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Genetic Diversity and Selection (Aida Andrés)

(Former group hosted by the Department of Evolutionary Genetics)

The group was a member of the Genetics Department from 2010 to 2017 and is moving to University College London.

Our main interest is to understand the influence that natural selection has played in the evolution of humans and other primates. We are intrigued by how adaptation has shaped the evolution of relevant phenotypes. How has natural selection influenced the acquisition of species-specific traits? What selective forces are responsible for phenotypic diversity within populations? How does past selection affect our present-day phenotypes?

At present, we are actively working on these main research areas:

Balancing selection

Balancing selection maintains advantageous diversity in populations by a variety of mechanisms. In humans it is responsible, for example, for the extreme levels of genetic diversity of the MHC locus, and for the fascinating equilibrium that maintains sickle-cell anemia alleles in malaria-suffering populations due to heterozygotes advantage. In other species, balancing selection maintains diversity that is crucial for sex determination, self-incompatibility, defense against pathogens, or escape from predators. Our goal is to understand the influence of balancing selection in the genome (its prevalence, conservation among populations and species, its most common targets) and to unravel the biological factors behind its signatures (its specific targets, the functional consequences of selected variants, their contribution to phenotypic diversity in populations). For this, we combine genomic approaches with detailed population genetics, computational, and experimental studies, that allow us to go from the genome to the phenotype.

Representative publications

  • de Filippo C, Key FM, Ghirotto S, Benazzo A, Meneu JR, Weihmann A; NISC Comparative Sequence Program, Parra G, Green ED, Andrés AM.
    Recent selection changes in human genes under long-term balancing selection.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 33: 1435-1447 (2016) [Full text][PDF]
  • Teixeira JC*, de Filippo C*, Weihmann A, Meneu JR, Racimo F, Dannemann M, Nickel B, Fischer A, Halbwax M, Andre C, Atencia R, Meyer M, Parra G, Paabo S, Andrés AM.
    Long-term balancing selection in LAD1 maintains a missense trans-species polymorphism in humans, chimpanzees and bonobos. 
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 1186-1196 (2015) [Full text][PDF]
  • Andrés AM*, Dennis MY* , Kretzschmar WW, Cannons JL, Lee-Lin SQ, Hurle B; NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Schwartzberg PL, Williamson SH, Bustamante CD, Nielsen R, Clark AG, Green ED.
    Balancing Selection Maintains a Form of ERAP2 that Undergoes Nonsense-Mediated Decay and Affects Antigen Presentation.
    PLoS Genetics 6:e1001157 (2010). [PubMed] [Full text] [PDF] [Supplementary Material]
  • [see also Cagan et al., MBE 2016 in Comparative Population Genomics section below]

Ancient DNA

Recent technological advances have enabled the production of high-quality genome sequences of several archaic Homo individuals. This provides an unprecedented opportunity to study extinct populations and the ancestors of present-day modern humans. We use these genomes to study ancestral and modern human populations, with particular emphasis on the effects of natural selection in their evolution.

Representative publications

  • Kuhlwilm M, Gronau I, Hubisz MJ, de Filippo C, Prado-Martinez J, Kircher M, Fu Q, Burbano HA, Lalueza-Fox C, de la Rasilla M, Rosas A, Rudan P, Brajkovic D, Kucan Ž, Gušic I, Marques-Bonet T, Andrés AM, Viola B, Pääbo S, Meyer M, Siepel A, Castellano S.
    Ancient gene flow from early modern humans into Eastern Neanderthals.
    Nature 530: 29–433 (2016) [Full text][PDF]
  • Dannemann D, Andrés AM, Kelso J.
    Introgression of Neandertal- and Denisovan-like Haplotypes Contributes to Adaptive Variation in Human Toll-like Receptors
    The American Journal of Human Genetics 98:22–33 (2016)
  • Castellano S, Parra G, Sánchez-Quinto FA, Racimo F, Kuhlwilm M, Kircher M, Sawyer S, Fu Q, Heinze A, Nickel B, Dabney J, Siebauer M, White L, Burbano HA, Renaud G, Stenzel U, Lalueza-Fox C, de la Rasilla M, Rosas A, Rudan P, Brajković D, Kucan Ž, Gušic I, Shunkov MV, Derevianko AP, Viola B, Meyer M, Kelso J, Andrés AM, Pääbo S.
    Patterns of coding variation in the complete exomes of three Neandertals.
    PNAS 111:6666-71 (2014). [Full text][PDF]
  • [See also Key et al., Nat Comm 2016 in Local adaptation above]

