Sven Grawunder
Abteilung für Verhalten, Ökologie und Kultur des Menschen
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (0) 341 3550 252
grawunder@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]
I am a speech scientist, phonetician and linguist. Currently I am working as a guest researcher collaborating with colleagues at the department of human behavior, ecology and culture and the primatology department. Before that I worked as post-doc research fellow at the linguistic department of the MPI EVA (2005 –2015).
General Research Interest
- comparative phonetics and vocal physiology of human primates
- linguistic voice quality/ phonation types and non-linguistic throat singing, throat games, overtone singing (
- modeling language change, especially sound change
- human linguistic & paralinguistic vocal behavior and social hierarchies
Current Projects
- phonetics of vocalizations in field data of wild chimpanzees in the Taï forests [joint work with Cathy Crockford (MPI EVA) and Natalie Uomini (MPI SSH, Jena)]
- comparative laryngeal anatomy of great apes [joint work with Gottfried Hohmann (MPI EVA), Alexander Stoessel (MPI EVA, Uni Jena) and Cathy Crockford (MPI EVA)]
Curriculum Vitae
since 1/2018 | guest researcher at the department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture |
6/2015-12/2017 | guest researcher at the primatology department of MPI EVA |
08/2009 | research fellow (scientist) at the linguistics department of MPI EVA Leipzig |
2010 | guest at Research training group GRK DFG 1624/1 "Frequency effects in language" |
2008-2009 | guest researcher at the linguistics department of MPI EVA Leipzig |
2005-2008 | postdoctoral researcher at the linguistics department of MPI EVA Leipzig |
2005 | PhD in Speech Science at Halle University |
2000-2004 | team member of the ALTAI-SAYAN-LANGUAGE-and-ETHNOGRAPHY-PROJECT[ASLEP (TOFA)] a DOBES Project funded by Volkswagen-Stiftung and hosted at MPI EVAN Leipzig |
2000-2004 | research associate at Institute for Speech Science and Phonetics, Halle University |
1999-2000 | study of Medical Physics at Halle University |
1999 | diploma in speech science at Halle University |
1998-1999 | therapist work as speech pathologist/therapist |
1992-1993 | civilian service at the clinics for Otorhinolaryngology, Halle University |
1990-1999 | study of Speech Science, Phonetics, German Linguistics, Japanology at Halle University and Netherlands Studies and Central Asian Studies at Leipzig University |
- GAL e.V. (German assoc. of applied linguistics)
Currently Cordula Schwarze and I chair the division "Phonetics and Speech Science" - IPA International Phonetic Association
- ISCA International Speech Communication Association
- LSA Linguistic Society of America
- ASA Acoustic Society of America
- gbs Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen e.V.
- ALT Association for Linguistic Typology
- mdvs mitteldt. verband für sprechwissenschaft e.V.
- Tuva 1998, 2000, 2001 (Tyvan)
- Khakassia 1998, 2000 (Khakas)
- Tofalaria 2001, 2002 (Tofa)
- Mongolia 2002 (varieties of Tyvan in Mongolia)
- Germany 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010 (Saxonian and Thuringian varieties of German)
- India 2006 (Santali, Gata', Bangla)
- Namibia 2006 (West !Xóon)
- Egypt 2007 (Ghulfan, a language from Sudan)
- Daghestan 2009 (Tsez, Hinuqh, Lezgi, Kumyk)
- Argentina 2012 (Vilela)
- phonetic segmental transcription (undergraduate level, WS 2001/2; SS200)
- phonetic suprasegmental transcription (undergraduate & graduate level)
- introduction to acouctic phonetics (undergraduate level, SS2003)
- paralinguistic analysis (graduate level, WS2003/4, WS2005/6)
- phonetic analysis (graduate level, WS2002/3, SS2005)
- experimental phonetics (graduate level, WS2004/5)
- pathophonetic analysis [clinical phonetics] (graduate level, WS2001/2; SS2005, WS 2006/7)
