Hannah Olivia Rausch

Doctoral student
Abteilung für Menschliche Ursprünge
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0) 341 3550 759
hannah_olivia_rausch@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de
Research Interests
Observation of tool use in non-human primates provides a unique opportunity to study possible scenarios for the earliest use of stone tools. My doctoral research is focused on the potential role of percussive stone tool technology in the origins of stone tool use prior to the emergence of core-and-flake technology. I aim to investigate how raw material properties, target food sources, and net force affect resulting damage patterns on percussive stone tools. To do this, I will combine controlled experiments with studies of tool use in wild primates. The main goal of this research is to better inform our perception and interpretation of the earliest archaeological record. With this framework, I am working to (re)analyse early stone tool assemblages from eastern Africa. I am supervised by Dr Lydia Luncz (Technological Primates Group) and Dr Shannon McPherron (Stone Tool Origins Group).
- Origins of stone tool use
- Non-human primate tool use
- Palaeolithic archaeology
- Experimental archaeology and use-wear analysis
Curriculum Vitae
2023 | MA in Pre-and Protohistoric Archaeology University of Münster, Germany Thesis title: An experimental approach on dynamic Occlusal Fingerprint Analysis to evaluate hominin stone tool use In cooperation with TraCEr at MONREPOS (LEIZA) and Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt |
2021 | BA in Archaeology-History-Landscape and Biology University of Münster, Germany |
2021-2022 | Student trainee (LWL Archaeology) |
2019 | Student assistant (Indo-European Studies, University of Muenster) |
Research experience
2024 | East Turkana, Kenya In cooperation with the George Washington University and the National Museums of Kenya |
2023 | Urban Archaeology Münster Prospection for urban planning |
2022 | Pech de l’Azé layer 8, France Middle Palaeolithic excavation of micromorphology blocks |
2020, 2021 | Ilsenhöhle in Ranis, Germany Middle to Upper Palaeolithic cave excavation |
2020-2021 | City of Warendorf, Westphalia and LWL Archaeology Iron Age and Early Medieval settlement excavations (2) |
2019 | Urban and District Archaeology Osnabrück Medieval settlement excavations (3) |
- English (Native)
- German (Proficient)
- French (Reading and listening knowledge)
Projects & Partners
I am currently affiliated to the Archaeology section of the Department of Earth Sciences at the National Museums of Kenya.
Institute Service
I currently serve as a PhD representative for the Department of Human Origins.