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Popli, D., Peyrégne, S., & Peter, B. M. (2023). KIN: a method to infer relatedness from low-coverage ancient DNA. Genome Biology, 24: 10.
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Liu, D., Peter, B. M., Schiefenhövel, W., Kayser, M., & Stoneking, M. (2022). Assessing human genome-wide variation in the Massim region of Papua New Guinea and implications for the Kula trading tradition. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39(8): msac165.
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Peter, B. M. (2022). A geometric relationship of F2, F3 and F4-statistics with principal component analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377(1852): 20200413.
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Peyrégne, S., Kelso, J., Peter, B. M., & Pääbo, S. (2022). The evolutionary history of human spindle genes includes back-and-forth gene flow with Neandertals. eLife, 11: e75464.
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Skov, L., Peyrégne, S., Popli, D. R., Iasi, L. N., Devièse, T., Slon, V., Zavala, E. I., Hajdinjak, M., Sümer, A., Grote, S., Bossoms Mesa, A., López Herráez, D., Nickel, B., Nagel, S., Richter, J., Essel, E., Gansauge, M.-T., Schmidt, A., Korlevic, P., Comeskey, D., Derevianko, A. P., Kharevich, A., Markin, S. V., Talamo, S., Douka, K., Krajcarz, M. T., Roberts, R. G., Higham, T., Viola, B., Krivoshapkin, A. I., Kolobova, K. A., Kelso, J., Meyer, M., Pääbo, S., & Peter, B. M. (2022). Genetic insights into the social organization of Neanderthals. Nature, 610, 519-525.
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Carlhoff, S., Duli, A., Nägele, K., Nur, M., Skov, L., Sumantri, I., Oktaviana, A. A., Hakim, B., Burhan, B., Syahdar, F. A., McGahan, D. P., Bulbeck, D., Perston, Y. L., Newman, K., Saiful, A. M., Ririmasse, M., Chia, S., Hasanuddin, Pulubuhu, D. A. T., Suryatman, Supriadi, Jeong, C., Peter, B. M., Prüfer, K., Powell, A., Krause, J., Posth, C., & Brumm, A. *. (2021). Genome of a middle Holocene hunter-gatherer from Wallacea. Nature, 596, 543-547.
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Evans, B. J., Peter, B., Melnick, D. J., Andayani, N., Supriatna, J., Zhu, J., & Tosi, A. J. (2021). Mitonuclear interactions and introgression genomics of macaque monkeys (Macaca) highlight the influence of behaviour on genome evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1960): 20211756.
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Hajdinjak, M., Mafessoni, F., Skov, L., Vernot, B., Hübner, A., Fu, Q., Essel, E., Nagel, S., Nickel, B., Richter, J., Moldovan, O. T., Constantin, S., Endarova, E., Zahariev, N., Spasov, R., Welker, F., Smith, G. M., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Paskulin, L., Fewlass, H., Talamo, S., Rezek, Z., Sirakova, S., Sirakov, N., McPherron, S. P., Tsanova, T., Hublin, J.-J., Peter, B., Meyer, M., Skoglund, P., Kelso, J., & Pääbo, S. (2021). Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry. Nature, 592, 253-257.
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Iasi, L. N., Ringbauer, H., & Peter, B. (2021). An extended admixture pulse model reveals the limitations to human-Neandertal introgression dating. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38(11), 5156-5174.
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Overcast, I., Ruffley, M., Rosindell, J., Harmon, L., Borges, P. A. V., Emerson, B. C., Etienne, R. S., Gillespie, R., Krehenwinkel, H., Mahler, D. L., Massol, F., Parent, C. E., Patiño, J., Peter, B., Week, B., Wagner, C., Hickerson, M. J., & Rominger, A. (2021). A unified model of species abundance, genetic diversity, and functional diversity reveals the mechanisms structuring ecological communities. Molecular Ecology Resources, 21(8), 2782-2800.
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Schörnig, M., Ju, X.-C., Fast, L., Weigert, A., Schaffer, T., Ebert, S., Treutlein, B., Kasri, N. N., Peter, B., Hevers, W., & Taverna, E. (2021). Comparison of induced neurons reveals slower structural and functional maturation in humans than in apes. eLife, 10: e59323.
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Vernot, B., Zavala, E. I., Gómez-Olivencia, A., Jacobs, Z., Slon, V., Mafessoni, F., Romagné, F., Pearson, A., Petr, M., Sala, N., Pablos, A., Aranburu, A., de Castro, J. M. B., Carbonell, E., Li, B., Krajcarz, M. T., Krivoshapkin, A. I., Kolobova, K. A., Kozlikin, M. B., Shunkov, M. V., Derevianko, A. P., Viola, B., Grote, S., Essel, E., López Herráez, D., Nagel, S., Nickel, B., Richter, J., Schmidt, A., Peter, B., Kelso, J., Roberts, R. G., Arsuaga, J.-L., & Meyer, M. (2021). Unearthing Neanderthal population history using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from cave sediments. Science, eabf1667.
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Mafessoni, F., Grote, S., de Filippo, C., Slon, V., Kolobova, K. A., Viola, B., Markin, S. V., Chintalapati, M., Peyrégne, S., Skov, L., Skoglund, P., Krivoshapkin, A. I., Derevianko, A. P., Meyer, M., Kelso, J., Peter, B., Prüfer, K., & Pääbo, S. (2020). A high-coverage Neandertal genome from Chagyrskaya Cave. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(26), 15132-15136.
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Massilani, D., Skov, L., Hajdinjak, M., Gunchinsuren, B., Tseveendorj, D., Yi, S., Lee, J., Nagel, S., Nickel, B., Devièse, T., Higham, T., Meyer, M., Kelso, J., Peter, B., & Pääbo, S. (2020). Denisovan ancestry and population history of early East Asians. Science, 370(6516), 579-583.
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Peter, B. M., Petkova, D., & Novembre, J. (2020). Genetic landscapes reveal how human genetic diversity aligns with geography. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 37(4), 943-951.
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Peyrégne, S., & Peter, B. M. (2020). AuthentiCT: A model of ancient DNA damage to estimate the proportion of present-day DNA contamination. Genome Biology, 21: 246.
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Peyrégne, S., & Prüfer, K. (2020). Present-Day DNA contamination in ancient DNA datasets. BioEssays, 42: 2000081.
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Skov, L., Macià, M. C., Sveinbjörnsson, G., Mafessoni, F., Lucotte, E. A., Einarsdóttir, M. S., Jonsson, H., Halldorsson, B., Gudbjartsson, D. F., Helgason, A., Schierup, M. H., & Stefansso, K. (2020). The nature of Neanderthal introgression revealed by 27,566 Icelandic genomes. Nature, 582, 78-83.
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Peyrégne, S., Slon, V., Mafessoni, F., de Filippo, C., Hajdinjak, M., Nagel, S., Nickel, B., Essel, E., Le Cabec, A., Wehrberger, K., Conard, N. J., Kind, C. J., Posth, C., Krause, J., Abrams, G., Bonjean, D., Di Modica, K., Toussaint, M., Kelso, J., Meyer, M., Pääbo, S., & Prüfer, K. (2019). Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe. Science Advances, 5(6): eaaw5873.
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