Lectures/ Lecture Series
- introductory statistics for speech scientists (lecture series, undergraduate level, winter 2014/15, summer 2015, summer 2016, U Halle)
- phonetic analysis "Phonetikanalysen (lecture series, undergraduate level, summer 2014, U Leipzig)
- "Phonetics vs. Phonology" (introductory lecture at IMPRS graduate school MPI EVA Leipzig, 05/2013)
- phonetic analysis "Phonetikanalysen" (lecture series, undergraduate level, summer 2011, U Leipzig)
- phonetic field methods (3 sessions as part of B. Bickel's field-methods seminar, SS2007, U Leipzig)
- Vom Atem über's Ohr zum Laut - Die Arbeitsgebiete der Phonetik
[From breath via ear to speech sound - the working fields of phonetics](lecture as part of E. Burr's introductory course in Roman studies, SS2008, U Leipzig) - Grundelemente der Phonetik und Phonologie [Basic elements of phonetics and phonology](lecture as part of the introductory course to Romance studies with Prof. E. Burr, WS2008/09, U Leipzig)
Seminars/ Workshops
- Working effectively with annotations - An introduction into the Praat scripting language (invited course MDVS and Halle University, 04-05/12/2015)
- Acoustic and prosodic analysis - Using Praat as a universal tool (invited course Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10-13/04/2012)
- Acoustic and prosodic analysis - Using Praat as a universal tool (invited course Universidad de San Juan, Argentina, 30/03-04/04/2012)
- Acoustic and prosodic analysis - Using Praat as a universal tool (invited course at University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico, 8-12/1/2007)
- Praat as tool for phonetic analysis (invited course at Seminar for Speech Science and Phonetics, Halle University,11-12/7/2008)
Co-supervised Thesis
2015 | Natalia Aralova "Vowel harmony in two Even dialects - Production and perception", U Amsterdam |
2014 | Sebastian Enkelmann "Individuelle Sprechpausendauerprofile und deren Veränderung bei zunehmender Wiederholung von reproduzierten identischen deutschen Sachtexten", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2012 | Christoph Walter "Phonetische Beschreibung der Umgangssprache in Blochwitz (Sachsen)", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2011 | Caroline Schniggenfitig "Untersuchung zur Validität und Stabilität von ausgewählten akustischen Parametern innerhalb größerer Korpora am Beispiel der Nachrichtenarche", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2005 | Birgit Hertha "Auditive und akustische Untersuchungen zur den mittleren Sprechstimmlagen von Nachrichtensprechern im öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Rundfunk", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2003 | Franziska Blumtritt "Verschiedene Gesichtspunkte zum Problem 'Stimme bei Mann-zu-Frau-Transsexuellen", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2016 | Tiedke, Dorothea "Stimmhöhenvarianz von Moderatoren in Morningshows", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2014 | Charlotte Rauch "Form-Funktions-Beziehungen von Begründungen in kindlicher Spielkommunikation", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2012-15 | Nastasia Herold "Atikamekw und Französisch - Bilingualismus in dem quebecischen IndianerInnenreservat Manawan", U Leipzig, Romanistik. |
2013 | Jonnia Torres "An Acoustic Analysis of Mandan Voiceless Stops", Northeastern Illinois U, Linguistics. |
2012 | Marianne Oertel "Stimmlicher Ausdruck von Höflichkeit bei deutschsprachigen Muttersprachlern in Deutschland", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2013 | Katharina Kluge "Gesangstechniken im Heavy Metal - eine qualitative Analyse von YouTube-Tutorials", U Halle, Sprechwissenschaft. |
2011 | Sophie Sumburane "Lauterwerb zwischen Standard und Variation: Eine Fallstudie zur kindlichen Variation zwischen Standard und Dialekt im obersächsischen Sprachraum", U Leipzig, Germanistik. |
