Official MPI press releases

06 May 2010:
The Neandertal in us [pdf]
12 February 2009:
Draft version of the Neandertal genome completed [pdf]
16 November 2006:
The first million have been sequenced [pdf]
23 July 2006:
Other project media coverage
- Neanderthal genome already giving up its secrets (Newscientist, 10.12.2008)
- Leg bone yields DNA secrets of man's Neanderthal 'Eve' (Guardian, 08.08.2008)
- Scientists close to cracking Neanderthal DNA code (Telegraph,08.08.2008)
- Neanderthal Bone Yields Complete Mitochondrial Genome (Discovery Channel, 07.08.2008)
- First Neanderthal genome completed (NewScientist, 07.08.2008)
- Neandertal mitochondrial DNA deciphered (ScienceNews, 07.08.2008)
- Complete Neanderthal Mitochondrial Genome Sequenced From 38,000-year-old Bone(ScienceDaily, 08.08.2008)
- Neanderthal genome well underway (Cosmos, 25.07.2008)
- Caveman's DNA Looks Modern (ScienceNOW, 16.07.2008)
- Neandertals, Humans Share Key Changes To 'Language Gene'(ScienceDaily, 21.07.2007)
- Cave Speak: Did Neandertals Talk? (Scientific American, 19.10.2007)
- Neanderthals May Have Had Gene for Speech (New York Times, 18.10.2007)
- Neanderthals possessed crucial gene linked to speech, DNA evidence suggests
(International Herald Tribune, 18.10.2007) - Neandertals Had Same "Language Gene" as Modern Humans (National Geografic, 18.10.2007)
- Neanderthals may have talked (Reuters, 18.10.2007)
- Talk Like a Man (ScienceNOW, 18.10.2007)
- Modern speech gene found in Neanderthals (Nature, 18.10.2007)
- Fossil DNA Expands Neanderthal Range (New York Times, 02.10.2007)
- Neandertals Ranged Much Farther East Than Thought (01.10.2007)
- Neanderthal empire grows(Telegraph, 01.10.2007)
- Neanderthals roamed as far as Siberia( NewScientist, 30.09.2007)
- How to Reconstruct the Neandertal Genome (Scientific American, 26.06.2007)
- No Sex Please, We're Neandertals (18.05.2007)