Publications in peer-reviewed journals by group members
* joint first author
ǂ joint senior author
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De Moor, D., Skelton, M., MacaqueNet, Amici, F., Arlet, M., Balasubramaniam, K., Ballesta, S., Beisner, B., Berghänel, A., Berman, C. M., Bernstein, S. K., Bhattacharjee, D., Bliss-Moreau, E., Brotcorne, F., Butovskaya, M., Carosi, M., Chatterjee, M., Cowl, V., De La O, C., Dettmer, A., Dhawale, A. K., Erinjery, J. J., Fischer, J., García-Nisa, I., Giraud, G., Hammer, R., Hansen, M. F., Holzner, A., Kaburu, S., Konečná, M., Kumara, H. N., Larrivaz, M., Leca, J.-B., Legrand, M., Lehmann, J., Li, J.-H., MacIntosh, A., Majolo, B., Maréchal, L., Marty, P., Massen, J. J. M., Maulany, R. I., McCowan, B., McFarland, R., Meunier, H., Micheletta, J., Mishra, P. S., Molesti, S., Müller-Klein, N., Ngakan, P. O., Palagi, E., Pflüger, L. S., Polizzi di Sorrentino, E., Reichard, U. H., Riley, E., Rincon, A., Ruppert, N., Sadoughi, B., Sah, S. A. M., Santhosh, K., Schino, G., Singh, M., Sinha, A., Sosa, S., Stribos, M. S., Sueur, C., Tkaczynski, P. J., Widdig, A., Whitehouse, J., Wooddell, L., Xia, D.-P., Young, C., Schülke, O., Ostner, J., Neumann, C., Duboscq, J., & Brent, L. J. N. (in press). MacaqueNet: Advancing comparative behavioural research through large-scale collaboration. Journal of Animal Ecology. |
Freudiger, A., Jovanovic, V. M., Huang, Y., Snyder-Mackler, N., Conrad, D. F., Miller, B., Montague, M. J., Westphal, H., Stadler, P. F., Bley, S., Horvath, J. E., Brent, L. J. N., Platt, M. L., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Tung, J., Nowick, K., Ringbauer, H., & Widdig, A. (2025). Estimating realized relatedness in free-ranging macaques by inferring identity-by-descent segments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(3): e2401106122. |
Schaffer, A., Caicoya, A. L., Widdig, A., Holland, R., & Amici, F. (2025). Quantity discrimination in 9 ungulate species: Individuals take item number and size into account to discriminate quantities. Cognition, 254: 105979. |
Mörchen, J. (2024). Social learning and cultural transmission in the context of migration: insights from two orangutan populations. PhD Thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig. |
Neugebauer, E., Lestari, S. D., Kaletuang, I. R., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., & Widdig, A. (2024). Distribution and human-mediated establishment of crested Macaque (Macaca nigra) populations in the North Moluccas, Indonesia (advance online). International Journal of Primatology. |
Widdig, A., Engel, L., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Dubuc, C., & Weiß, B. (2024). Assessing variance in male reproductive skew based on long-term data in free-ranging rhesus macaques (advance online). American Journal of Primatology, e23687. |
Graham, K. E., Holden, E., Engelhardt, A., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., & Slocombe, K. E. (2024). Successful adoption of non-orphaned infant by a parous, nursing female in yaki (Sulawesi crested macaque). Behaviour, 161(10), 797-814. |
Weiß, B. M. *., & Widdig, A. (2024). Influence of visual information on sniffing behavior in a routinely trichromatic primate. Behavioral Ecology, 35(5): arae055. |
Zetzsche, M., Weiß, B., Kücklich, M., Stern, J., Birkemeyer, C., Widdig, A. ǂ., & Penke, L. (2024). Combined perceptual and chemical analyses show no compelling evidence for ovulatory cycle shifts in women's axillary adour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291(2027): 20232712. |
Simon, M., Widdig, A., & Weiß, B. M. (2024). Sniffing behavior of semi free‐ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). American Journal of Primatology, 86(5): e23611. |
Mörchen, J., Luhn, F., Wassmer, O., Kunz, J. A., Kulik, L., van Noordwijk, M., Rianti, P., Rahmaeti, T., Atmoko, S. S. U., Widdig, A. ǂ., & Schuppli, C. (2024). Orangutan males make increased use of social learning opportunities, when resource availability is high. iScience, 27(2): 108940. |
Berardo, C., Holland, R., Schaffer, A., Lopez Caicoya, A., Liebal, K., Valsecchi, P., & Amici, F. (2024). Perception of optical illusions in ungulates: Insights from goats, sheep, guanacos and llamas. Animal Cognition, 27: 40. |
Holzner, A., Rameli, N. I. A. M., Ruppert, N., & Widdig, A. (2024). Agricultural habitat use affects infant survivorship in an endangered macaque species. Current Biology, 34, 410-416. |
Kerhoas, D., Kulik, L., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., Engelhardt, A., & Widdig, A. (2023). Do wild, male, crested Macaques (Macaca nigra) respond to the screams of infants involved in agonistic interactions? International Journal of Primatology, 44(4), 626-648. |
Mörchen, J., Luhn, F., Wassmer, O., Kunz, J., Kulik, L., van Noordwijk, M., van Schaik, C., Rianti, P., Atmoko, S. S. U., Widdig, A. ǂ., & Schuppli, C. ǂ. (2023). Migrant orangutan males use social learning to adapt to new habitat after dispersal. Frontiers Ecology And Evolution, 11. |