Grawunder, S., Uomini, N., Samuni, L., Bortolato, T., Girard-Buttoz, C., Wittig, R. M., & Crockford, C. (2022). Chimpanzee vowel-like sounds and voice quality suggest formant space expansion through the hominoid lineage. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, 377(1841): 20200455. |
Bose, I., Grawunder, S., Schwarze, C., & Schwenke, A. (2022). Reliabilität und Inter-Annotator-Agreement bei der Prosodie-Transkription. In C. Schwarze, & S. Grawunder ( |
Schwarze, C., & Grawunder, S. ( |
Schwarze, C., & Grawunder, S. (2022). Einführung. In C. Schwarze, & S. Grawunder ( |
Winter, B., Oh, G. E., Hübscher, I., Idemaru, K., Brown, L., Prieto, P., & Grawunder, S. (2021). Rethinking the frequency code: a meta-analytic review of the role of acoustic body size in communicative phenomena. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1840). |
Wright, E., Grawunder, S., Ndayishimiye, E., Galbany, J., McFarlin, S. C., Stoinski, T. S., & Robbins, M. M. (2021). Chest beats as an honest signal of body size in male mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). Scientific Reports, 11: 6879. |
Grawunder, S., Crockford, C., Kalan, A. K., Clay, Z., Stoessel, A., & Hohmann, G. (2019). Response to Garcia and Dunn: No evidence that maximum fundamental frequency reflects selection for signal diminution in bonobos Response. Current Biology, 29(15), R734-R735. |
Grawunder, S., Crockford, C., Clay, Z., Kalan, A. K., Stevens, J. M., Stoessel, A., & Hohmann, G. (2018). Higher fundamental frequency in bonobos is explained by larynx morphology. Current Biology, 28(20), R1188-R1189. |
Seifart, F., Meyer, J., Grawunder, S., & Dentel, L. (2018). Reducing language to rhythm: Amazonian Bora drummed language exploits speech rhythm for long-distance communication. Royal Society Open Science, 5(4): 170354. |
Bose, I., Grawunder, S., & Schwarze, C. (2018). Alles RElativ oder relaTIV? Sprachwandel, (Standard-) Aussprache und DaF-Unterricht. In S. M. Moraldo ( |
Grawunder, S. (2017). The Caucasus. In R. Hickey ( |
Asmus, S., & Grawunder, S. (2017). Vowel length in Welsh monosyllables, its interrelation with Irish and other related problems: An acoustic study and its didactic implications. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. |
Grawunder, S., Schwarze, C., & Tworek, A. (2017). Persuasives Handeln im Spannungsfeld von Rhetorik und Phonetik. Studia Linguistica XXXV, Sonderheft. |
Grawunder, S., Uomini, N., & Crockford, C. (2017). Phonetische und korpus-linguistische Methoden bei der Analyse vokaler Kommunikation von freilebenden Schimpansen im Tai National Forest. In J. Trouvain ( |
Grawunder, S. (2015). Von "singenden Neandertalern" und "redenden Affen". Zur Evolution von Singen und Sprechen. In Singen und Sprechen (pp. 11-29). Berlin: Logos Verlag. |
Grawunder, S. (2015). Фонетические характеристики (неназализованных) гласных в бежтинском языке. Грамматика бежтинского языка. |
Grawunder, S., & Kettel, S. (2015). Anmoderieren/Überleiten/Antexten. Was passiert zwischen Meldung und Bericht in Hörfunknachrichten? SPIEL: eine Zeitschrift zur Medienkultur. Neue Folge, 1(1/2), 151-170. |
Grawunder, S., Asmus, S., & Anderson, C. (2015). On the correlation of acoustic vowel and coda duration in Modern Welsh C(C)VC monosyllables. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 ( |
Brown, L., Winter, B., Idemaru, K., & Grawunder, S. (2014). Phonetics and politeness: Perceiving Korean honorific and non-honorific speech through phonetic cues. Journal of Pragmatics, 66, 45-60. |
Roettger, T., Winter, B., Grawunder, S., Kirby, J., & Grice, M. (2014). Assessing incomplete neutralization of final devoicing in German. Journal of Phonetics, 43, 11-25. |
Grawunder, S. (2014). Wie schaukt a Pruag aos? - Stabile phonetische Unterschiede in Wortformen nach Auslautverhärtung in Tirol. In I. Bose, & B. Neuber ( |
