Russell Barlow

Abteilung für Sprach- und Kulturevolution
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0) 341 3550 263
russell_barlow@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]
About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution. My research interests include language documentation, historical linguistics, and linguistic typology. My areal focus is on the languages of the Pacific, especially those of Papua New Guinea. I have worked the most closely with the Keram language family (East Sepik Province). I am also a member of the Comparative Oceanic Linguistics (CoOL) research group.
Curriculum Vitae
since 2020 | Postdoctoral Researcher, DLCE (MPI-EVA, Leipzig) |
2019-2020 | Fulbright Scholar, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia |
2018-2019 | DAAD-Funded Researcher, DLCE (MPI-SHH, Jena) |
2016-2018 | PhD in Linguistics, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa |
2014-2016 | MA in Linguistics, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa |
2013-2014 | Fulbright Student Researcher, University of Münster |
2010-2013 | BA in Indo-European Studies, CUNY Baccalaureate (New York, NY, USA) |
2002-2006 | BA in Film Studies, Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT, USA) |
Publications & Presentations
Barlow, R. (2023). Papuan-Austronesian contact and the spread of numeral systems in Melanesia. Diachronica, 40(3), 287-340. |
Barlow, R. (2020). A sketch grammar of Pondi. Acton: ANU Press. |
Barlow, R. (2019). A syntactic motivation for valency reduction: Antipassive constructions in Ulwa. Oceanic Linguistics, 58(1): 730686, pp. 1-33. |
Barlow, R. (2018). A grammar of Ulwa. PhD Thesis, University of Hawai'i, Manoa. |
Barlow, R. (2024). Numerals (advance online). In The international encyclopedia of language and linguistics. (3rd Edition). Elsevier. |
Barlow, R. (2024). The Makada dialect of Kuanua. Te Reo, 67(1), 1-71. Retrieved from |
Barlow, R. (2024). Tomoip morphological sketch. Language & Linguistics in Melanesia, 42, 41-93. |
Barlow, R., & Killian, D. (2023). Tomoip phonetics and phonology. Te Reo, 66(1), 60-96. |
Barlow, R. (2023). Papuan-Austronesian contact and the spread of numeral systems in Melanesia. Diachronica, 40(3), 287-340. |
Barlow, R. (2023). A grammar of Ulwa (Papua New Guinea). Berlin: Language Science Press. |
Killian, D., & Barlow, R. (2022). Deictic marking in adpositions in Ap Ma and Waran. Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads, 2(1), 37-64. |
Barlow, R. (2021). Review of Daniels (2020): Grammatical reconstruction: The Sogeram languages of New Guinea. Diachronica, 38(4), 628-637. |
Barlow, R. (2021). Ambakich phonological sketch. Language and Linguistics in Oceania, 13, 32-88. |
Barlow, R. (2020). A sketch grammar of Pondi. Acton: ANU Press. |
Barlow, R. (2020). Notes on Mwakai, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. Language & Linguistics in Melanesia, 38, 37-99. |
Campbell, L., & Barlow, R. (2020). Is language change good or bad? In Questions about language: What everyone should know about language in the 21st Century (pp. 80-90). |
Barlow, R. (2019). Agent demotion through inverted word order: Syntactic passives in Ulwa. Studies in Language, 43(4), 1015-1037. |
Barlow, R. (2019). A syntactic motivation for valency reduction: Antipassive constructions in Ulwa. Oceanic Linguistics, 58(1): 730686, pp. 1-33. |
Barlow, R. (2018). Documentation of Ulwa, an endangered language of Papua New Guinea. London: SOAS, Endangered Languages Archive. |
Barlow, R. (2018). A grammar of Ulwa. PhD Thesis, University of Hawai'i, Manoa. |
Barlow, R., & Campbell, L. (2018). Language classification and cataloguing endangered languages. In L. Campbell, & A. Belew ( |
Belew, A., Chen, Y.-l., Campbell, L., Barlow, R., Hauk, B., Heaton, R., & Walla, S. (2018). The world’s endangered languages and their status. In L. Campell, & A. Belew ( |
Barlow, R. (2016). Mwakai (aka Mongol) language recordings. Sydney: Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC), University of Sydney. |
Barlow, R. (2016). Pondi (aka Langam) language recordings. Sydney: Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC), University of Sydney. |
Barlow, R. (2016). Ulwa (East Sepik, Papua New Guinea): Language materials from the Ulwa [yla] language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea. Honululu: Kaipuleohone, the University of Hawai‘i Digital Ethnographic Archive. |
Barlow, R. (2015). The will to marry: Did Indo-European brides choose their husbands? In M. Zinko, & C. Zinko ( |
Barlow, R. (2014). Latin examen, Greek exagogeus, and the Indo-European Apiculturist’s Taboo. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction, 11(1), 41-42. |
Graff, A., Inman, D., Chousou-Polydouri, N. Neureiter, N., Ranacher, P., Barlow, R., Witzlack-Makarevich, A., Gray, R., Barbieri, C. & Bickel, B. (2022). A global search for linguistic areas using Bayesian mixture modelling. The 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL). University of Oxford. 2022-08-01 - 2022-08-05.
Barlow, R. (2022). An areal typology of Papuan and Austronesian numeral systems. 14th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL). Leibniz Centre General Linguistics (ZAS) and Humboldt University. 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-11.
Barlow, R. (2022). Infix preservation and loss in Southeast Asia: typological and areal factors. Talk presented at 31st Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS). University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Honululu. 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-20.
Killian, D., & Barlow, R. (2021). Deictic-marked adpositions in Ap Ma and Waran. Talk presented at 53rd Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea. Ukarumpa/online. 2021-09-21 - 2021-09-23.
Barlow, R. (2020). The state of the field in Sulawesi: New insights from the Suwawa language documentation project. Talk presented at Indonesian Languages and Linguistics: State of the Field. Atma Jaya University. Jakarta. 2020-02-16 - 2020-02-18.
Brooks, J., & Barlow, R. (2020). Plural and non-plural nominal number in Northeast New Guinea. Talk presented at 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. SLE 2020 Platform. 2020-08-26 - 2020-09-01.
Barlow, R. (2019). Comparing language revitalisation in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Talk presented at The Ninth Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment: Language Revitalisation: New Speakers, New Challenges, New Linguistic Forms. University of Cambridge. 2019-07-02.
Barlow, R. (2019). Detecting grammatical change in a previously undescribed endangered language. Talk presented at Descriptive grammars and typology: The challenges of writing grammars of underdescribed and endangered languages. University of Helsinki. 2019-03-27 - 2019-03-29.
Barlow, R. (2015). ‘Give’ constructions in Papuan languages: How useful is the notion of ditransitivity?. Talk presented at 49th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby. 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-17.
Barlow, R. (2013). The will to marry: Did Indo-European brides choose their husbands?. Talk presented at 1. Grazer Kolloquium zur Indogermanischen Altertumskunde. Graz, Austria. 2013-11-14 - 2013-11-15.