Local adaptation

Through series of migration events, humans have colonizing virtually every habitable corner of the globe. Settling in such different environments was possible thanks to both cultural and biological adaptations. Although genetic differences among human groups are few and largely neutral, a few genetic differences are responsible for important phenotypic traits, including medically-related phenotypes. We are interested in measuring to what extent local selective pressures have influenced the genetic make up of humans, and which mechanisms mediated adaptation to each environment. We are particularly interested in complex genetic processes underlying local adaptation, such as changes in the strength or type of natural selection, and polygenic adaptation.

Representative publications

  • Key FM, Fu Q, Romagné F, Lachmann M, Andrés AM.
    Human adaptation and population differentiation in the light of ancient genomes.
    Nature Communications 7:10775 (2016) [Full text][PDF]
  • Key FM, Peter B, Dennis MY, Huerta-Sánchez E, Tang W, Prokunina-Olsson L, Nielsen R, Andrés AM.
    Selection on a Variant Associated with Improved Viral Clearance Drives Local, Adaptive Pseudogenization of Interferon Lambda 4 (IFNL4).
    PLoS Genetics 10:e1004681 (2014). [Full text][PDF]
  • White L, Romagné F, Müller E, Erlebach E, Weihmann A, Parra G, Andrés AM, Castellano S.
    Genetic adaptation to levels of dietary selenium in recent human history.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 1507-1518 (2015) [Full text][PDF]
  • [See also de Filippo et al., MBE 2016 in Balancing selection above]
  • [See also Dannemann et al., AJHG 2016 in Ancient DNA below]

Comparative population genomics

Considerable knowledge has accumulated on the influence of natural selection in specific human populations. Still, little is known about the conservation of such selective pressures, both among human populations and across different species. Loci under similar selective pressures are likely affected by common environmental factors and are behind shared phenotypes; loci under species- or population-specific selection are likely affected by local selective forces and are responsible for differential traits. Through a number of genomic approaches we aim at helping establish the level of conservation of different types of natural selection, and at identifying loci that are responsible for species- and population-specific traits.

Representative publications

  • Cagan A*, Theunert C*, Laayouni H*, Santpere G*, Pybus M, Casals F, Prüfer K, Navarro A, Marques-Bonet T, Bertranpetit J#, Andrés AM#.
    Natural selection in the great apes.
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33:3268-3283 (2016) [Full text][PDF]
  • Manuel M*, Kuhlwilm M*, Frandsen P*, Sousa V, Desai T, Prado-Martinez J, Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Dupanloup I, Lao O, Hallast P, Schmidt JM, Heredia-Genestar JM, Benazzo A, Barbujani G, Peter B, Kuderna LFK, Casals F, Angedakin S, Arandjelovic M, Boesch C, Kühl H, Vigilant L, Langergraber K, Novembre J, Gut M, Gut I, Navarro A, Carlsen F, Andrés AM, Siegismund HR, Scally A, Excoffier L, Tyler-Smith C, Castellano S, Xue Y, Hvilsom C, Marques-Bonet T
    Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos. 
    Science 354:477-481 )2016). [Full text][PDF]
  • Prado-Martinez J, Sudmant PH, Kidd JM, Li H, Kelley JL, Lorente-Galdos B, Veeramah KR, Woerner AE, O'Connor TD, Santpere G, Cagan A, Theunert C, ..., Andrés AM, Wall JD, Bustamante CD, Hammer MF, Eichler EE, Marques-Bonet T.
    Great ape genetic diversity and population history.
    Nature 499:471-5 (2013). [PubMed] [Full text][PDF]
  • [See also Teixeira et al., MBE 2015 in Balancing selection above]

Former staff

  • Aida Andrés (Group leader)
  • Muslih Abdul-Aziz
  • Àngel Belmonte Aguirre
  • Bárbara Bitarello
  • Katalina Bobowik
  • Cesare de Filippo
  • Felix-M. Key
  • Philip Kleinert
  • Romain Laurent
  • Juan Ramón Meneu
  • Homa Papoli
  • Genís Parra
  • David Reher
  • Joshua Schmidt
  • João Teixeira