Grawunder, S., & Golluscio, L. (2014). ¿Lengua o hablante? – Investigando las alternancias coronal-velares en vilela. LIAMES, 14, 41-72. |
Grawunder, S., Oertel, M., & Schwarze, C. (2014). Politeness, culture, and speaking task – paralinguistic prosodic behavior of speakers from Austria and Germany. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody (pp. 159-163). |
Lancia, L., & Grawunder, S. (2014). Tongue-larynx interactions in the production of word initial laryngealization over different prosodic contexts: A repeated speech experiment. In S. Fuchs, M. Grice, A. Hermes, L. Lancia, & D. Mücke ( |
Grawunder, S. (2013). Intensity slopes as robust measure for distinguishing glottalic vs pulmonic stop initiation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(5), 4069-4069. |
Winter, B., & Grawunder, S. (2012). The phonetic profile of Korean formal and informal speech registers. Journal of Phonetics, 40(6), 808-815. |
Grawunder, S. (2012). On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat singing – Extended Abstract. The Phonetician, 101/102, 25-32. Retrieved from |
Grawunder, S., & Hannken-Illjes, K. (2012). Die Kunst im Nicht-Künstlerischen und die Sprechwissenschaft in der GAL - Etwas mehr als ein Tagungsbericht. Sprechen: Zeitschrift für Sprechwiss., Sprechpädagogik, Sprechtherapie, Sprechkunst, 29(53), 33-36. |
Aralova, N., Grawunder, S., & Winter, B. (2011). The Acoustic Correlates of Tongue Root Vowel Harmony in Even (Tungusic). In Wai-Sum, Lee & Eric Zee ( |
Grawunder, S. (2011). Die Erforschung des Sprechens mittels Nachrichtenkorpora: die Nachrichtenarche der ARD. In I. Bose, & D. Schwiesau ( |
Grawunder, S., Winter, B., & Atoyebi, J. (2011). Voicing of Labiovelar Stops in Yoruba. In Wai-Sum, Lee & Eric Zee ( |
Rötter, T. B., Grawunder, S., & Winter, B. (2011). The Robustness of Incomplete Neutralization in German. In Wai-Sum, Lee & Eric Zee ( |
Winter, B., & Grawunder, S. (2011). The polite voice in Korean: searching for acoustic correlates of contaymal and panmal. In H.-M. Sohn ( |
Grawunder, S., & Winter, B. (2010). Acoustic correlates of politeness: prosodic and voice quality measures in polite and informal speech of Korean and German speakers. In Speech Prosody 2010. Retrieved from |
Grawunder, S., Simpson, A., & Khalilov, M. (2010). Phonetic characteristics of ejectives - samples from Caucasian languages. In Susanne Fuchs, Martine Toda, Marzena Żygis ( |
Grawunder, S., Simpson, A., & Khalilov, M. (2010). Phonetic characteristics of ejectives – samples from Caucasian languages. In S. Fuchs ( |
Blevins, J., & Grawunder, S. (2009). *KL > TL sound change in Germanic and elsewhere: Descriptions, explanations, and implications. Linguistic Typology, 13(2), 267-303. |
Grawunder, S. (2009). On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing. Berlin: Franke & Timme. |
Grawunder, S. (2009). The role of frequency as trigger in contact induced language change. In Proceedings of the International Conference "Teoretičeskie i metodičekie problemy nacional'no-russkogo dvuyazyčia" (pp. 388-392). |
Winter, B., & Grawunder, S. (2009). The physics of politeness: approaching politeness from a phonetic perspective. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference of THE ASSOCIATION FOR KOREAN STUDIES IN EUROPE (AKSE) (pp. 200-206). |
Grawunder, S. (2008). The phonetic nature of prosodeme qualities in Ket (Yeniseic). In Proceedings of XXV DULZON readings conference '08 (Sravnit'elno-istoričeskoe i tipologičekoe izučenie yazykov i kultur, Sbornik naučnyx trudov kafedry yazykov naradov Sibiri, TOM4) (pp. 223-228). |
Grawunder, S., & Bose, I. (2008). Average speaking pitch vs. average speaker fundamental frequency reliability, homogeneity, and self report of listener groups. In P. A. Barbosa ( |