Chanvin, M., Lamarque, F., Diko, N., Agil, M., Micheletta, J., & Widdig, A. (2023). Ten years of positive impact of a conservation education program on children's knowledge and behaviour towards crested macaques (Macaca nigra) in the Greater Tangkoko Area, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of Primatology. |
Amici, F., Widdig, A., von Fersen, L., Lopez Caicoya, A., & Majolo, B. (2023). Corrigendum: Intra-specific variation in the social behavior of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1192731. |
Marcillo, A., Baca Cabrera, J. C., Widdig, A., & Birkenmeyer, C. (2023). A comparison between mobile and stationary gas chromatography–mass spectrometry devices for analysis of complex volatile profiles. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, 137-155. |
Jänig, S. *., Kücklich, M. *., Kulik, L., Zetzsche, M., Weiß, B. M. ǂ., & Widdig, A. ǂ. (2022). Olfactory inspection of female reproductive states in chimpanzees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 884661. |
Neumann, C., Kulik, L., Agil, M., Engelhardt, A., & Widdig, A. (2022). Temporal dynamics and fitness consequences of coalition formation in male primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1976): 20212626. |
Amici, F., Röder, S., Kiess, W., Borte, M., Zenclussen, A. C., Widdig, A. ǂ., & Herberth, G. (2022). Maternal stress, child behavior and the promotive role of older siblings. BMC Public Health, 22: 863. |
Karimullah, K., Widdig, A., Sah, S. A. M., & Amici, F. (2022). Understanding potential conflicts between human and non-human-primates: A large-scale survey in Malaysia. Biodiversity and Conservation, 31, 1249-1266. |
Kücklich, M., Jänig, S., Kulik, L., Birkemeyer, C., Weiss, B. M., & Widdig, A. (2022). Towards an understanding multimodal traits of female reproduction in chimpanzees. Primates, 63, 365-376. |
Reuter, K. E., Mittermeier, R. A., Schwitzer, C., McCabe, G., Rylands, A. B., Jerusalinsky, L., Konstant, W., Kerhoas, D., Ratsimbazafy, J., Strier, K. B., Webber, A. D., Williamson, E. A., & Wise, J. (2022). The 25 most endangered primates list impacts on conservation fundraising and policy. In E. Freedman, S. Shipley Hiles, & D. B. Sachsmann ( |
Holzner, A., Rayan, D. M., Moore, J., Tan, C. K. W., Kulik, L., Clart, L., Kühl, H., Ruppert, N., & Widdig, A. (2021). Occupancy of wild southern pig-tailed macaques in intact and degraded forests in Peninsular Malaysia. PeerJ, 9: e12462. |
Amici, F., Widdig, A., von Fersen, L., Lopez Caicoya, A., & Majolo, B. (2021). Intra-specific variation in the social behavior of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Frontiers in Psychology, 12. |
Caicoya, A. L., Amici, F., Ensenyat, C., & Colell, M. (2021). Comparative cognition in three understudied ungulate species: European bison, forest buffalos and giraffes. Frontiers in Zoology, 18: 30. |
Ehmann, B., van Schaik, C. P., Ashbury, A. M., Mörchen, J., Musdarlia, H., Utami Atmoko, S., van Noordwijk, M. A., & Schuppli, C. (2021). Immature wild orangutans acquire relevant ecological knowledge through sex-specific attentional biases during social learning. PLoS Biology, 19: e3001173. |
Caicoya, A. L., Colell, M., Ensenyat, C., & Amici, F. (2021). Problem solving in European bison (Bison bonasus): two experimental approaches. Royal Society Open Science, 8(4): 201901. |
Gomez-Melara, J. L., Acosta-Naranjo, R., Castellano-Navarro, A., Beltrán Francés, V., Caicoya, A. L., MacIntosh, A. J. J., Maulany, R. I., Ngakan, P. O., & Amici, F. (2021). Dominance style predicts differences in food retrieval strategies. Scientific Reports, 11: 2726. |
Higham, J. P., Heistermann, M., Agil, M., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., Widdig, A., & Engelhardt, A. (2021). Female fertile phase synchrony, and male mating and reproductive skew, in the crested macaque. Scientific Reports, 11. |
Anzá, S., Majolo, B., & Amici, F. (2021). The function of mounts in free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). International Journal of Primatology, 42, 426-441. |
Caicoya, A. L., Colell, M., Holland, R., Ensenyat, C., & Amici, F. (2021). Giraffes go for more: A quantity discrimination study in giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis). Animal Cognition, 24, 483-495. |
Holzner, A. (2021). The role and behaviour of southern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) in oil palm plantations. PhD Thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig. |
Holzner, A., Balasubramaniam, K. N., Weiß, B. M., Ruppert, N., & Widdig, A. (2021). Oil palm cultivation critically affects sociality in a threatened Malaysian primate. Scientific Reports, 11: 10353. |