Han, S., de Filippo, C., Parra, G., Meneu Hernández, J. R., Laurent, R., Frandsen, P., Hvilsom, C., Gronau, I., Marques-Bonet, T., Kuhlwilm, M., & Andrés, A. M. (2024). Deep genetic substructure within bonobos. Current Biology, 34(22): e3, pp. 5341-5348.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   


Zavala, E. I., Jacobs, Z., Vernot, B., Shunkov, M. V., Kozlikin, M. B., Derevianko, A. P., Essel, E., de Filippo, C., Nagel, S., Richter, J., Romagné, F., Schmidt, A., Li, B., O'Gorman, K., Slon, V., Kelso, J., Pääbo, S., Roberts, R. G., & Meyer, M. (2023). The occupational history of Denisova Cave. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 180(S75), 199-200.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   


Schmidt, J., de Manuel, M., Marques-Bonet, T., Castellano, S., & Andrés, A. M. (2019). The impact of genetic adaptation on chimpanzee subspecies differentiation. PLOS Genetics, 15(11), 1-32.
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Giner-Delgado, C., Villatoro, S., Lerga-Jaso, J., Gayà-Vidal, M., Oliva, M., Castellano, D., Pantano, L., Bitarello, B. D., Izquierdo, D., Noguera, I., Olalde, I., Delprat, A., Blancher, A., Lalueza-Fox, C., Esko, T., O’Reilly, P. F., Andrés, A. M., Ferretti, L., Puig, M., & Cáceres, M. (2019). Evolutionary and functional impact of common polymorphic inversions in the human genome. Nature Communications, 10(4222).
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Bokelmann, L., Hajdinjak, M., Peyrégne, S., Brace, S., Essel, E., de Filippo, C., Glocke, I., Grote, S., Mafessoni, F., Nagel, S., Kelso, J., Prüfer, K., Vernot, B., Barnes, I., Pääbo, S., Meyer, M., & Stringer, C. (2019). A genetic analysis of the Gibraltar Neanderthals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(31), 15610-15615.
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Peyrégne, S., Slon, V., Mafessoni, F., de Filippo, C., Hajdinjak, M., Nagel, S., Nickel, B., Essel, E., Le Cabec, A., Wehrberger, K., Conard, N. J., Kind, C. J., Posth, C., Krause, J., Abrams, G., Bonjean, D., Di Modica, K., Toussaint, M., Kelso, J., Meyer, M., Pääbo, S., & Prüfer, K. (2019). Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe. Science Advances, 5(6): eaaw5873.
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Key, F. M., Abdul-Aziz, M. A., Mundry, R., Peter, B. M., Sekar, A., D'Amato, M., Dennis, M. Y., Schmidt, J. M., & Andrés, A. M. (2018). Human local adaptation of the TRPM8 cold receptor along a latitudinal cline. PLoS Genetics, 14(5): e1007298.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Bitarello, B. D., de Filippo, C., Teixeira, J. C., Schmidt, J. M., Kleinert, P., Meyer, D., & Andrés, A. M. (2018). Signatures of long-term balancing selection in human genomes. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10(3), 939-955.
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Prüfer, K., Filippo, C. d., Grote, S., Mafessoni, F., Korlevic, P., Hajdinjak, M., Vernot, B., Skov, L., Hsieh, P., Peyrégne, S., Reher, D., Hopfe, C., Nagel, S., Maricic, T., Fu, Q., Theunert, C., Rogers, R., Skoglund, P., Chintalapati, M., Dannemann, M., Nelson, B. J., Key, F. M., Rudan, P., Kucan, Ž., Gušic, I., Golovanova, L. V., Doronichev, V. B., Patterson, N., Reich, D., Eichler, E. E., Slatkin, M., Schierup, M. H., Andrés, A. M., Kelso, J., Meyer, M., & Pääbo, S. (2017). A high-coverage Neandertal genome from Vindija Cave in Croatia. Science, 358(6363), 655-658.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Reher, D., Klink, B., Deutsch, A., & Voss-Böhme, A. (2017). Cell adhesion heterogeneity reinforces tumour cell dissemination: Novel insights from a mathematical model. Biology Direct, 12: 18.
