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Connor Davis

Doctoral student

Abteilung für Verhalten, Ökologie und Kultur des Menschen
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig

E-Mail: connor_davis@[>>> Please remove the text! <<<]eva.mpg.de

Research Interests

My research broadly seeks to understand human adaptation to and cognition of environmental change – both in terms of local ecological fluctuations and long-term climate change. Specifically, I investigate how environmental seasonality influences predictions individuals make about future ecological conditions and how these inferences structure personal economic decisions, community-based collective action, and even human health outcomes. My fieldwork is primarily conducted in Baja California Sur, Mexico among rural ranching and coastal fishing communities, in collaboration with projects led by Shane Macfarlan at the University of Utah. Currently, I study under the supervision of Jeffrey Andrews as a PhD candidate in the Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and Culture.

Curriculum Vitae


2023 – presentPhD Candidate
Department of Human Behavior, Ecology, and Culture
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
2021 – 2023MS Anthropology
Department of Anthropology, University of Utah
Supervisors: Shane Macfarlan, Brian Codding, Thomas Kraft, Ryan Schacht
2016 – 2021BS Economics
Department of Economics, University of Utah
2016 – 2021BS Political Science
Department of Political Science, University of Utah
2016 – 2021BA International Studies
International Studies, University of Utah
2016 – 2021BA Anthropology
Department of Anthropology, University of Utah


Macfarlan SJ, Schacht R, McCool WC, Davis C, Yerman A, Higuera Landeros FJ, & Amador Amador M. 2023. Decision-making under climate shocks and economic insecurity: Ranching in rural Baja California Sur, Mexico. Evolution and Human Behavior. 44(5), 515–523

Davis CA, Redhead D, Macfarlan SJ. 2022. Political alliance formation and cooperation networks in the Utah State legislature. Human Nature 33(1).

Macfarlan SJ, Schacht R, Bourland I, Kapp S, Glad T, Lewis L, Claflin S, Darmiento N, Clegg T, Thorpe C, Peppelar T, Nguyen B, Hall RG, Davis CA, Santiago M, Henrickson C. 2021. NDVI predicts birth seasonality in historical Baja California Sur, Mexico: Adaptive responses to arid ecosystems and the North American Monsoon. Biodemography and Social Biology 66(2).