Schaffer, A., Caicoya, A. L., Colell, M., Holland, R., von Fersen, L., Widdig, A., & Amici, F. (2021). Neophobia in 10 ungulate specie - a comparative approach. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75: 102. |
Young, M. M. I. (2021). Determinants of paternity in male vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). PhD Thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig. |
Amici, F., Widdig, A., MacIntosh, A. J., Francés, V. B., Castellano-Navarro, A., Caicoya, A. L., Karimullah, K., Maulany, R. I., Oka, N. P., Hamzah, A. S., & Majolo, B. (2020). Dominance style only partially predicts differences in neophobia and social tolerance over food in four macaque species. Scientific Reports, 10: 22069. |
Donnier, S., Kovacs, G., Oña, L. S., Bräuer, J., & Amici, F. (2020). Experience has a limited effect on humans’ ability to predict the outcome of social interactions in children, dogs and macaques. Scientific Reports, 10: 21240. |
Schaffer, A., Caicoya, A. L., Colell, M., Holland, R., Ensenyat, C., & Amici, F. (2020). Gaze following in ungulates: Domesticated and non-domesticated species follow the gaze of both human and conspecifics in an experimental context. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 604904. |
Beltrán Francés, V., Castellano-Navarro, A., Illa Maulany, R. I., Oka Ngakan, P. O., MacIntosh, A. J. J., Llorente, M., & Amici, F. (2020). Play behavior in immature moor macaques (Macaca maura) and Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). American Journal of Primatology, 82(10): e23192. |
Lee, D. S., Mandalaywala, T., Dubuc, C., Widdig, A., & Higham, J. (2020). Higher early life mortality with lower infant body mass in a free-ranging primate. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(10), 2300-2310. |
Padrell, M., Riba, D., Ubeda, Y., Amici, F., & Llorente, M. (2020). The Influence of Personality on Chimpanzees' Performance in Cognitive Tasks. Folia Primatologica, 91(5), 512-540. |
Cacchione, T., & Amici, F. (2020). Insights from comparative research on cultural learning. In S. Hunnius, & M. Meyer ( |
Padrell, M., Riba, D., Úbeda, Y., Amici, F., & Llorente, M. (2020). Personality, cognition and behavior in chimpanzees: A new approach based on Eysenck’s model. PeerJ, 8: e9707. |
Bräuer, J., Stenglein, K., & Amici, F. (2020). Dogs (Canis familiaris) and wolves (Canis lupus) coordinate with conspecifics in a social dilemma. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 134(2), 211-221. |
Marcillo, A., Weiß, B. M., Widdig, A., & Birkemeyer, C. (2020). Challenges of fast sampling of volatiles for thermal desorption gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1617: 460822. |
Amici, F., Caicoya, A. L., Majolo, B., & Widdig, A. (2020). Innovation in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Scientific Reports, 10(1): 4597. |
Young, M. M. I., Winters, S., Young, C., Weiß, B. M., Troscianko, J., Ganswindt, A., Barrett, L., Henzi, S. P., Higham, J. P., & Widdig, A. (2020). Male characteristics as predictors of genital color and display variation in vervet monkeys. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74(2): 14. |
Dell'Anna, F., Llorente, M., Weiss, B. M., von Fersen, L., & Amici, F. (2020). The effect of individual and food characteristics on food retrieval and food sharing in captive Guinea baboons (Papio papio). American Journal of Primatology, 82(1): e23078. |
Ruiz-Lambides, A. V., Giura, B., & Caraballo, G. (2019). The Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) population of Cayo Santiago post-hurricane Maria: Social groups, Distribution, current research situation. American Journal of Primatology, 81(S1), 24. |
Amici, F., Waterman, J., Kellermann, C. M., Karimullah, K., & Bräuer, J. (2019). The ability to recognize dog emotions depends on the cultural milieu in which we grow up. Scientific Reports, 9: 16414. |
Amici, F. (2019). An evolutionary approach to the study of collaborative remembering? Topics in Cognitive Science, 11(4), 811-816. |
Kücklich, M., Weiß, B. M., Birkemeyer, C., Einspanier, A., & Widdig, A. (2019). Chemical cues of female fertility states in a non-human primate. Scientific Reports, 9: 13716. |
Amici, F. (2019). Memories of emotional expressions in horses. Learning and Behavior, 47(3), 191-192. |
Amici, F., & Widdig, A. (2019). An evolutionary perspective on the development of primate sociality. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(8): 116. |
Amici, F., Holland, R., & Cacchione, T. (2019). Sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) fail to solve a novel problem even after social information and relevant experience are provided. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 133(3), 373-379. |
Young, C., McFarland, R., Ganswindt, A., Young, M., Barrett, L., & Henzi, S. P. (2019). Male residency and dispersal triggers in a seasonal breeder with influential females. Animal Behaviour, 154, 29-37. |