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de Manuel, M., Kuhlwilm, M., Frandsen, P., Sousa, V. C., Desai, T., Prado-Martinez, J., Hernandez-Rodriguez, J., Dupanloup, I., Lao, O., Hallast, P., Schmidt, J. M., Heredia-Genestar, J. M., Benazzo, A., Barbujani, G., Peter, B. M., Kuderna, L. F. K., Casals, F., Angedakin, S., Arandjelovic, M., Boesch, C., Kühl, H. S., Vigilant, L., Langergraber, K., Novembre, J., Gut, M., Gut, I., Navarro, A., Carlsen, F., Andrés, A. M., Siegismund, H. R., Scally, A., Excoffier, L., Tyler-Smith, C., Castellano, S., Xue, Y., Hvilsom, C., & Marques-Bonet, T. (2016). Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos. Science, 354(6311), 477-481.
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Lobon, I., Tucci, S., de Manuel, M., Ghirotto, S., Benazzo, A., Prado-Martinez, J., Lorente-Galdos, B., Nam, K., Dabad, M., Hernandez-Rodriguez, J., Comas, D., Navarro, A., Schierup, M. H., Andrés, A. M., Barbujani, G., Hvilsom, C., & Marques-Bonet, T. (2016). Demographic history of the genus Pan inferred from whole mitochondrial genome reconstructions. Genome Biology and Evolution, 8(10), 2020-2030.
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de Filippo, C., Key, F. M., Ghirotto, S., Benazzo, A., Meneu, J. R., Weihmann, A., NISC Comparative Sequence Program, Parra, G., Green, E. D., & Andrés, A. M. (2016). Recent selection changes in human genes under long-term balancing selection. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(6), 1435-1447.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Meyer, M., Arsuaga, J.-L., de Filippo, C., Nagel, S., Aximu-Petri, A., Nickel, B., Martínez, I., Gracia, A., Bermúdez de Castro, J. M., Carbonell, E., Viola, B., Kelso, J., Prüfer, K., & Pääbo, S. (2016). Nuclear DNA sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos hominins. Nature, 531(7595), 504-507.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Key, F. M., Fu, Q., Romagné, F., Lachmann, M., & Andrés, A. M. (2016). Human adaptation and population differentiation in the light of ancient genomes. Nature Communications, 7: 10775.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Andrés, A. M., Dannemann, M., Teixeira, J. C., & Kelso, J. (2016). Balancing selection and adaptive introgression as sources of advantageous genetic diversity in populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(S62), 80-81.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Kuhlwilm, M., Gronau, I., Hubisz, M. J., de Filippo, C., Prado-Martinez, J., Kircher, M., Fu, Q., Burbano, H. A., Lalueza-Fox, C., de la Rasilla, M., Rosas, A., Rudan, P., Brajkovic, D., Kucan, Ž., Gušic, I., Marques-Bonet, T., Andrés, A. M., Viola, B., Pääbo, S., Meyer, M., Siepel, A., & Castellano, S. (2016). Ancient gene flow from early modern humans into Eastern Neanderthals. Nature, 530(7591), 429-433.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Dannemann, M., Andrés, A. M., & Kelso, J. (2016). Introgression of Neandertal- and Denisovan-like haplotypes contributes to adaptive variation in human toll-like receptors. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 98(1), 22-33.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Cagan, A., Theunert, C., Laayouni, H., Santpere, G., Pybus, M., Casals, F., Prüfer, K., Navarro, A., Marques-Bonet, T., Bertranpetit, J., & Andrés, A. M. (2016). Natural selection in the great apes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(12), 3268-3283.
Open Access    DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Key, F. M. (2016). Human adaptation in the light of ancient and modern genomes. PhD Thesis, Univ., Leipzig.
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Teixeira, J. C., de Filippo, C., Weihmann, A., Meneu, J. R., Racimo, F., Dannemann, M., Nickel, B., Fischer, A., Halbwax, M., Andre, C., Atencia, R., Meyer, M., Parra, G., Pääbo, S., & Andrés, A. M. (2015). Long-term balancing selection in LAD1 maintains a missense trans-species polymorphism in humans, chimpanzees and bonobos. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32(5), 1186-1196.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

