Natalia Fedorova
Abteilung für Verhalten, Ökologie und Kultur des Menschen
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0) 341 3550 320
natalia_fedorova@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]
Research Interests
Humans have a diverse set of settlement strategies, ranging from high-mobility foraging characterized by ephemeral shelter to high-density urban living in permanent settlements. Starting with experiments with sedentarism in the early Holocene, humans have now become a mainly urban species, with almost 60% of the global population living in urban environments. Yet, our understanding of where urban environments came from, how and why they persist, and why they spread is still in its infancy.
My doctoral research, under the supervision of Richard McElreath, Anne Kandler, and Bret A. Beheim, aims to develop an understanding of urbanisation that is in keeping with Human Behavioral Ecology (HBE). To do this, I am working on extending theory in HBE to account for urbanisation processes, as well as conducting an empirical study in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. In Ulaanbaatar, I work in the rapidly expanding regions of the city (the so called "ger districts") which provide an appropriate context in which to explore differential investment in housing given the heterogeneity of the built environment.
Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
2018-present | Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology Department of Human Behaviour, Ecology, and Culture PhD Candidate: The co-evolution of human settlement and human culture, Supervised by Richard McElreath, Anne Kandler, and Bret Beheim |
2016-2017 | University of Amsterdam M.Sc., Urban and Regional Planning (Cum Laude) Courses: Planning methodologies, Climate proof development of cities and strategic planning, Contemporary approaches in property-led urban planning, Metropolitan transportation planning, Innovative international planning practices, Planning research: empirical research methods and techniques I-City Master studio: Team project presenter and winner of best team project Master Thesis: Clusters and Co-location: The Spatial Geography of Innovation in Amsterdam, study addressing the location of innovative enterprises in relation to population factors at the city level. Supervised by Dr. Bas Hissink Muller. Graded as a 9.5/10, the highest in the year and seldom awarded |
2012-2016 | University of St Andrews M.A., Psychology, I (First class honors) Main focus: Evolution and cultural evolution Dissertation: Chimpanzee Greeting Behaviour, study addressing the vocalisations and gesturers used by chimpanzees during greeting instances. Supervised by Dr. Catherine Hobaiter. Graded as a first class thesis. Awards: Dean’s list 2015/2016 (credit-weighted mean at first class for the academic year) |
2010-2012 | Spojena Skola Novohradska High School, IB Diploma Subjects: Biology HL, English Literature HL, History HL, Psychology, Mathematics, Slovak (37 out of 45 points achieved) |
Research Experience
09/2017-03/2018 | Research guest Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Human Behaviour, Ecology, and Culture
2016-2017 | Independent research internship IN Architekti
2016 | Poster ECBB 2016
2015-2017 | Research project: Woodpecker cranial capacity and sociality Supervisor: Prof. Richard Byrne
2015-2016 | Research project: Perceptions of Bearded Faces Perception Lab, St Andrews
2015 | Workshop: “Mate Choice: A Fussy Affair ” Sexpression Scotland Conference 2015
2014-2015 | Research Assistant Perception Lab, St Andrews
2014-2015 | Research Assistant Edinburgh Zoo