Jänig, S., Weiß, B. M. *., Birkemeyer, C., & Widdig, A. (2019). Comparative chemical analysis of body odor in great apes. American Journal of Primatology, 81: e22976. |
Caicoya, A. L., Amici, F., Ensenyat, C., & Colell Mimo, M. (2019). Object permanence in giraffa camelopardalis: First steps in giraffes' physical cognition. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 133(2), 207-214. |
Amici, F., Sánchez Amaro, A., Sebastián-Enesco, C., Allritz, M., Cachhione, T., Salazar-Bonet, J., & Rossano, F. (2019). The word order of languages predicts native speakers’ working memory. Scientific Reports, 9: 1124. |
Amici, F., Kulik, L., Langos, D., & Widdig, A. (2019). Growing into adulthood – a review on sex differences in the development of sociality across macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(2): 18. |
Amici, F., Widdig, A. *., Lehmann, J., & Majolo, B. (2019). A meta-analysis of interindividual differences in innovation. Animal Behaviour, 155, 257-268. |
Gruber, T., Luncz, L. V., Mörchen, J., Schuppli, C., Kendal, R. L., & Hockings, K. (2019). Cultural change in animals: A flexible behavioural adaptation to human disturbance. Palgrave Communications, 5: 9. |
Holzner, A., Ruppert, N., Swat, F., Schmidt, M., Weiß, B. M., Villa, G., Mansor, A., Sah, S. A. M., Engelhardt, A., Kühl, H. S., & Widdig, A. (2019). Macaques can contribute to greener practices in oil palm plantations when used as biological pest control. Current Biology, 29(20), R1066-R1067. |
Kücklich, M. (2019). Olfactory fertility cues in primates. PhD Thesis, Universität, Leipzig. |
Ruiz-Lambides, A. V. (2019). Towards understanding the factors that shape the distribution and occurrence of extra-group paternity in rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta. PhD Thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig. |
Scheiber, I. B. R. *., Weiß, B. M. *., de Jong, M. E., Braun, A., van den Brink, N. W., Loonen, M. J. J. E., Millesi, E., & Komdeur, J. (2018). Stress behaviour and physiology of developing Arctic barnacle goslings (Branta leucopsis) is affected by legacy trace contaminants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 285(1893): 20181866. |
Minkner, M., Young, C., Amici, F., McFarland, R., Barrett, L., Grober, P., Henzi, S. P., & Widdig, A. (2018). Assessment of male reproductive skew via highly polymorphic STR markers in wild vervet monkeys, Chlorocebus pygerythrus. Journal of Heredity, 109(7), 780-790. |
Kazem, A. J. N., Barth, Y., Pfefferle, D., Kulik, L., & Widdig, A. (2018). Parent-offspring facial resemblance increases with age in rhesus macaques. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1886): 20181208. |
Bräuer, J., & Amici, F. (2018). Fake or not: Two prerequisites for jealousy. Animal sentience: an interdisciplinary journal on animal feeling, 22(18): 147. Retrieved from |
Jänig, S., Weiß, B. M., & Widdig, A. (2018). Comparing the sniffing behavior of great apes. American Journal of Primatology, 80(6): e22872. |
Ruiz-Lambides, A. V. *., Weiß, B. M. *., Kulik, L., & Widdig, A. (2018). Which male and female characteristics influence the probability of extragroup paternities in rhesus macaques? Animal Behaviour, 140, 119-127. |
Peters, K., Worrich, A., Weinhold, A., Alka, O., Balcke, G., Birkemeyer, C., Bruelheide, H., Calf, O. W., Dietz, S., Duehrkop, K., Gaquerel, E., Heinig, U., Kuecklich, M., Kücklich, M., Macel, M., Mueller, C., Poeschl, Y., Pohnert, G., Ristok, C., Rodriguez, V. M., Ruttkies, C., Schuman, M., Schweiger, R., Shahaf, N., Steinbeck, C., Tortosa, M., Treutler, H., Ueberschaar, N., Velasco, P., Weiss, B. M., Widdig, A., Neumann, S., & van Dam, N. M. (2018). Current challenges in plant eco-metabolomics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(5): 1385. |
Haemmerli, S., Thill, C., Amici, F., & Cacchione, T. (2018). Domestic horses (Equus ferus caballus) fail to intuitively reason about object properties like solidity and weight. Animal Cognition, 21(3), 441-446. |
Weiß, B. M., Kücklich, M., Thomsen, R., Henkel, S., Jänig, S., Kulik, L., Birkemeyer, C., & Widdig, A. (2018). Chemical composition of axillary odorants reflects social and individual attributes in rhesus macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72(4): 65. |
Amici, F., Call, J., Watzek, J., Brosnan, S., & Aureli, F. (2018). Social inhibition and behavioural flexibility when the context changes: A comparison across six primate species. Scientific Reports, 8: 3067. |
Weiß, B. M., Marcillo, A., Manser, M., Holland, R., Birkemeyer, C., & Widdig, A. (2018). A non-invasive method for sampling the body odour of mammals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(2), 420-429. |
Bueno-Guerra, N., & Amici, F. ( |
Scheiber, I. B. R., & Weiß, B. M. (2018). Girls of a feather flock together: Spatial proximity in adult kin in greylag geese (Anser anser). In O. P. Jenkins ( |