White, L., Romagné, F., Müller, E., Erlebach, E., Weihmann, A., Parra, G., Andrés, A. M., & Castellano, S. (2015). Genetic adaptation to levels of dietary selenium in recent human history. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32(6), 1507-1518.
DOI    PubMed    BibTeX   Endnote   


Andrés, A. M., & Nowick, K. (Eds.). (2014). Genetics of human evolution [Special Issue]. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 29.
BibTeX   Endnote   

Andrés, A. M., & Nowick, K. (2014). Editorial overview: Genetics of human evolution: The genetics of human origins. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 29, v-vii.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Key, F. M., Teixeira, J. C., de Filippo, C., & Andrés, A. M. (2014). Advantageous diversity maintained by balancing selection in humans. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 29, 45-51.
DOI    PubMed    BibTeX   Endnote   

Key, F. M., Peter, B., Dennis, M. Y., Huerta-Sanchez, E., Tang, W., Prokunina-Olsson, L., Nielsen, R., & Andrés, A. M. (2014). Selection on a variant associated with improved viral clearance drives local, adaptive pseudogenization of Interferon Lambda 4 (IFNL 4). PLoS Genetics, 10(10): e1004681.
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Prüfer, K., Racimo, F., Patterson, N., Jay, F., Sankararaman, S., Sawyer, S., Heinze, A., Renaud, G., Sudmant, P. H., de Filippo, C., Li, H., Mallick, S., Dannemann, M., Fu, Q., Kircher, M., Kuhlwilm, M., Lachmann, M., Meyer, M., Ongyerth, M., Siebauer, M. F., Theunert, C., Tandon, A., Moorjani, P., Pickrell, J., Mullikin, J. C., Vohr, S. H., Green, R. E., Hellmann, I., Johnson, P. L. F., Blanche, H., Cann, H., Kitzman, J. O., Shendure, J., Eichler, E. E., Lein, E. S., Bakken, T. E., Golovanova, L. V., Doronichev, V. B., Shunkov, M. V., Derevianko, A. P., Viola, B., Slatkin, M., Reich, D., Kelso, J., & Pääbo, S. (2014). The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains. Nature, 505(7481), 43-49.
DOI    BibTeX   Endnote   

Castellano, S., Parra, G., Sánchez-Quinto, F. A., Racimo, F., Kuhlwilm, M., Kircher, M., Sawyer, S., Fu, Q., Heinze, A., Nickel, B., Dabney, J., Siebauer, M. F., White, L., Burbano, H. A., Renaud, G., Stenzel, U., Lalueza-Fox, C., de la Rasilla, M., Rosas, A., Rudan, P., Brajkovic, D., Kucan, Ž., Gušic, I., Shunkov, M. V., Derevianko, A. P., Viola, B., Meyer, M., Kelso, J., Andrés, A. M., & Pääbo, S. (2014). Patterns of coding variation in the complete exomes of three Neandertals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(18), 6666-6671.
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Hajdinjak, M., Korlević, P., Gansauge, M.-T., Dabney, J., Slon, V., Glocke, I., Sawyer, S., Nickel, B., Nagel, S., Gerber, T., Hopfe, C., Stenzel, U., Renaud, G., Andrés, A. M., Castellano, S., Kelso, J., Prüfer, K., Meyer, M., & Pääbo, S. (2014). Neandertal genetic diversity. Poster presented at XVII World UISPP Congress, Burgos, Spain.
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Prado-Martinez, J., Sudmant, P. H., Kidd, J. M., Li, H., Kelley, J. L., Lorente-Galdos, B., Veeramah, K. R., Woerner, A. E., O’Connor, T. D., Santpere, G., Cagan, A., Theunert, C., Casals, F., Laayouni, H., Munch, K., Hobolth, A., Halager, A. E., Malig, M., Hernandez-Rodriguez, J., Hernando-Herraez, I., Prüfer, K., Pybus, M., Johnstone, L., Lachmann, M., Alkan, C., Twigg, D., Petit, N., Baker, C., Hormozdiari, F., Fernandez-Callejo, M., Dabad, M., Wilson, M. L., Stevison, L., Camprubí, C., Carvalho, T., Ruiz-Herrera, A., Vives, L., Mele, M., Abello, T., Kondova, I., Bontrop, R. E., Pusey, A., Lankester, F., Kiyang, J. A., Bergl, R. A., Lonsdorf, E., Myers, S., Ventura, M., Gagneux, P., Comas, D., Siegismund, H., Blanc, J., Agueda-Calpena, L., Gut, M., Fulton, L., Tishkoff, S. A., Mullikin, J. C., Wilson, R. K., Gut, I. G., Gonder, M. K., Ryder, O. A., Hahn, B. H., Navarro, A., Akey, J. M., Bertranpetit, J., Reich, D., Mailund, T., Schierup, M. H., Hvilsom, C., Andrés, A. M., Wall, J. D., Bustamante, C. D., Hammer, M. F., Eichler, E. E., & Marques-Bonet, T. (2013). Great ape genetic diversity and population history. Nature, 499, 471-475.
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Ferreira, Z., Seixas, S., Andrés, A. M., Kretzschmar, W. W., Mullikin, J. C., Cherukuri, P. F., Cruz, P., Swanson, W. J., Clark, A. G., Green, E. D., & Hurle, B. (2013). Reproduction and immunity-driven natural selection in the human WFDC locus. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30(4), 938-950.
DOI    PubMed    BibTeX   Endnote   