Simpson, A., & Grawunder, S. (2008). Intraoral Pressure Variation in Nasal-Plosive and Plosive-Plosive Sequences in German. In R. Sock, S. Fuchs, & Y. Laprie ( |
Grawunder, S., Bose, I., Hertha, B., Trauselt, F., & Anders, L. C. (2006). Perceptive and acoustic measurement of average speaking pitch of female and male speakers in German radio news. In Interspeech 2006. Bonn: ISCA. |
Grawunder, S. (2005). On the physiology of voice production in South-Siberian throat singing. PhD Thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle. |
Grawunder, S. (2003). Comparison of Voice Production Types of Western Overtone Singing and South Siberian Throat Singing. In 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1698-1702). |
Grawunder, S. (2003). Der südsibirische Kehlgesang als Gegenstand phonetischer Untersuchungen. In E. M. Krech, & E. Stock ( |
Grawunder, S. (1999). Die Erforschung eines besonderen Stimmgebrauchs - Obertongesang versus Kehlgesang. Diploma Thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle. |
In preparation
Grawunder: KL/*TL and KN/*TN-Cluster realization in an areal perspective | |
Grawunder, Alieva, Khalilov: Weak and strong fricatives in Chamalal. | |
Grawunder, Abdulaev: Pharyngealization and pharyngeals in Tsez. | |
Grawunder, Mutalov: Pharyngealization and pharyngeals in Itsari Dargi | |
Grawunder, Abdulaev, Müller: Illustration of the IPA - Tsez. | |
Grawunder, Forker, Abdulaev, Khalilova, Khalilov: Gemination in Tsezic languages - phonetic analysis of samples from Bezhta, Hinukh and Tsez. | |
Grawunder, Winter, Lancia, Voigt: Labio-velar stops in Yoruba - acoustic, electroglottographic, aerodynamic and articulatory evidence. | |
Grawunder, Naumann: Clicks with noisy accompaniment in West !Xoon (Taa). | |
Grawunder, Ghosh: Phonetic Structures of Gta' (Munda). | |
Grawunder: Acoustic characteristics of Ket prosodemes. | |
Atoyebi, Grawunder: Illustration of the IPA - Òko. | |
Grawunder: Pharyngealization and uvularization in some East-German dialects. |
05/2016 | Melodies beyond fundamental frequency and formants beyond vowels. Towards the typology of throat-singing. Kolloquium zu Ehren Prof. Manfred Krifkas, ZAS, Berlin. |
05/2016 | Häufigkeit und Ausprägung des *KL > TL Wechsels im ostmitteldeutschen Sprachraum. Sprach-wissenschaftliche Vorträge am Institut für Germanistik in Leipzig (SPIGL), Universität Leipzig. |
12/2015 | Wieviel Kontrast ist nötig? – Zur gezielten Analyse subphonematischer Variation bei der Beschreibung arealer und soziolinguistischer Varietäten. Linguistisches Kolloquium, Institut für Skandinavistik, Frisistik und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. |
08/2015 | On the correlation of acoustic vowel and coda duration in Modern Welsh C(C)VC monosyllables. together with Asmus, S., C. Anderson. XVIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Science (ICPhS), Glasgow. |
03/2015 | Tonsprachen. invited talk. ESSV, KU Eichstätt |
06/2014 | Von singenden Neandertalern und redenden Affen. Zur Evolution von Singen und Sprechen. invited talk at 12. Leipziger Symposium for Kinder und Jugendstimme, Universität Leipzig |
12/2013 | Grawunder, S. Intensity slopes as robust measure for distinguishing glottalic vs pulmonic stop initiation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(5):40694069. ASA Meeting, San Francisco DOI |
12/2013 | with Winter, Bodo, Brown, Lucian, Idemaru, Kaori. Perceiving politeness from speech acoustics alone: A cross-linguistic study on Korean and English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(5):40724072. ASA Meeting San Francisco DOI |
10/2013 | New methods to explore the complexity of the behavior of the larynx and its interaction with breathing factors and configuration of the tongue. together with L. Lancia. talk at 4th summer school on "Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behavior, Aix-en-Provence 4th SPP summer school |