Amici, F., Cacchione, T., & Bueno-Guerra, N. (2017). Understanding of object properties by sloth bears, Melursus ursinus ursinus. Animal Behaviour, 134, 217-222. |
Widdig, A. (2017). Coefficient of Relatedness. In J. Vonk, & T. K. Shackelford ( |
Amici, F., Mimó, M. C., Borell, C. v., & Bueno-Guerra, N. (2017). Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) fail to prosocially donate food in an experimental set-up. Animal Cognition, 20(6), 1059-1066. |
Marcillo, A., Jakimovska, V., Widdig, A., & Birkemeyer, C. (2017). Comparison of two common adsorption materials for thermal desorption gas chromatography – mass spectrometry of biogenic volatile organic compounds. Journal of Chromatography A, 1514, 16-28. |
Kücklich, M., Möller, M., Marcillo, A., Einspanier, A., Weiß, B. M., Birkemeyer, C., & Widdig, A. (2017). Different methods for volatile sampling in mammals. PLoS One, 12(8): e0183440. |
Scheiber, I. B. R., Jong, M. E. d., Komdeur, J., Pschernig, E., Loonen, M. J. J. E., Millesi, E., & Weiß, B. M. (2017). Diel pattern of corticosterone metabolites in Arctic barnacle goslings (Branta leucopsis) under continuous natural light. PLoS One, 12(8): e0182861. |
Engelhardt, A., Muniz, L., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., & Widdig, A. (2017). Highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for the assessment of male reproductive skew and genetic variation in critically endangered crested macaques (Macaca nigra). International Journal of Primatology, 38(4), 672-691. |
Ruiz-Lambides, A., Weiß, B. M., Kulik, L., Stephens, C., Mundry, R., & Widdig, A. (2017). Long-term analysis on the variance of extra-group paternities in rhesus macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(4): 67. |
Crunchant, A.-S., Egerer, M., Loos, A., Burghardt, T., Zuberbühler, K., Corogenes, K., Leinert, V., Kulik, L., & Kühl, H. S. (2017). Automated face detection for occurrence and occupancy estimation in chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology, 79(3): e22627. |
Amici, F., Call, J., & Aureli, F. (2017). Coexistence of general intelligence and specialized modules. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40: e196. |
Duboscq, J., Neumann, C., Agil, M., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., Thierry, B., & Engelhardt, A. (2017). Degrees of freedom in social bonds of crested macaque females. Animal Behaviour, 123, 411-426. |
Scheiber, I. B. R., Weiß, B. M., Kingma, S. A., & Komdeur, J. (2017). The importance of the altricial – precocial spectrum for social complexity in mammals and birds – a review. Frontiers in Zoology, 14: 3. |
Widdig, A., Muniz, L., Minkner, M., Barth, Y., Bley, S., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Junge, O., Mundry, R., & Kulik, L. (2017). Low incidence of inbreeding in a long-lived primate population isolated for 75 years. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(1): 18. |
Luncz, L. V., Proffitt, T., Kulik, L., Haslam, M., & Wittig, R. M. (2016). Distance-decay effect in stone tool transport by wild chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1845): 20161607. |
Von Borell, C., Kulik, L., & Widdig, A. (2016). Growing into the self: The development of personality in rhesus macaques. Animal Behaviour, 122, 183-195. |
Pfefferle, D., Hammerschmidt, K., Mundry, R., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Fischer, J., & Widdig, A. (2016). Does the structure of female rhesus macaque coo calls reflect relatedness and/or familiarity? PLoS One, 11(8): e0161133. |
Weiß, B. M., Kulik, L., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2016). Individual dispersal decisions affect fitness via maternal rank effects in male rhesus macaques. Scientific Reports, 6: 32212. |
Kerhoas Essens, D., Kulik, L., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., Agil, M., Engelhardt, A., & Widdig, A. (2016). Mother-male bond, but not paternity, influences male-infant affiliation in wild crested macaques. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70(8), 1117-1130. |
Birkemeyer, C. S., Thomsen, R., Jänig, S., Kücklich, M., Slama, A., Weiß, B. M., & Widdig, A. (2016). Sampling the body odor of primates: Cotton swabs sample semivolatiles rather than volatiles. Chemical Senses, 41(6), 525-535. |
Kulik, L., Langos, D., & Widdig, A. (2016). Mothers make a difference: Mothers develop weaker bonds with immature sons than daughters. PLoS One, 11(5): e0154845. |
Langos, D. (2016). Determinants of male care and its impact on immature fitness in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). PhD Thesis, Universität, Leipzig. |
Widdig, A., Kessler, M. J., Bercovitch, F. B., Berard, J. D., Duggleby, C., Nürnberg, P., Rawlins, R. G., Sauermann, U., Wang, Q., Krawczak, M., & Schmidtke, J. (2016). Genetic studies on the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques: A review of 40 years of research. American Journal of Primatology, 78(1), 44-62. |