Ferreira, Z., Hurle, B., Andrés, A. M., Kretzschmar, W. W., Mullikin, J. C., Cherukuri, P. F., Cruz, P., Gonder, M. K., Stone, A. C., Tishkoff, S., Swanson, W. J., NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Green, E. D., Clark, A. G., & Seixas, S. (2013). Sequence diversity of Pan troglodytes subspecies and the impact of WFDC6 selective constraints in reproductive immunity. Genome Biology and Evolution, 5(12), 2512-2523.
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Meyer, M., Kircher, M., Gansauge, M.-T., Li, H., Racimo, F., Mallick, S., Schraiber, J. G., Jay, F., Prüfer, K., Filippo, C. d., Sudmant, P. H., Alkan, C., Fu, Q., Do, R., Rohland, N., Tandon, A., Siebauer, M., Green, R. E., Bryc, K., Briggs, A. W., Stenzel, U., Dabney, J., Shendure, J., Kitzman, J., Hammer, M. F., Shunkov, M. V., Derevianko, A. P., Patterson, N., Andrés, A. M., Eichler, E. E., Slatkin, M., Reich, D., Kelso, J., & Pääbo, S. (2012). A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. Science, 338(6104), 222-226.
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Prüfer, K., Munch, K., Hellmann, I., Akagi, K., Miller, J. R., Walenz, B., Koren, S., Sutton, G., Kodira, C., Winer, R., Knight, J. R., Mullikin, J. C., Meader, S. J., Ponting, C. P., Lunter, G., Higashino, S., Hobolth, A., Dutheil, J., Karakoç, E., Alkan, C., Sajjadian, S., Catacchio, C. R., Ventura, M., Marques-Bonet, T., Eichler, E. E., André, C., Atencia, R., Mugisha, L., Junhold, J., Patterson, N., Siebauer, M., Good, J. M., Fischer, A., Ptak, S. E., Lachmann, M., Symer, D. E., Mailund, T., Schierup, M. H., Andrés, A. M., Kelso, J., & Pääbo, S. (2012). The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes. Nature, 486(7404), 527-531.
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Andrés, A. M. (2011). Balancing selection in the human genome. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Chichester [u.a.]: Wiley.
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Andrés, A. M., Dennis, M. Y., Kretzschmar, W. W., Cannons, J. L., Lee-Lin, S.-Q., Hurle, B., NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Schwartzberg, P. L., Williamson, S. H., Bustamante, C. D., Nielsen, R., Clark, A. G., & Green, E. D. (2010). Balancing selection maintains a form of ERAP2 that undergoes nonsense-mediated decay and affects antigen presentation. PLoS Genetics, 6(10): e1001157.
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Selected publications before 2010

Andrés AM, Hubisz MJ, Indap A, Torgerson DG, Degenhardt JD, Boyko AR, Gutenkunst RN, White TJ, Green ED, Bustamante CD, Clark AG, Nielsen R. (2009). Targets of balancing selection in the human genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26:2755-64.
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Castellano S*, Andrés AM*, Bosch E, Bayes M, Guigó R, Clark AG. (2009). Low exchangeability of selenocysteine, the 21st amino acid, in vertebrate proteins. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26:2031-40.
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* Denotes equal contribution.

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