10/2013 | Speaker and areal specific paths of acquiring neutralization of final stops in German. talk at 4th summer school on "Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behavior, 4th SPP summer school, Aix-en-Provence |
10/2013 | Language or Speaker? Investigating coronal-velar alternations in Vilela together with Lucía Golluscio. poster presentation at 4th summer school on "Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behavior, 4th SPP summer school, Aix-en-Provence |
09/2013 | Community-basierte Ansätze zur Standardisierung von Dialekten und Minderheitenvarietäten. talk at 2. Sektionentagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V. 19.-20. September, RWTH Aachen |
08/2013 | Stop contrasts in Kurmanji Kurdish. Testing the ejective hypothesis.together with A. Geumann, C. Celebi, D. Stilo and G. Haig. talk at International conference of Iranian Languages, ICIL5, Bamberg |
06/2013 | Ejektive in den Sprachen des Kaukasus. invited talk at Institut für Empirische Sprachwissenschaft, Goethe University, Frankfurt (Main) |
11/2012 | Kehlgesang in Südsibirien. Analysen zur Ethnographie eines Stimmgebrauchs. invited talk at Germanistisches Institut, Universität Innsbruck |
10/2012 | What does a Frad look like? - Targeting the effect of incomplete neutralization. together with L.Lancia. talk at Phonetik & Phonologie (P&P8), Jena University |
03/2012 | Coronal-velar stop alternation in Vilela (Alternancia de oclusivas coronal-velar en vilela). together with L. Golluscio. talk at annual meeting of the Argentinian linguistic society, San Luis, Argentina |
08/2011 | The Robustness of Incomplete Neutralization in German. together with T. Röttgen, B. Winter. talk at ICPhS XVII (17-21 August 2011), Hong Kong |
08/2011 | Voicing of Labiovelar stops in Yoruba. together with B. Winter, J. Atoyebi. talk at ICPhS XVII (17-21 August 2011), Hong Kong |
08/2011 | The Acoustic Correlates of Tongue Root Vowel Harmony in Even (Tungusic). together with N. Aralova, B. Winter. talk at ICPhS XVII (17-21 August 2011), Hong Kong |
06/2011 | Vertical larynx position in cineradiographic data Correlating laryngeal height, glottal closure and vowel height. together with L. Lancia Assessing. Poster presentation at the 9th ISSP (June 20-23 2011), Montreal, Canada |
06/2011 | Phonetische Forschung an gesprochenen Nachrichten. invited talk at Linguistisches Kolloquium, Jena University |
05/2011 | The frequency distribution of selected phonological features in the Caucasus area. talk at Conference on Caucasian languages (May 13 -15, 2011), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig |
10/2010 | The Frequency Code Revisited: Are the Universalist Claims Substantiated? together with B. Winter. talk at "Phonetics Universals" conference, MPI EVA Leipzig |
10/2010 | Final Lengthening and Hesitation Signals in Korean Politeness Registers. together with B. Winter. poster presentation at P&P conference (15/16 Oct 2010), Frankfurt/Main |
10/2010 | Akustische Korrelate von Prosodie und Stimmqualität in höflichen vs. informellen Äußerungen bei Koreanern. together with B. Winter. talk at DGSS-Jahrestagung 2010 "Interpersonelle Kommunikation: Analyse und Optimierung" (09.10.2010), Uni Halle |
10/2010 | Phonetische Untersuchungen in Nachrichtenkorpora am Beispiel der NArche. together with I. Bose. talk at DGSS-Jahrestagung 2010 "Interpersonelle Kommunikation: Analyse und Optimierung" (10.10.2010), Uni Halle |
08/2009 | "The phonetic structure of lexical and grammatical Tones in Ghulfan (Kordofan-Nubian)." together with Williams, R., Jakobi, A., Comfort, J. Invited talk for NEW APPROACHES TO NUBIAN LANGUAGES AND HISTORY at WOCAL 6. |
08/2009 | "On the distribution of glottalization in the languages of the Caucasus typological and phonostatistical arguments." together with M. Cysouw. Talk accepted for ALT8, Berkeley |