Widdig, A., Langos, D., & Kulik, L. (2016). Sex differences in kin bias at maturation: Male rhesus macaques prefer paternal kin prior to natal dispersal. American Journal of Primatology, 78(1), 78-91. |
Henkel, S., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Berger, A., Thomsen, R., & Widdig, A. (2015). Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) recognize group membership via olfactory cues alone. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(12), 2019-2034. |
Grimm, A. *., Weiß, B. M. *., Kulik, L., Mihoub, J.-B., Mundry, R., Köppen, U., Brueckmann, T., Thomsen, R., & Widdig, A. (2015). Earlier breeding, lower success: does the spatial scale of climatic conditions matter in a migratory passerine bird? Ecology and Evolution, 5(23), 5722-5734. |
Pfefferle, D., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2015). Male rhesus macaques use vocalizations to distinguish female maternal, but not paternal, kin from non-kin. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(10), 1677-1686. |
Langos, D., Kulik, L., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2015). Does male care, provided to immature individuals, influence immature fitness in rhesus macaques? PLoS One, 10(9): e0137841. |
Adams, M. J., Majolo, B., Ostner, J., Schülke, O., De Marco, A., Thierry, B., Engelhardt, A., Widdig, A., Gerald, M. S., & Weiss, A. (2015). Personality structure and social style in macaques. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(2), 338-353. |
Kulik, L., Amici, F., Langos, D., & Widdig, A. (2015). Sex differences in the development of aggressive behavior in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). International Journal of Primatology, 36(4), 764-789. |
Watson, K., Li, D., Brent, L., Horvath, J., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Robinson, A., Skene, J., & Platt, M. (2015). Genetic influences on social attention in free-ranging rhesus macaques. Animal Behaviour, 103, 267-275. |
Thomsen, R. (2015). How friendships evolve: Being alike may matter more than being related. The Journal of Brief Ideas, 17279. |
Kulik, L., Amici, F., Langos, D., & Widdig, A. (2015). Sex differences in the development of social relationships in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). International Journal of Primatology, 36(2), 353-376. |
Kessler, M. J., Hernández Pacheco, R., Rawlins, R. G., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Delgado, D. L., & Sabat, A. M. (2015). Long-term effects of tetanus toxoid inoculation on the demography and life expectancy of the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. American Journal of Primatology, 77(2), 211-221. |
Kulik, L. (2015). Development and consequences of social behavior in rhesus macaques (Macaca Mulatta). PhD Thesis, Univ., Leipzig. |
Thomsen, R., & Sommer, V. (2015). Masturbation in nonhuman primates. In The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (pp. 754-755). London [u.a.]: Wiley-Blackwell. |
Pfefferle, D., Kazem, A. J. N., Brockhausen, R. R., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2014). Monkeys spontaneously discriminate their unfamiliar paternal relatives under natural conditions using facial cues. Current Biology, 24(15), 1806-1810. |
Larson, S. M., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., Platt, M. L., Fernandez-Duque, E., & Brent, L. J. (2014). Social network dynamics of a group fission event in free-ranging rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153(S58), 164-165. |
Pfefferle, D., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2014). Female rhesus macaques discriminate unfamiliar paternal sisters in playback experiments: Support for acoustic phenotype matching. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1774): 20131628. |
Brent, L. J. N., Semple, S., MacLarnon, A., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., & Platt, M. L. (2014). Personality traits in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) are heritable but do not predict reproductive output. International Journal of Primatology, 35(1), 188-209. |
Dubuc, C., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2014). Variance in male lifetime reproductive success and estimation of the degree of polygyny in a primate. Behavioral Ecology, 25(4), 878-889. |
Dubuc, C., Winters, S., Allen, W. L., Brent, L. J. N., Cascio, J., Maestripieri, D., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Widdig, A., & Higham, J. P. (2014). Sexually selected skin colour is heritable and related to fecundity in a non-human primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1794): 20141602. |
Kerhoas, D., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., Agil, M., Widdig, A., & Engelhardt, A. (2014). Social and ecological factors influencing offspring survival in wild macaques. Behavioral Ecology, 25(5), 1164-1172. |
