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Kirsten Sutherland

Doctoral student

Abteilung für Vergleichende Kulturpsychologie
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 (0) 341 3550 407
E-Mail: kirsten_sutherland@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de

Research Interests

My doctoral research focuses on how great apes resolve conflicts of interest in group-level social dilemmas. 

General research interests:

  • Comparative psychology
  • Social dilemmas
  • Resource management
  • Common-Pool Resource Dilemmas
  • Volunteer's Dilemmas
  • Public Goods Games
  • Primatology
  • Sexual selection

Curriculum Vitae

Career & Education 
09/2021 - Present

Doctoral Researcher
Department of Comparative Cultural Psychology
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

09/2020 - 09/2021

Research Scholarship Holder
Department of Comparative Cultural Psychology
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig

10/2019 - 07/2020MPhil Human Evolutionary Studies
University of Cambridge
Thesis: “Secondary Sexual Development in Howler Monkeys (Alouatta spp.): the Relationship between Testosterone, Coat Colour, Hyoid Volume and Canine Length”

10/2018 - 09/2019

Manuscript Assistant
Scientific Reports, Nature Research
09/2015 - 07/2018

BSc Biological Anthropology
University of Kent
Thesis: “A Study of Osteoarthritis and Body-Mass in Medieval Canterbury”

Practical Experience
06/2018 - 07/2018

Research stay at Los Amigos Biological Station, Peru
“Scent-marking behaviour of tamarin monkeys”



ManyPrimates, Aguenounon, G., Allritz, M., Altschul, D., Ballesta, S., Beaud, A., Bohn, M., Bornbusch, S., Brandão, A., Brooks, J., Bugnyar, T., Burkart, J., Bustamante, L., Call, J., Canteloup, C., Cao, C., Caspar, K., da Silva, D., de Sousa, A., DeTroy, S., Duguid, S., Eppley, T., Fichtel, C., Fischer, J., Gong, C., Grange, J., Grebe, N., Hanus, D., Haun, D., Haux, L., Héjja-Brichard, Y., Helman, A., Hernadi, I., Hernandez-Aguilar, R. A., Herrmann, E., Hopper, L., Howard, L., Huang, L., Huskisson, S., Jacobs, I., Jin, Z., Joly, M., Kano, F., Keupp, S., Kiefer, E., Knakker, B., Kóczán, K., Kraus, L., Kwok, S. C., Lefrançois, M., Lewis, L., Liu, S., Llorente, M., Lonsdorf, E., Loyant, L., Majecka, K., Maurits, L., Meunier, H., Mobili, F., Morino, L., Motes-Rodrigo, A., Nijman, V., Ihomi, C., Persson, T., Pietraszewski, D., Reátiga Parrish, J., Roig, A., Sánchez Amaro, A., Sato, Y., Sauciuc, G.-A., Schrock, A., Schweinfurth, M., Seed, A., Shearer, C., Šlipogor, V., Su, Y., Sutherland, K., Tan, J., Taylor, D., Troisi, C., Völter, C., Warren, E., Watzek, J., & Zablocki-Thomas, P. (2022). The Evolution of primate short-term memory. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 9(4), 428-516.
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Many Primates, Altschul, D., Bohn, M., Canteloup, C., Ebel, S., Hernandez-Aguilar, R.A., Joly, M., Keupp, S., Petkov, C.I., Llorente, M., Proctor, D., Rodrigo, A.M., Sutherland, K., Szabelska, A., Taylor, D., Völter, C.J., Wiggenhauser, N.G., (2022). Collaboration and open science initiatives in primate research. In M. J. Beran & B. Schwartz, Primate Cognitive Studies. Cambridge University Press.

Eckert, J., Sutherland, K., Rakoczy, H., Haun, D. (invited registered report, accepted.) Early Development of object individuation in nonhuman great apes. Child Development.