06/2009 | The Physics of Politeness: Approaching Politeness from a Phonetic Perspective. together with B. Winter. Talk at the 24th Conference of the AKSE. |
05/2009 | "The role of frequency as trigger in contact induced language change". Talk at the International Conference "Teoretičeskie i metodičekie problemy nacional'no-russkogo dvuyazyčia"(27-29 May) DGU and RAN, Makhachkala |
03/2009 | Pharyngealization and Pharyngeals in Tsez.together with A. Müller, A. Abdulaev |
03/2009 | The Physics of Politeness: Approaching Korean Politeness from a Phonetic Perspective.together with B. Winter. 31st DGfS, Osnabrück |
12/2008 | Intraoral pressure variation in nasal-plosive and plosive-plosive sequences in German. together with A. Simpson. Poster at the 8th ISSP, Strasbourg |
08/2008 | "Evaluation of subjective measures in speech education/training and diagnostics the perception of average speaking pitch". at AILA'08, Essen |
07/2008 | "Voice production modes and vocal tract shape in South-Siberian throat-singing". invited talk at Acoustics'08, Paris |
06/2008 | "Clicks with noisy accompaniment in West !Xoon". together with C. Naumann. poster presentation at Acoustics'08, Paris |
06/2008 | Tomsk: Phonetic (re-)analysis of prosodeme qualities in Ket (Yeniseic). talk at XXV DULZON Readings conference, Tomsk |
03/2008 | "Pitch, speech rate and rhythm as speaking style characterizing parameters in German news presentation". together with H. Engert, H.Kaiser., S. Unger and Ines Bose. poster presentation |
09/2007 | Subjektive und semiobjektive Messmethoden in der Sprechwissenschaft. Abstract. annual meeting of GAL, Hildesheim, Germany |
09/2007 | "Towards the prosodic structure of words in Gta' (Munda)". Workshop "Phonological Words in South Asia and Southeast Asia". Leipzig University, Leipzig |
06/2007 | "A typology of throat singing". invited Institute-seminar talk at MPI EVAN, Leipzig |
06/2007 | Die Phonetik des Kehlgesangs. invited talk at U Trier |
01/2007 | "Pharyngealized Prosodeme Quality in Ket (Yeniseic)." Poster presentation at the LSA meeting,in Anaheim, CA. |
12/2006 | "Phonation Types - conceptional thoughts about a typologically oriented data base of linguistic voice quality." Work-in-progress talk at Linguistics Department MPI EVAN, Leipzig |
10/2006 | "Gta' phonetics and phonology". joined talk with Arun Gosh. Work-in-progress talk at Linguistics Department MPI EVAN, Leipzig |
09/2006 | "Ethnografie von Paralinguistika bei Sprach- und Dialektobsoleszenz". Jahrestagung der GAL 2006, Münster, Germany |
06/2006 | Charakterisierung des R-Lauts im Nordostthüringischen - ein Werkstattbericht.19. Sprechwissenschaftliche Fachtagung, 100 Jahre Fachgeschichte an der Universität Halle |
01/2006 | "How to make good audio recordings in the field?". workshop at LSA meeting, in Albuquerque |
5/12/2005 | Zur Physiologie der Stimmproduktion im südsibirischen Kehlgesang. dissertation defense presentation |
06/2004 | Dialektskizze der nordostthüringischen Mundart von Höhnstedt. Handout im Saalkreis Seminar Dialektgeographie des Deutschen, Germanistik, Uni-Halle |
08/2003 | "A comparison of voice production types of 'western' overtone singing and South Siberian throat singing". 15th ICPhS, Barcelona |
05/2003 | "Tofa - Documenation of an endangered language in Siberia". Linguistisches Kolloquium at Halle University |
11/2002 | "Throat-singing in South Siberia". invited talk, overtone singing festival at Haus der Kulturen, Berlin |
06/2002 | "Phonetic Features and Typology of South Siberian and Mongolian Throat Singing". invited talk at Linguistics Dep. of Ulan-Baator University |
11/2001 | Zur Ethnographie der paralinguistischen Eigenschaften des Sprechens. invited talk at Ehrenkolloquium in the honour of Prof. Eva Maria Krech |