Thomsen, R. (2014). Non-invasive collection and analysis of semen in wild macaques. Primates, 55(2), 231-237. |
Zschoke, A., & Thomsen, R. (2014). Sniffing behaviours in guenons. Folia primatologica, 85(4), 244-251. |
Hernández-Pacheco, R., Rawlins, R. G., Kessler, M. J., Williams, L. E., Ruiz-Maldonado, T. M., González-Martinez, J., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Sabat, A. M. (2013). Demographic variability and density-dependent dynamics of a free-ranging rhesus macaque population. American Journal of Primatology, 75(12), 1152-1164. |
Dubuc, C., Coyne, S. P., & Maestripieri, D. (2013). Effect of mating activity and dominance rank on male masturbation among free-ranging male rhesus macaques. Ethology, 119(11), 1006-1013. |
Dubuc, C., Ruiz-Lambides, A., & Widdig, A. (2013). Male lifetime reproductive success and opportunity of selection in rhesus macaques of the free-ranging population of Cayo Santiago. American Journal of Primatology, 75(Suppl. 1), 63-63. |
Bradley, B. J., Gerald, M. S., Widdig, A., & Mundy, N. I. (2013). Coat color variation and pigmentation gene expression in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 20(3), 263-270. |
Higham, J. P., Pfefferle, D., Heistermann, M., Maestripieri, D., & Stevens, M. (2013). Signaling in multiple modalities in male rhesus macaques: Sex skin coloration and barks in relation to androgen levels, social status, and mating behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67(9), 1457-1469. |
Voigt, C., Klöckner, P., Touma, C., Neuschl, C., Brockmann, G., Göritz, F., Palme, R., & Thomsen, R. (2013). Hormonal stress response of laboratory mice to conventional and minimally invasive bleeding techniques. Animal Welfare, 22(4), 449-455. |
Widdig, A. (2013). The Impact of male reproductive skew on kin structure and sociality in multi-male groups. Evolutionary Anthropology, 22(5), 239-250. |
Neumann, C., Agil, M., Widdig, A., & Engelhardt, A. (2013). Personality of wild male crested Macaques (Macaca nigra). PLoS One, 8(8): e69383. |
Langos, D., Kulik, L., Mundry, R., & Widdig, A. (2013). The impact of paternity on male–infant association in a primate with low paternity certainty. Molecular Ecology, 22(13), 3638-3651. |
Kazem, A. J. N., & Widdig, A. (2013). Visual phenotype matching: Cues to paternity are present in rhesus macaque faces. PLoS One, 8(2): e55846. |
Albers, M., & Widdig, A. (2013). The influence of kinship on familiar natal migrant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). International Journal of Primatology, 34(1), 99-114. |
Brent, L. J. N., Heilbronner, S. R., Horvath, J. E., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Robinson, A. G., Pate Skene, J., & Platt, M. J. (2013). Genetic origins of social networks in rhesus macaques. Scientific Reports, 3: 1042. |
Kerhoas, D., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., Agil, M., Widdig, A., & Engelhardt, A. (2013). The interaction of social and ecological parameters on foetal and infant survival in wild crested macaques. Folia primatologica, 84(3-5), 291-292. |
Neumann, C. (2013). Achievement and maintenance of dominance in male crested macaques (Macaca nigra). PhD Thesis, Univ., Leipzig. |
Charpentier, M. J. E., Huchard, E., Widdig, A., Gimenez, O., Sallé, B., Kappeler, P., & Renoult, J. P. (2012). Distribution of affiliative behavior across kin classes and their fitness consequences in mandrills. Ethology, 118(12), 1198-1207. |
Micheletta, J., Waller, B. M., Panggur, M. R., Neumann, C., Duboscq, J., Agil, M., & Engelhardt, A. (2012). Social bonds affect anti-predator behaviour in a tolerant species of macaque, Macaca nigra. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1744), 4042-4050. |
Buhl, J. S., Aure, B., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., Platt, M. L., & Brent, L. J. N. (2012). Response of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to the body of a group member that died from a fatal attack. International Journal of Primatology, 33(4), 860-871. |
Dubuc, C., Hughes, K. D., Cascio, J., & Santos, L. R. (2012). Social tolerance in a despotic primate: Co-feeding between consortship partners in rhesus macaques. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 148(1), 73-80. |
Dubuc, C., Muniz, L., Heistermann, M., Widdig, A., & Engelhardt, A. (2012). Do males time their mate-guarding effort with the fertile phase in order to secure fertilisation in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques? Hormones and Behavior, 61(5), 696-705. |
Muniz, L., Ruiz-Lambides, A., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., & Widdig, A. (2012). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Fitness Outcome of Male Rhesus Macaques Migration Strategies. Folia primatologica, 82, 260-261. |
Kulik, L., Muniz, L., Mundry, R., & Widdig, A. (2012). Patterns of interventions and the effect of coalitions and sociality on male fitness. Molecular Ecology, 21(3), 699-714. |
