Wilson Vieira

Doctoral student
Abteilung für Vergleichende Kulturpsychologie
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0) 341 3550 423
wilson_vieira@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de
Research Interests
I am a cross-cultural psychologist with a background in biology and anthropology focusing on understanding variation in cognitive flexibility variation in humans. More specifically, my research focuses on understanding how environmental contexts, sources of information, and harshness influence the way humans decide to forego known, working strategies for unknown, alternative ones. Ultimately my goal is to understand how the exogenous factors shape the development of our flexible problem-solving skills and how this links to human adaptability and cultural evolution.
Currently, I work with BaYaka hunter-gatherers and Bandongo fisher-farmers in the Republic of the Congo and with German children, aiming to understand how different aspects of these cultures shape human cognitive flexibility. In 2023, due to my long-term experience in fieldwork and exploration, I was appointed as Fellow member of The Explorers Club.
Personal website: www.wilson-vieira.com
Curriculum Vitate
Career and Education
2020 - present | Research Associate/ PhD Student Department of Comparative Cultural Psychology Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig |
2016 - 2018 | M. Sc. in Anthropology |
08/2015 - 09/2015 | Alumnus |
09/2014 - 12/2014 | Intern Researcher |
2011 - 2014 | B.Sc. in Biology |
Practical Experience
01/2019 - 10/2019 | Manager/ Research Assistant |
01/2018 - 03/2018 | Research Fellow |
07/2017 - 12/2017 | Research Fellow |
02/2017 - 06/2017 | Research Fellow |
04/2015 - 10/ 2015 | Research Assistant |
06/2014 | Volunteer Researcher |
- Portuguese (Native)
- English (Fluent)
- French (Intermediate)
- Spanish (Basic)
- Guinea-Bissau creole (Fluent)
Bohn, M., Vieira, W. F. d. S., Giner Torréns, M., Kärtner, J., Itakura, S., Cavalcante, L., Haun, D., Köster, M., & Kanngiesser, P. (2024). Mealtime conversations between parents and their 2-year-old children in five cultural contexts. Developmental Psychology, 60(7), 1255-1268. |
Naude, V. N., Becker, F. S., Mayberry, J. L., Viera, W. F., & du Toit, J. T. (2019). Logging roads as surrogates for elephant trails: Facilitating social signaling by small forest ungulates despite increasing risks. Conservation Science and Practice, 1(7): e43. |
Viera, W. F., Kerry, C., & Hockings, K. J. (2019). A comparison of methods to determine chimpanzee home-range size in a forest–farm mosaic at Madina in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau. Primates, 60(4), 355-365. |
Vieira, W. F. d. S. (2018). Chimpanzee use of space in a forest-agricultural mosaic at Madina in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau. Master Thesis, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon. |
Poster Presentation: Vieira, W. F., Hockings K. J. Home range and distribution of an unhabituated free-ranging Western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) community in a forest-agricultural mosaic at Madina in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau. Poster presented in XXVII Congress of the International Primatological Society, Kenya, August 2018.
Poster Presentation: Brandão A, Rodrigues D, Costa R, Peixoto L, Vieira W, Vicente L. Primate Personality: Preliminary results of a comparative study. Podium presentation in V Iberian Primatological Congress, Portugal, November 2015.
Poster Presentation: Pacheco I, Castelo Branco J, Ramos R, Vieira W. Vigilance behaviour of Oryz gazella and Aepycerus melampus petersi on the presence of visitors in the Lisbon zoo. Poster presented in XI Portuguese Etology Society Congress, Portugal, October 2014.
Research Awards & Funding
2018: Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA) Fellowship Grant
2017: Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA) Fellowship Grant