduction sets from cortical curvature: An application to monitor stone artifact transport from bipolar reduction. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 35: 102671.
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Pykles, B. C., & Reeves, J. S. (2021). Hawaiian Latter-day Saints in the Utah Desert: The negotiation of identity at Iosepa. Historical Archaeology, 55, 501-510.
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M. Magnani, M. Douglass, W. Schroder, J.S. Reeves, and D. R. Braun (2020). The Digital Revolution to Come: Photogrammetry in Archaeological Practice. American Antiquity 85, no. 4 (2020): 737-760.  


D.R. Braun, V. Aldeias, W. Archer, J.R. Arrowsmith, N. Baraki, C.J. Campisano, A.L. Deino, E.N. DiMaggio, G. Dupont-Nivet, B. Engda, D.A. Feary, D.I. Garello, Z. Kerfelew, S.P. McPherron, D.B. Patterson, J.S. Reeves, J.C. Thompson, K.E. Reed (2019). Reply to Sahle and Gossa: Technology and Geochronology at the earliest known Oldowan site at Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Letter, 1-2.

J.S. Reeves, S.P. McPherron, V. Aldeias, H.L. Dibble, P. Goldberg, D. Sandgathe, A. Turq (2019). Measuring spatial structure in time-averaged deposits insights from Roc de Marsal, France., Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 1-20.

D.R. Braun, V. Aldeias, W. Archer, J.R. Arrowsmith, N. Baraki, C.J. Campisano, A.L. Deino, E.N. DiMaggio, G. Dupont-Nivet, B. Engda, D.A. Feary, D.I. Garello, Z. Kerfelew, S.P. McPherron, D.B. Patterson, J.S. Reeves, J.C. Thompson, K.E. Reed (2019). Earliest known Oldowan artifacts at > 2.58 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, highlight early technological diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116 (24), 11712-11717.

D.B. Patterson, D. R. Braun, K. Allen, W.A. Barr, A.K. Behrensmeyer, M. Biernat, S.B. Lehmann, T. Maddox, F.K. Manthi, S.R. Merritt, S.E. Morris, K. O’Brien, J.S. Reeves, B.A. Wood, R. Bobe (2019). Comparative isotopic evidence from East Turkana supports a dietary shift within the genus Homo. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3, 1048–1056.


N.T. Roach, A. Du, K.G. Hatala, K.R. Ostrofsky, J.S. Reeves, D.R. Braun, J.W.K. Harris, A.K. Behrensmeyer, B.G. Richmond (2018). Pleistocene animal communities of a 1.5 million-year-old lake margin grassland and their relationship to Homo erectus paleoecology. Journal of Human Evolution, 122., 70-83.


D.B. Patterson, D.R. Braun, A.K. Behrensmeyer, S.B. Lehmann, S.R. Merritt, J.S. Reeves, B.A. Wood, R. Bobe (2017). Landscape scale heterogeneity in the East Turkana ecosystem during the Okote Member (1.56–1.38 Ma). Journal of Human Evolution, 112, 148-161.

D.B. Patterson, D.R. Braun, A.K. Behrensmeyer, S. Merritt, I. Zliobaite, J.S. Reeves, B.A. Wood, M. Fortelius, R. Bobe (2017). Ecosystem evolution and hominin paleobiology at East Turkana, northern Kenya between 2.0 and 1.4 Ma., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 481, 1-13.


N.T. Roach, K.G. Hatala, K.R. Ostrofsky, B. Villmoare, J.S. Reeves, A. Du, D.R. Braun, J.W.K. Harris, A.K. Behrensmeyer, B.G. Richmond (2016). Pleistocene footprints show intensive use of lake margin habitats by Homo erectus groups. Scientific Reports, 6, 1-9.