Project Members
- David Gil
- Uri Tadmor
- Betty Litamahuputty
- Antonia Soriente
- Peter Cole (University of Delaware)
- Gabriella Hermon (University of Delaware)
- Soenjono Dardjowidjojo (Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya)
Acquisition of Jakarta Indonesian

The goal of the Acquisition Project was to record, transcribe, and enter into a computerized database, a corpus of naturalistic data from a large sample of Jakarta Indonesian child language.
A total of ten children were studied longitudinally over the course of four years. The children's ages at their first recordings ranged from 1:7 to 4:6, and each child was recorded at intervals of 7-10 days over a period of 2-4 years. In addition, data relating to each age group was used for latitudinal studies.
By the end of 2007, we planned to have the entire CHILDES database checked for quality control by our research supervisors.