Engelhardt, A., Fischer, J., Neumann, C., Pfeifer, J.-B., & Heistermann, M. (2012). Information content of female copulation calls in wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66(1), 121-134. |
Higham, J. P., Hughes, K. D., Brent, L. J. N., Dubuc, C., Engelhardt, A., Heistermann, M., Maestriperi, D., Santos, L. R., & Stevens, M. (2011). Familiarity affects the assessment of female facial signals of fertility by free-ranging male rhesus macaques. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1723), 3452-3458. |
Brent, L., Semple, S., Dubuc, C., Heistermann, M., & MacLarnon, A. (2011). Social capital and physiological stress levels in free-ranging adult female rhesus macaques. Physiology & Behavior, 102(1), 76-83. |
Dubuc, C., Muniz, L., Heistermann, M., Engelhardt, A., & Widdig, A. (2011). Testing the priority-of-access model in a seasonally breeding primate species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(8), 1615-1627. |
Lima, M. R., Macedo, R. H., Muniz, L., Pacheco, A., & Graves, J. A. (2011). Group Composition, Mating System, and Relatedness in the Communally Breeding Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira) in Central Brazil. The Auk, 128(3), 475-486. |
Neumann, C., Duboscq, J., Dubuc, C., Ginting, A., Irwan, A. M., Agil, M., Widdig, A., & Engelhardt, A. (2011). Assessing dominance hierarchies: Validation and advantages of progressive evaluation with Elo-rating. Animal Behaviour, 82(4), 911-921. |
Pfefferle, D., Heistermann, M., Pirow, R., Hodges, J. K., & Fischer, J. (2011). Estrogen and progestogen correlates of the structure of female copulation calls in semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). International Journal of Primatology, 32(4), 992-1006. |
Weiss, A., Adams, M. J., Widdig, A., & Gerald, M. S. (2011). Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) as living fossils of hominoid personality and subjective well-being. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125(1), 72-83. |
Higham, J. P., Brent, L. J. N., Dubuc, C., Accamando, A. K., Engelhardt, A., Gerald, M. S., Heistermann, M., & Stevens, M. (2010). Color signal information content and the eye of the beholder: A case study in the rhesus macaque. Behavioral Ecology, 21(4), 739-746. |
Muniz, L., Perry, S., Manson, J. H., Gilkenson, H., Gros-Louis, J., & Vigilant, L. (2010). Male dominance and reproductive success in wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) at Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rica. American Journal of Primatology, 72(12), 1118-1130. |
Neumann, C., Assahad, G., Hammerschmidt, K., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D., & Engelhardt, A. (2010). Loud calls in male crested macaques, Macaca nigra: a signal of dominance in a tolerant species. Animal Behaviour, 79(1), 187-193. |
Albert, F. W., Carlborg, O., Plyusnina, I. Z., Besnier, F., Hedwig, D., Lautenschläger, S., Lorenz, D., McIntosh, J., Neumann, C., Richter, H., Zeising, C., Kozhemyakina, T., Shchepina, O., Kratzsch, J., Trut, L. N., Teupser, D., Thiery, J., Schöneberg, T., Andersson, L., & Pääbo, S. (2009). Genetic architecture of tameness in a rat model of animal domestication. Genetics, 182(2), 541-554. |
Muniz, L. d. S. e. B. (2008). Genetic analyses of wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus). PhD Thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig. |
Charpentier, M. J. E., Prugnolle, F., Gimenez, O., & Widdig, A. (2008). Genetic heterozygosity and sociality in a primate species. Behavior Genetics, 38(1), 151-158. |
Muniz, L., & Vigilant, L. (2008). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the white-faced capuchin monkey (Cebus capucinus) and cross-species amplification in other New World monkeys. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(2), 402-405. |
Perry, S., Manson, J. H., Muniz, L., Grios-Louis, J., & Vigilant, L. (2008). Kin-biased social behaviour in wild adult female white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus. Animal Behaviour, 76(1), 187-199. |
Widdig, A., Alberts, S. C., Nürnberg, P., & Krawczak, M. (2008). Do mothers promote social preference among their paternally related offspring?: Testing mechanisms of paternal kin discrimination. Folia Primatologica, 79(5), 398-398. |
Charpentier, M. J. E., Widdig, A., & Alberts, S. C. (2007). Inbreeding depression in non-human primates: a historical review of methods used and empirical data. American Journal of Primatology, 69(12), 1370-1386. |
Widdig, A. (2007). Paternal kin discrimination: the evidence and likely mechanisms. Biological Reviews, 82(2), 319-334. |
Muniz, L., Perry, S., Manson, J. H., Gilkenson, H., Gros-Louis, J., & Vigilant, L. (2006). Father–daughter inbreeding avoidance in a wild primate population. Current Biology, 16(5), R156-R157. |